Selected Papers |
2021 | Renjie Liao, Raquel Urtasun, Richard Zemel. "A PAC-Bayesian approach to generalization bounds for graph neural networks." ICLR 2021. |
2021 | Mengye Ren, Michael Iuzzolino, Michael Mozer, Richard Zemel. "Wandering within a world: Online contextualized few-shot learning." ICLR 2021. |
2021 | James Lucas, Mengye Ren, Irene Kameni, Toni Pitassi, Richard Zemel. "Theoretical bounds on estimation error for meta-learning." ICLR 2021. |
2021 | Jake Snell, Richard Zemel. "Bayesian few-shot classification with one-vs-each Polya-Gamma augmented Gaussian Processes." ICLR 2021. |
2021 | Zhewei Sun, Richard Zemel, Yang Xu. "A computational framework for slang generation." Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 9: 478-462. |
2021 | James Lucas, Juhan Bae, Michael Zhang, Stanislav Fort, Richard Zemel, Roger Grosse. "On monotonic linear interpolation of neural network parameters." ICML 2021. |
2021 | Eleni Triantafillou, Hugo Larochelle, Richard Zemel, Vincent Dumoulin. "Universal template for few-shot dataset generalization." ICML 2021. |
2021 | Alex Wang, Mengye Ren, Richard Zemel. "SketchEmbedNet: Learning novel concepts by imitating drawings." ICML 2021. |
2021 | Elliot Creager, Joern Jacobsen, Richard Zemel. "Environment inference for invariant learning." ICML 2021. |
2020 | Robert Geirhos, Jörn-Henrik Jacobsen, Claudio Michaelis, Richard Zemel, Wieland Brendel, Matthias Bethge, Felix Wichmann . "Shortcut learning in deep neural networks." Nature Machine Intelligence. 2. |
2020 | Ethan Fetaya, Joern-Henrik Jacobsen, Will Grathwohl, Richard Zemel. "Understanding the limitations of conditional generative models." ICLR 2020. |
2020 | Will Grathwohl, Jackson Wang, Jorn Jacobsen, David Duvenaud, Richard Zemel. "Cutting out the middle-man: Training and evaluating energy-based models without sampling." ICML 2020. |
2020 | Elliot Creager, David Madras, Toni Pitassi, Richard Zemel. "Causal modeling for fairness in dynamical systems." ICML 2020. |
2020 | Martin Mladenov, Elliot Creager, O Ben-Porat, Kevin Swersky, Richard Zemel, Craig Boutilier. "Optimizing long-term social welfare in recommender systems: A constrained matching approach.." ICML 2020. |
2019 | Seyed Kamyar Seyed Ghasemipour, Richard Zemel, Shane Gu. "A divergence minimization perspective on imitation learning methods." CoRL 2019 [Best Paper Award]. |
2019 | Renjie Liao, Yujia Li, Yang Song, Shenlong Wang, Charlie Nash, William Hamilton, David Duvenaud, Raquel Urtasun, Richard Zemel. "Efficient graph generation with graph recurrent attention networks." NeurIPS 2019. |
2019 | Seyed Kamyar Seyed Ghasemipour, Shane Gu, Richard Zemel. "SMILe: Scalable meta inverse reinforcement learning through context-conditional policies." NeurIPS 2019. |
2019 | Mengye Ren, Renjie Liao, Ethan Fetaya, Richard Zemel. " Incremental few-shot learning with attention attractor networks." NeurIPS 2019. |
2019 | Marc-Etienne Brunet, Colleen Alkalay-Houlihan, Ashton Anderson, Richard Zemel. "Understanding the origins of bias in word embedding." ICML. |
2019 | Marc Law, Renjie Liao, Jake Snell, Richard Zemel. "Lorentzian distance learning for hyperbolic representations." ICML. [web page] |
2019 | Elliot Creager, David Madras, Joern-Henrik Jacobsen, Marissa Weis, Kevin Swersky, Toniann Pitassi, Richard Zemel. "Flexibly fair representation learning by disentanglement." ICML. [web page] |
2019 | Marc Law, Jake Snell, Amir-massoud Farahmand, Raquel Urtasun, Richard Zemel. "Dimensionality reduction for representing the knowledge of probabilistic models." ICLR. |
2019 | James Lucas, Shengyang Sun, Richard Zemel, Roger Grosse. "Aggregated momentum: Stability through passive damping." ICLR. [web page] |
