Publications and Conference Presentations
2024 |
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2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
2014 |
2013 |
2012 |
2011 |
2009 |
2008 |
2007 |
2006 |
2005 |
2004 |
2003 |
2002 |
2001 |
2000 |
1999 |
1998 |
1997 |
1996 |
1995 |
1994 |
1993 |
1992 |
1991 |
1990 |
pre 1990
Greedy growing enables high-resolution pixel-based diffusion models
Vasconcelos, C.N., Waters, A.R.A., Walker, T., Xu, K., Yan, J., Qian, R., Luo, S., ...
Parekh, Z., Bunner, A., Fei, H., Garg, R., Guo, M., Kajic, I., Li, Y., Nandwani, H., Pont-Tuset, J., Onoe, Y., Rosston, S., Wang, S., Zhou, W., Swersky, K., Fleet, D.J., Baldridge, J.M., Wang, O.
Transactions on Machine Learning Research (to appear)
CryoSPIN: Improving ab-initio Cryo-EM reconstruction with semi-amortized pose inference
Shekarforoush, S., Lindell, D.B., Brubaker, M.A., Fleet, D.J.
Neural Information Processinng Systsmes (NeurIPS)
SpotlessSplats: Ignoring distractors in 3D Gaussian splatting
(website ,
Sabour, S., Goli, L., Kopanas, G., Matthews, M., Lagun, D., Guibas, L., Jacobson, A., Fleet, D.J., Tagliasacchi, A.
Controlling space and time with diffusion models
(website ,
Watson, D., Saxena, S., Li, L., Tagliasacchi, A., Fleet, D.J.
Tx-LLM: A large language model for therapeutics
JMZ Chaves, J.M.Z., Wang, E., Tu, T., Vaishnav, E.D., Lee, B., Mahdavi, S.S., Semturs, C., Fleet, D.J., Natarajan, V., Azizi, S.
A personalized video-based hand taxonomy: Application for individuals with spinal cord injury
Dousty, M., Fleet, D.J., Zariffa, J.
Directly fine-tuning diffusion models on differentiable rewards
Clark, K., Vicol, P., Swersky, K., and Fleet, D.J.
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR; preprint arXiv:2309.17400)
Towards generalist biomedical AI
Tu, T., Azizi, S., Driess, D., Schaekermann, M., Amin, M., Chang, P.-C., Carroll, A., Lau, C., Tanno, R., Ktena, I., Mustafa, B., Chowdhery, A., Liu, Y., Kornblith, S., Fleet, D.J., Mansfield, P., Prakash, S., Wong, R., Virmani, S., Semturs, C., Mahdavi, S., Green, B., Dominowska, E., Barral, J., Webster, D., Corrado, G.S., Matias, Y., Singhal, K., Florence, P., Karthikesalingam, A., Natarajan, V.
NEJM AI 1(3)
Deep generative priors for biomolecular 3D heterogeneous reconstruction from cryo-EM projections
Shi, B., Zhang, K., Fleet, D.J., McLeod, R.A., Miller, R.J.D. and Howe, J.Y.
Journal of Structural Biology, 108073
Zero-shot metric depth with a field-of-view conditioned diffusion model
Saxena, S., Hur, J., Herrmann, C., Sun, D., Fleet, D.J.
arxiv preprint arxiv:2312.13252
The surprising effectiveness of diffusion models for optical flow and monocular depth estimation
Saxena, S., Herrmann, C., Hur, J., Kar, A., Norouzi, M., Sun, D., Fleet, D.J.
Neural Information Processinng Systsmes (NeurIPS)
Synthetic data from diffusion models improves ImageNet classification
Azizi, S., Kornblith, S., Saharia, C., Norouzi, M., Fleet, D.J.
Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR)
Generalist framework for panoptic segmentation of images and videos
Chen, T., Li, L., Saxena, S., Hinton, G.E., Fleet, D.J.
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)
3DFlex: Determining structure and motion of flexible proteins from cryo-EM
Punjani, A., Fleet, D.J.
Nature Methods, 20:860-870
Mapping the motion and structure of flexible proteins from cryo-EM data
Punjani, A., Fleet, D.J.