2019 | Jörn-Henrik Jacobsen, Jens Behrmann, Richard Zemel, Matthias Bethge. "Excessive invariance causes adversarial vulnerability." ICLR. [web page] |
2019 | Renjie Liao, Zhizhen Zhao, Raquel Urtasun, Richard Zemel. "LanczosNet: Multi-scale deep graph convolutional networks." ICLR. [web page] |
2019 | David Madras, Elliot Creager, Toni Pitassi, Richard Zemel. "Fairness through causal awareness: Learning causal latent-variable models for biased data.." Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparencey (FAT*). |
2018 | Lisa Zhang, Gregory Rosenblatt, Ethan Fetaya, Renjie Liao, William Byrd, Matthew Might, Raquel Urtasun, Richard Zemel.. "Neural guided constraint logic programming for program synthesis." NIPS. [pdf] |
2018 | David Madras, Toni Pitassi, Richard Zemel. "Predict responsibly: improving fairness and accuracy by learning to defer." NIPS. [pdf] |
2018 | Jack Klys, Jake Snell, Richard Zemel. "Learning latent subspaces in variational autoencoders." NIPS. [pdf] |
2018 | Thomas Kipf, Ethan Fetaya, Kuan-Chieh Wang, Max Welling, Richard Zemel. "Neural relational inference for interacting systems." ICML. [pdf] |
2018 | Kuan-Chieh Wang, Paul Vicol, James Lucas, Li Gu, Roger Grosse, Richard Zemel. "Adversarial distillation of Bayesian neural network posteriors." ICML. [pdf] |
2018 | David Madras, Elliot Creager, Toniann Pitassi, Richard Zemel. "Learning adversarially fair and transferable representations." ICML. [pdf] |
2018 | Renjie Liao, Yuwen Xiong, Ethan Fetaya, Lisa Zhang, KiJung Yoon, Zachary Pitkow, Raquel Urtasun, Richard Zemel. "Reviving and improving recurrent back-propagation." ICML. [pdf] |
2018 | Amir Rosenfeld, Richard Zemel, John K. Tsotsos. "The elephant in the room." arxiv. |
2017 | Eleni Triantafillou, Richard Zemel, Raquel Urtasun. "Few-shot learning through an information retrieval lens." NIPS. [pdf] |
2017 | Yujia Li, Alexander Schwing, Kuan-Chieh Wang, Richard Zemel. "Dualing GANs." NIPS. [pdf] |
2017 | Christos Louizos, Uri Shalit, Joris Mooij, David Sontag, Richard Zemel, Max Welling. "Causal effect inference with deep latent-variable models." NIPS. [pdf] |
2017 | Marc Law, Raquel Urtasun, Richard Zemel. "Deep spectral clustering learning." ICML. [pdf, web page] |
2017 | Marc Law, Yaoling Yu, Raquel Urtasun, Richard Zemel, Eric Xing. "Efficient multiple Instance metric learning using weakly supervised data." CVPR. [pdf] |
2017 | Jake Snell, Kevin Swersky, Richard Zemel. "Prototypical networks for few-shot learning." NIPS. [pdf, pdf] |
2017 | Jake Snell, Richard Zemel. "Stochastic segmentation trees." UAI. [pdf, pdf] |
2017 | Jake Snell, Karl Ridgeway, Renjie Liao, Brett Roads, Michael C. Mozer & Richard S. Zemel. "Learning to generate images with perceptual similarity metrics." ICIP. 11. 11. [pdf, pdf] |
2017 | Mengye Ren, Renjie Liao, Raquel Urtasun, Fabian H. Sinz, Richard S. Zemel. "Normalizing the normalizers: Comparing and extending network normalization schemes." ICLR 2017. [web page] |
2017 | Mengye Ren and Richard Zemel. "End-to-end instance segmentation with recurrent attention." CVPR. [pdf, code] |
2016 | Eleni Triantafillou, Jamie Ryan Kiros, Raquel Urtasun, Richard Zemel. " Towards generalizable sentence embeddings ." ACL Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP. [pdf] |
2016 | Christos Louizos, Kevin Swersky, Yujia Li, Max Welling, Richard Zemel. "The variational fair autoencoder." ICLR 2016. [pdf] |
2016 | Yujia Li, Daniel Tarlow, Marc Brockschmidt, Richard Zemel. "Gated graph sequence neural networks." ICLR 2016. [pdf] |
2016 | Yang Song, Alex Schwing, Richard Zemel, Raquel Urtasun. "Training deep neural networks via direct loss minimization." ICML 2016. [pdf] |
2016 | Kuan-Chieh Wang, Richard Zemel. "Classifying NBA offensive plays using neural networks." Sloan Sports Analytics Conference. [pdf] |
2016 | Wenjie Luo, Yujia Li, Raquel Urtasun, Richard Zemel. "Understanding the effective receptive field in deep convolutional neural networks." NIPS 2016. [pdf, poster] |
2016 | Renjie Liao, Alexander Schwing, Richard Zemel, Raquel Urtasun. "Learning deep parsimonious representations." NIPS 2016. [pdf, poster] |
2015 | Ryan Kiros, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Richard Zemel. "Unifying visual-semantic embeddings with multimodal neural language models." TACL, To Appear. [pdf, web page, code] |
2015 | Ryan Kiros, Yukun Zhu, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Richard S. Zemel, Antonio Torralba, Raquel Urtasun, Sanja Fidler. "Skip-thought vectors ." NIPS 2015.. [pdf, code] |
2015 | Mengye Ren, Ryan Kiros, Richard Zemel. "Image question answering: A visual semantic embedding model and a new dataset ." NIPS 2015.. [pdf, code, notes] |
2015 | Yukun Zhu, Ryan Kiros, Richard Zemel, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Raquel Urtasun, Antonio Torralba, Sanja Fidler. "Aligning books and movies: Towards story-like visual explanations by watching movies and reading books ." ICCV 2015. [pdf, web page] |
2015 | Kelvin Xu, Jimmy Ba, Ryan Kiros, Kyunghyun Cho, Aaron Courville, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Richard Zemel, Yoshua Bengio. "Show, attend and tell: Neural image caption generation with visual attention." ICML-2015: The 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning . [pdf, web page, notes, notes] |
2015 | Yujia Li, Kevin Swersky and Richard Zemel . "Generative moment matching networks." ICML-2015: The 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning. [pdf] |
2015 | Gregory Koch, Richard Zemel, Ruslan Salakhutdinov. " Siamese neural networks for one-shot image recognition." ICML 2015 Deep Learning Workshop. [pdf] |
2014 | Jasper Snoek, Kevin Swersky, Richard Zemel, Ryan Adams. "Input warping for Bayesian optimization of non-stationary functions." ICML-2014: The 31st International Conference on Machine Learning. [pdf] |
2014 | Ryan Kiros, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Richard Zemel. "Multimodal neural language models." ICML-2014: The 31st International Conference on Machine Learning. [pdf] |
2014 | Yujia Li, Richard Zemel. "High order regularization for semi-supervised learning of structured output problems." ICML-2014: The 31st International Conference on Machine Learning. [pdf, poster, notes] |
2014 | Yujia Li, Richard Zemel. "Mean field networks." ICML Workshop on Learning Tractable Probabilistic Models. [pdf, notes] |
2014 | Laurent Charlin, Richard Zemel, Hugo Larochelle. "Leveraging user libraries to bootstrap collaborative filtering." KDD 2014: 20th ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. [pdf] |
2014 | Ryan Kiros, Richard Zemel, Ruslan Salakhutdinov.. "A multiplicative model for learning distributed text-based attribute representations." NIPS-2014. [pdf, .zip] |
2014 | Yin Zheng, Richard Zemel, Yu-Jin Zhang and Hugo Larochelle. "A neural autoregressive approach to attention-based recognition." International Journal of Computer Vision, Special Issue on Deep Learning. [pdf] |
2013 | Yujia Li, Daniel Tarlow, Richard Zemel. "Exploring compositional high order pattern potentials for structured output learning." CVPR-2013: The 26th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Oral Presentation. [pdf, poster, notes] |