Nature Methods, 20:797-798
Robust and data-efficient generalization of self-supervised machine learning for diagnostic imaging
Azizi, S., Culp, L., Freyberg, J., Mustafa, B., Baur, S., Kornblith, S., Chen, T., Tomasev, N., Mitrovic, J., Strachan, P., Mahdavi, S.S., Wulczyn, E., Babenko, B., Walker, M., Loh, A., Chen, P-H., Liu, Y., Bavishi, P., McKinney, S., Winkens, J., Roy, A., Beaver, Z., Ryan, F., Krogue, J., Etemadi, M., Telang, U., Liu, Y., Peng, L., Corrado, G., Webster, D., Fleet, DJ., Hinton, G., Houlsby, N., Karthikesalingam, A., Norouzi, M., Natarajan, V.
Nature Biomedical Engineering, 1-24
RobustNeRF: Ignoring Distractors with Robust Losses
Sabour, S., Vora, S., Duckworth, D., Krasin, I., Fleet, D.J., Tagliasacchi, A.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
[* Highlight Paper *]
Imagen Editor and EditBench: Advancing and evaluating text-guided image inpainting
Wang, S., Saharia, C., Montgomery, C., Pont-Tuset, J., Noy, S., Pellegrini, S., Onoe, Y., Laszlo, S., Fleet, D.J., Soricut, R., Baldridge, J., Norouzi, M., Aanderson, P., Chan, W.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
[* Highlight Paper *]
Scalable adaptive computation for iterative generation
Jabri, A., Fleet, D.J., Chen, T.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
Grasp analysis in the home environment as a measure of hand function after cervical spinal cord injury
Dousty, M., Bandini, A., Eftekhar,a P., Fleet, D.J., Zariffa J.
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 15459683231177601
Monocular depth estimation using diffusion models
Saxena, S., Kar, A., Norouzi, M. and Fleet, D.J.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.14816
Gaussian-Bernoulli RBMs without tears
Liao, R., Kornblith, S., Ren, M., Fleet, D.J. and Hinton, G.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.10318
Imagen Video: High definition video generation with diffusion models
Ho, J., Chan, W., Saharia, C., Whang, J., Gao, R., Gritsenko, A., Kingma, D.P., Poole, B., Norouzi, M., Fleet, D.J. and Salimans, T.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.02303
Photorealistic text-to-Image diffusion models with deep language understanding
Saharia, C., Chan, W., Saxenaa, S., Li, L., Whang, J., Denton, E., Ghasemipour, K., Ayan, B.K., Mahdavi, S.S., Lopes, R., Salimans, T., Ho, J., Fleet, D.J. and Norouzi, N.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)
[* Outstanding Paper Award *]
A unified sequence interface for vision tasks
Chen, T., Saxena, S., Li, L., Lin, T-Y., Fleet, D.J., and Hinton, G.E.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)
Residual multiplicative filter networks for multiscale reconstruction
Shekarforoush, S., Lindell, D.B., Fleet, D.J., Brubaker, M.A.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)
Video diffusion models
Ho, J., Salimans, T., Gritsenko, A., Chan, W., Norouzi, M. and Fleet, D.J.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)
Disentangling architecture and training for optical flow
Sun, D., Herrmann, C., Reda, F., Rubinstein, M., Fleet, D.J. and Freeman, W.T.
European Conference onn Computer Vision (ECCV)
Cascaded diffusion models for high fidelity image generation
Ho, J., Saharia, C., Chan, W., Fleet, D.J., Norouzi, M and Salimans, T.
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23(47):1-33
Pix2Seq: A language modeling framework for object detection
Chen, T., Saxena, S., Li, L., Fleet, D.J., and Hinton, G.E.
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
Kubric: A scalable dataset generator
Greff, K. et al.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Palette: Image-to-image diffusion models
Saharia, C., Chan, W., Chang, H., Lee, C.A., Ho, J., Salimans, T., Fleet, D.J. and Norouzi M.
SIGGRAPH (also arXiv 2111.05826)
Image super-resolution via iterative refinement
Saharia, C., Ho, J., Chan, W., Salimans, T., Fleet, D.J. and Norouzi, M.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 45(4):4713-4726
3D Flexible Refinement: Structure and motion of flexible proteins from cryo-EM
Punjani, A. and Fleet, D.J.