2013 | Daniel Tarlow, Kevin Swersky, Laurent Charlin, Ilya Sutskever, Richard Zemel. . "Stochastic k-neighborhood selection for supervised and unsupervised learning." ICML-2013: The 30th International Conference on Machine Learning. [pdf, notes] |
2013 | Richard Zemel, Yu (Ledell) Wu, Kevin Swersky, Toni Pitassi, Cynthia Dwork. "Learning fair representations." ICML-2013: The 30th International Conference on Machine Learning. [pdf, notes] |
2013 | Jasper Snoek, Ryan Adams, Richard Zemel. "Determinantal Point Process latent variable models for neural spiking data." NIPS-2013: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.. [pdf] |
2013 | Maks Volkovs and Richard Zemel. "Supervised CRF framework for preference aggregation." CIKM-2013: International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. [pdf, code] |
2013 | Laurent Charlin and Richard Zemel. "The Toronto Paper Matching System: An automated paper-reviewer assignment system." ICML Workshop on Peer Reviewing and Publishing Models . [pdf] |
2013 | Ke Li, Kevin Swersky, Richard Zemel. "Efficient feature learning using Perturb-and-MAP." NIPS Workshop on Perturbations, Optimization, and Statistics. [pdf] |
2013 | James Martens, Arkadev Chattopadhyay, Toniann Pitassi, Richard Zemel. "On the representational efficiency of Restricted Boltzmann Machines." NIPS-2013: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. [pdf] |
2012 | Cynthia Dwork, Moritz Hardt, Toniann Pitassi, Omer Reingold, Richard Zemel. "Fairness through awareness." Proceedings of Innovations of Theoretical Computer Science. [pdf] |
2012 | Daniel Tarlow, Ryan Adams, and Richard Zemel. "Randomized optimum models for structured prediction." AIStats-2012: Fifteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. [pdf] |
2012 | Daniel Tarlow and Richard Zemel. "Structured output learning with high order loss functions." AIStats-2012: Fifteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. [pdf] |
2012 | Maksims Volkovs and Richard Zemel. "A flexible generative model for preference aggregation." WWW 2012: 21st International World Wide Web Conference. [pdf] |
2012 | Laurent Charlin, Richard Zemel, and Craig Boutilier. "Active learning for matching problems." ICML-2012: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Machine Learning. [pdf] |
2012 | Daniel Tarlow, Kevin Swersky, Richard Zemel, Ryan Adams, and Brendan Frey. "Fast exact inference for recursive cardinality models." UAI-2012: The 28th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. [pdf] |
2012 | Kevin Swersky, Daniel Tarlow, Ryan Adams, Richard Zemel,& Brendan Frey. "Probabilistic n-choose-k models for classification and ranking." NIPS-2012: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. [pdf, poster, notes] |
2012 | Maksims Volkovs & Richard Zemel. "Collaborative ranking with 17 parameters." NIPS 2012: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. [pdf] |
2012 | Maksims Volkovs & Richard Zemel. "Efficient sampling for bipartite matching problems." NIPS-2012: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. [pdf, notes] |
2012 | Kevin Swersky, Daniel Tarlow, Ilya Sutskever, Richard Zemel, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, & Ryan Adams. "Cardinality restricted Boltzmann machines ." NIPS-2012: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.. [pdf, poster] |
2012 | Maksims Volkovs, Hugo Larochelle, and Richard Zemel. "Learning to rank by aggregating expert preferences." CIKM-2012: International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. [pdf] |