Unsupervised part representation by Flow Capsules
Sabour, S., Tagliasacchi, A., Yazdani, S., Hinton, G.E. and Fleet, D.J.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
3D Variability Analysis: Directly resolving continuous flexibility
and discreteheterogeneity from single particle cryo-EM images
Punjani, A. and Fleet, D.J.
Journal of Structural Biology, 213 (2021) 107702
[* JSB Paper of the Year Award *]
Bridging the gap between adversarial robustness and optimization bias
Faghri, F., Gowal, S., Vasconcelos, C., Fleet, D.J.,
Pedregosa, F. and Le Roux, N.
arXiv 2102.08868
Non-Uniform Refinement: Adaptive regularization improves single
particle cryo-EM reconstruction
Punjani, A., Zhang, H., and Fleet, D.J.
Nature Methods 17 (12), 1214-1221
Exemplar VAE: Linking generative models, nearest neighbor retrieval,
and data augmentation
Norouzi, S., Fleet, D.J. and Norouzi, M.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Vancouver.
SentenceMIM: A latent variable language model
Livne, M., Swersky, K., and Fleet, D.J.
A study of gradient variance in deep learning
Faghri, F., Duvenaud, D., Fleet, D.J. and Ba, J.
arXiv 2007.04532
Differentiable probabilistic models of scientific imaging with the
Fourier slice theorem
Ullrich, K., Berg, R., Brubaker, M., Fleet, D.J., and Welling, M.
Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Inteligence (UAI)
MIM: Mutual Information Machine
Livne, M., Swersky, K., and Fleet, D.J.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.03175
TzK: Flow-based conditional generative model
Livne, M. and Fleet, D.J.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.01893
Algorithmic advances in single particle cryo-EM data processing
Punjani, A., Zhang, H., Rubinstein, J., Brubaker, A, and Fleet D.J.
Microscopy and Microanalysis 24 (S1), 868-869.
Walking on thin air: Environment-free physics-based markerless motion capture
Livne, M., Sigal, L., Brubaker, M., and Fleet, D.J.
Computer and Robot Vision,
June, Toronto
VSE++: Improved visual-semantic embeddings with hard negatives
Faghri, F., Fleet, D.J., Kiros, J.R., and Fidler, S.
British Machine Vision Conference,
September, Newcastle on Tyne
cryoSPARC: Algorithms for rapid unsupervised cryo-EM structure determination
(supplementary note 1)
(supplementary note 2)
Punjani, A., Rubinstein, J., Fleet, D.J. and Brubaker, M.
Nature Methods
14 (3): 290-296.
Building proteins in a day: Efficient 3D molecular structure estimation with electron cryomicroscopy
Punjani, A., Brubaker, M., and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
39(4):706-718, 2017.
Subspace selection to suppress confounding source domain information in AAM transfer learning
Asgarian, A., Ashraf, AB., Fleet, D.J. and Taati, B.
International Joint Conference on Biometrics,
Adversarial manipulation of deep representations
(pdf on arxiv)
Sabour, S., Cao, Y., Faghri, F. and Fleet, D.J.
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR),
Puerto Rico, 2016.
Efficient non-greedy optimization of decision trees
(pdf on arxiv)
Norouzi, M., Collins, M.D., Johnson, M., Fleet, D.J. and Kohli, P.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS),
Montreal, 2015.
Transductive log opinion pool of Gaussian process experts
(pdf on arxiv)
Cao, Y. and Fleet, D.J.
NIPS Workshop on Nonparametric Methods for Large Scale Representation
Montreal, 2015.
CO2 Forest: Improved random forest by continuous optimization of oblique splits
(arxiv pdf)
Norouzi, M., Collins, M.D., Fleet, D.J. and Kohli, P.
arXiv 1506.06155 .
Efficient optimization for sparse Gaussian process regression
Cao, Y., Brubaker, M., Fleet, D.J. and Hertzmann, A.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
37(12):2415-2427, 2015.
Building proteins in a day: Efficient 3D molecular reconstruction
Brubaker, M.A., Punjani, A. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Boston, 2015.
Efficient 3D macromolecular reconstruction with electron cryo-microscopy
(extended abstract)
Brubaker, M.A., Punjani, A. and Fleet, D.J.