2011 | Benjamin Marlin, Richard Zemel, Sam Roweis, & Malcolm Slaney. "Recommender systems: Missing data and statistical model estimation." IJCAI: 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. [pdf] |
2011 | Laurent Charlin, Richard Zemel, & Craig Boutilier. "A framework for optimizing paper matching." UAI 2011: 27th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. [pdf] |
2011 | Daniel Tarlow, Inmar Givoni, Richard Zemel, & Brendan Frey. "Graph cuts is a max-product algorithm." UAI 2011: 27th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. [pdf] |
2011 | Rama Natarajan and Richard Zemel. "Dynamic cue combination in distributional population code networks." Sensory Cue Integration, Oxford University Press. Julia Trommersheuser, Konrad Kording, and Michael S. Landy (Eds.). [pdf] |
2010 | David Ross, Daniel Tarlow, and Richard Zemel. "Learning articulated structure and motion." International Journal on Computer Vision. 88(2):214-237. [pdf, video, web page] |
2010 | Daniel Tarlow, Inmar Givoni, and Richard Zemel. "HOP-MAP: Efficient message-passing with Higher-Order Potentials." AISTATS-2010: The 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. [pdf, code, poster] |
2009 | Ben Marlin and Richard Zemel. "Collaborative prediction and ranking with non-random missing data." Recsys-2009: ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. (Best technical paper). [pdf] |
2009 | Maksims Volkovs and Richard Zemel. "BoltzRank: Learning to maximize expected ranking gain." ICML-2009: International Conference on Machine Learning. (Best student paper). [pdf] |
2008 | Rama Natarajan, Iain Murray, Ladan Shams, and Richard Zemel. "Characterizing response behavior in multi-sensory perception with conflicting cues." NIPS-2008: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. [pdf] |
2008 | Xuming He and Richard Zemel. "Learning hybrid models for image annotation with partially labeled data." NIPS-2008: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. [pdf] |
2008 | Tanya Schmah, Geoffrey Hinton, Richard Zemel, Steven Small and Stephen Strother. "Generative versus discriminative training of RBMs for classification of fMRI images." NIPS-2008: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. [pdf] |
2008 | David Ross, Daniel Tarlow, and Richard Zemel. "Unsupervised learning of skeletons from motion." ECCV-2008: European Conference on Computer Vision. [pdf] |
2008 | Daniel Tarlow, Richard Zemel, and Brendan Frey. "Flexible priors for exemplar-based clustering." UAI-2008: The 24th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. [pdf] |
2008 | Xuming He and Richard Zemel. "Latent topic random fields: Learning using a taxonomy of labels." CVPR-2008: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. [pdf] |
2008 | Ted Meeds, David Ross, Richard Zemel, and Sam Roweis. "Learning stick-figure models using nonparametric Bayesian priors over trees." CVPR-2008: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. [pdf] |
2008 | Rama Natarajan, Quentin Huys, Peter Dayan, and Richard Zemel. "Encoding and decoding spikes for dynamic stimuli." Neural Computation, 20(9): 2325-2360. [pdf] |
2008 | Liam Stewart, Xuming He, and Richard Zemel. "Learning flexible features for conditional random fields." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 30(8): 1415-1426. (preprint). [pdf] |
2008 | Francois Klam, Richard Zemel, and Alex Pouget. "Population coding with motion energy filters: The impact of correlations." Neural Computation. 20(1): 146-175. (reprint). [pdf] |
2007 | Ben Marlin, Richard Zemel, Sam Roweis and Malcolm Slaney. "Collaborative filtering and the missing at random assumption." UAI-2007: The 23rd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. [pdf] |