BioImage Computing Workshop (BIC),
Boston, 2015. (Best Poster Award)
Spinal cord segmentation by one dimensional normalized template matching:
A novel, quantitative technique to analyze advanced magnetic resonance
imaging data
Cadotte, A., Cadotte, D.W., Livne, M., Cohen-Adad, J., Fleet, D.J.,
Mikulis, D. and Fehlings, M.G.
10(10): e0139323. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0139323, 2015.
Fast exact search in Hamming space with multi-index hashing
Norouzi, M., Punjani, A. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
36(6): 1107-1119, 2014.
Characterizing the location of spinal and vertebral levels in
the human cervical spinal cord
Cadotte, D.W. Cadotte, A., Cohen-Adad, J., Fleet, D.J., Livne, M., Wilson,
J.R., Mikulis, D., Nugaeva, N. and Fehlings, M.G.
American Journal of Neuroradiology,
December, 2014, A4192.
Posebits for monocular human pose estimation
Pons-Moll, G., Fleet, D.J. and Rosenhahn, B.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Columbus, 2014.
Generalized product of experts for automatic and principled
fusion of Gaussian process predictions
Cao, Y. and Fleet, D.J.
Modern Nonparametrics 3: Automating the Learning Pipeline,
NIPS Workshop, Montreal, 2014.
Efficient optimization for sparse Gaussian process regression
Cao, Y., Brubaker, M., Fleet, D.J. and Hertzmann, A.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS),
Lake Tahoe, 2013.
Cartesian k-means
Norouzi, M. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Portland, 2013.
Shared kernel information embedding for discriminative inference
Memisevic, R., Sigal, L. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
34(4):778-790, 2012.
Human attributes from 3D pose tracking
Livne, M., Sigal, L., Troje, N., and Fleet, D.J.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding
116:648-660, 2012.
Fast search in Hamming space with multi-index hashing
Norouzi, M., Punjani, A. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Providence, 2012.
Hamming distance metric learning
Norouzi, M., Fleet, D.J. and Salakhudinov, R.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS),
Lake Tahoe, 2012.
Motion models for people tracking
Fleet, D.J.
in Guide to Visual Analysis of Humans: Looking at People.
T. Moeslund, A. Hilton, V. Krueger, L. Sigal (eds.),
Springer, pp. 171-198, 2011.
Model-based 3D hand pose estimation from monocular video
de La Gorce, M., Fleet, D.J. and Paragios, N.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
33(9):1793-1805, 2011.
Shape categorization using bone graphs
Macrini, D., Dickinson, S., Fleet, D.J. and Siddiqi, K.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding,
115(8):1187--1206, 2011.
Bone Graphs: Medial shape parsing and abstraction
Macrini, D., Dickinson, S., Fleet, D.J. and Siddiqi, K.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding,
115(7):1044--1061, 2011.
Simultaneous tracking and activity recognition
Manfredotti, C., Fleet, D.J., Hamilton, H.J. and Zilles, S.
International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI),
Boca Raton, 2011
Minimal loss hashing for compact binary codes
Norouzi, M. and Fleet, D.J.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML),
Bellevue, 2011
Human attributes from 3D pose tracking
Sigal, L., Fleet, D.J., Troje, N. and Livne, M.
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV),
Heraklion, Greece, 2010
Optimizing walking controllers with uncertain user inputs and environments
Wang, J., Fleet, D.J. and Hertzmann, A.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 29(4), Article 73, 2010.
Dynamical binary latent variable models for 3D human pose tracking
Taylor, G.W., Sigal, L., Fleet, D.J. and Hinton, G.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
San Francisco, 2010.
Physics-based person tracking using the Anthropomorphic Walker
Brubaker, M.A., Fleet, D.J. and Hertzmann, A.
International Journal of Computer Vision
87(1):140--155, 2010.
[Demo code for simulation]
Video-Based People Tracking
Brubaker, M.A., Sigal, L. and Fleet, D.J.,
in Handbook of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments.
H. Nakashima, H. Aghajan, J.C. Augusto (eds.), Springer, pp. 57-88, 2009.
Optimizing walking controllers
Wang, J., Fleet, D.J. and Hertzmann, A.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia),
28(5), Article 168, 2009.