2007 | David Ross, Daniel Tarlow and Richard Zemel. "Learning articulated skeletons from motion." Workshop on Dynamical Vision at ICCV-2007. [pdf] |
2007 | Quentin Huys, Richard Zemel, Rama Natarajan, and Peter Dayan. "Fast population coding." Neural Computation. 19(2): 460-97. (reprint). [pdf] |
2006 | Xuming He, Richard Zemel, and Volodymyr Mnih. "Topological map learning from outdoor image sequences." Journal of Field Robotics.. 23:1091-1104. (preprint). [pdf] |
2006 | Xuming He, Richard Zemel, and Deb Ray. "Learning and incorporating top-down cues in image segmentation." ECCV-2006: 9th European Conference on Computer Vision. [pdf] |
2006 | Jasper Snoek, Jesse Hoey, Liam Stewart, and Richard Zemel. "Automated detection of unusual events on stairs." Computer and Robot Vision 2006. [pdf] |
2006 | David Ross, Simon Osindero, and Richard Zemel. "Combining discriminative features to infer complex trajectories." ICML-2006: Twenty-Third International Conference on Machine Learning. [pdf, web page] |
2006 | David Ross and Richard Zemel. "Learning parts-based representations of data." Journal of Machine Learning Research. 7(Nov): 2369-2397. (preprint). [pdf, web page] |
2005 | Ben Marlin, Sam Roweis, and Richard Zemel. "Unsupervised learning with non-ignorable missing data." AISTATS. [pdf] |
2005 | Ben Marlin, Sam Roweis, and Richard Zemel. "Unsupervised learning with non-ignorable missing data." AISTATS-2005. |
2004 | Miguel Carreira-Perpinan and Richard Zemel. "Proximity graphs for clustering and manifold learning." NIPS-17: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17. |
2004 | Ben Marlin and Richard Zemel. "The multiple multiplicative factor model for collaborative filtering." ICML-2004: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Machine Learning. (8 pages). [pdf] |
2004 | Richard Zemel, Quentin Huys, Rama Natarajan, and Peter Dayan. "Probabilistic computation in spiking populations." NIPS-17: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17. (8 pages). [pdf] |
2004 | Miguel Carreira-Perpinan and Richard Zemel. "Proximity graphs for clustering and manifold learning." NIPS-17: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17. (8 pages). [pdf] |
2004 | Xuming He, Richard Zemel, and Miguel Carreira-Perpinan. "Multiscale conditional random fields for image labelling." CVPR-2004: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. (8 pages). [pdf, ps.gz] |
2004 | Max Welling, Richard Zemel, and Geoffrey Hinton. "Probabilistic sequential independent components analysis." IEEE Transactions in Neural Networks, Special Issue on Information Theory. 15(4): 838-849. [pdf] |
2003 | Craig Boutilier, Richard Zemel, and Benjamin Marlin. "Active collaborative filtering." UAI-2003: 19th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. (9 pages). [pdf, ps.gz] |
2003 | Max Welling, Richard Zemel, and Geoffrey Hinton. "Efficient parametric projection pursuit density estimation." UAI-2003: 19th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. (8 pages). [ps.gz] |
2003 | Alex Pouget, Peter Dayan and Richard Zemel. "Computation and inference with population codes." UAI-2003: 19th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. pp. 381-410. (33 pages). [pdf] |
2002 | David Ross and Richard Zemel. "Multiple-cause vector quantization." NIPS-15: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15. (8 pages). [pdf, ps.gz] |
2002 | Max Welling, Richard Zemel, and Geoffrey Hinton. "Self supervised boosting." NIPS-15: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15. (8 pages). [pdf, ps.gz] |
2002 | Craig Boutilier and Richard Zemel. "Online queries for collaborative filtering." Ninth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. (8 pages). [pdf, ps.gz] |
2002 | Richard Zemel and Michael Mozer. "Localist attractor networks." Neural Computation. 13(5): 1045-1064. (20 pages). [pdf, ps.gz] |
2002 | Richard Zemel, Marlene Behrmann, Michael Mozer, and Daphne Bevalier. "Experience-dependent perceptual grouping and object-based attention." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 28(1): 202-217. (16 pages). [pdf, ps.gz] |
2001 | Richard Zemel and Toni Pitassi. "A gradient-based boosting algorithm for regression problems." NIPS-13: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13. (7 pages). [ps.gz] |
2000 | Marlene Behrmann, Richard Zemel, and Michael Mozer. "Occlusion, symmetry, and object-based attention: Reply to Saiki." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 26(4): pp. 1497-1505. |
2000 | Zhiyong Yang and Richard Zemel. "Managing uncertainty in cue combination." NIPS-12: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12. pp. 80-86. (7 pages). [ps.gz] |
2000 | Richard Zemel and Jon Pillow. "Encoding multiple orientations in a recurrent network." Neurocomputing. 32-33: 609-616. [pdf] |
2000 | Alex Pouget, Peter Dayan and Richard Zemel. "Information processing with population codes." Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 1: 125-132. pp. 125-132. (8 pages). [pdf] |
2000 | Richard Zemel. "Cortical belief networks." R. Hecht-Neilsen (Ed.): Theories of the Cerebral Cortex. (16 pages). [ps.gz] |
1999 | Richard Zemel and Peter Dayan. "Distributional population codes and multiple motion models." NIPS-11: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11. pp. 174-180. [ps.gz] |
1998 | Richard Zemel, Peter Dayan, and Alex Pouget. "Probabilistic interpretation of population codes." Neural Computation. 10(2), pp. 403-430. 28 pages. [pdf, ps.gz] |
1998 | Richard Zemel and Terry Sejnowski. "A model for encoding multiple object motions and self-motion in area MST of primate visual cortex." The Journal of Neuroscience. 18(1), pp. 531-547. [pdf] |
1998 | Marlene Behrmann, Richard Zemel, and Michael Mozer. "Object-based attention and occlusion: Evidence from normal subjects and a computational model." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 24(4), pp. 1011-1036. |
1997 | Richard Zemel and Peter Dayan. "Combining probabilistic population codes." International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1997. (6 pages). [ps.gz] |
1997 | Peter Dayan and Richard Zemel. "Competition and multiple cause models." Neural Computation. 7(3), pp. 565-579. (15 pages). [ps.gz] |
1997 | Geoffrey Hinton and Richard Zemel. "Minimizing description length in an unsupervised neural network." Geoffrey Hinton and Richard Zemel. [ps.gz] |
1995 | Peter Dayan, Geoffrey Hinton, Radford Neal, and Richard Zemel. "The Helmholtz Machine." Neural Computation. 7(5), pp. 889-904. pp. 889-905. |
1995 | Richard Zemel, Chris Williams, and Michael Mozer. "Lending direction to neural networks." Neural Networks. 8(4), pp. 503-512. pp. 503-512. (20 pages). [ps.gz] |
1995 | Richard Zemel and Geoffrey Hinton. "Developing population codes by minimizing description length." Neural Computation. 7(3), pp. 549-564. pp. 549-564. (14 pages). [ps.gz] |
1994 | Richard Zemel. "A Minimum Description Length Framework for Unsupervised Learning." Ph.D. Thesis. Technical Report CRG-TR-93-2, University of Toronto: In 3 separate sections. [ps.gz, ps.gz, ps.gz] |
1992 | Michael Mozer, Richard Zemel, Marlene Behrmann, and Chris Williams. "Learning to segment images using dynamic feature binding." Neural Computation. 4(5), pp. 647-663. |