TurboPixels: Fast superpixels using geometric flows
Levinshtein, A., Stere, A., Kutulakos, K., Fleet, D.J.,
Dickinson, S. and Sidiqqi, K.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
31(12):2290--2297, 2009.
Estimating contact dynamics
Brubaker, M.A., Sigal, L. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV),
Kyoto, 2009.
Stochastic image denoising
Estrada, F., Fleet, D.J. and Jepson, A.D.
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC),
London, 2009
[* Best Paper Award *]
Backing Off: Hierarchical decomposition of activity for 3D novel pose recovery
Darby, J., Li, B., Costens, N., Fleet, D.J. and Lawrence, N.,
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC),
London, 2009
Relations to improve multi-target tracking in an activity recognition system
Manfredotti, C., Messina, E. and Fleet, D.J.
International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and
London, 2009.
Shared kernel information embedding for discriminative inference
Sigal, L., Memisevic, R. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Miami, 2009.
Gaussian process dynamical models
Wang, J., Fleet, D.J. and Hertzmann, A.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
30(2):283--298, 2008.
Topologically constrained latent variable models
Urtasun, R., Fleet, D.J., Geiger, A., Popovic, J., Darrell, T. and Lawrence, N.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML),
Helsinki, pp. 96-103, 2008.
Model-based hand tracking with texture, shading and self-occlusions
De la Gorce, M., Paragos, N. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Anchorage, 2008.
The Kneed Walker for human pose tracking
Brubaker, M.A. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Anchorage, 2008.
Modeling human locomotion with topologically constrained latent variable models
Urtasun, R., Fleet, D.J., and Lawrence, N.
Workshop on Human Motion: Understanding, Modeling, Capture and Animation,
Rio de Janeiro, pp. 104-118, 2007.
Higher-order autoregressive models for dynamic textures
Hyndman, M., Jepson, A.D. and Fleet, D.J.
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC),
Warwick, 2007.
Physics-based person tracking using simplified lower-body dynamics
Brubaker, M.A., Fleet, D.J., and Hertzmann, A.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Minneapolis, pp. 1-8, 2007.
Multifactor Gaussian Process models for style-content separation
Wang, J., Fleet, D.J., and Hertzmann, A.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML),
Oregon, pp. 975-982, 2007.
Motion models for 3D people tracking
Urtasun, R., Fleet, D.J. and Fua, P.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding
104(2-3):157-177, 2006.
Synaptic Vesicle Mobility and Presynaptic F-Actin Are Disrupted
in an NSF Allele of Drosophila
Nunes, P., Haines, N., Kuppuswamy, V., Fleet, D.J. and Stewart, B.,
Molecular Biology of the Cell
17:4709-4719, 2006
3D people tracking with Gaussian process dynamical models
Urtasun, R., Fleet, D.J., and Fua, P.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
New York, Vol. II, pp. 238-245, 2006.
Optical flow estimation
Fleet, D.J. and Weiss, Y.,
in Mathematical models for Computer Vision: The Handbook.
N. Paragios, Y. Chen, and O. Faugeras (eds.), Springer, pp. 239-257, 2005.
Gaussian Process dynamical models
Wang, J., Fleet, D.J., and Hertzmann, A.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS),
Vancouver, pp. 1441-1448, 2005.
Priors for people tracking from small training sets
Urtasun, R., Fleet, D.J., Hertzmann, A. and Fua, P.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV),
Beijing, Vol.I, pp. 403-410, 2005.
Monocular 3D tracking of the golf swing
Urtasun, R., Fleet, D.J. and Fua, P.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
San Diego, Vol. II, pp. 932-938, 2005.
Learning sensor network topology through Monte Carlo
expectation maximization
Marinak, D., Dudek, G. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE Intenational Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),
Barcelona, 2005.
Robust online appearance models for visual tracking
Jepson, A.D., Fleet, D.J., El-Maraghi, T.,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
25(10):1296-1311, 2003.
Perceptually-supported image editing of text and graphics
Saund, E., Fleet, D.J., Larner, D., and Mahoney, J.V.
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '03),
Vancouver, 2003.
(also see ACM CHI Letters 5(2):183-192 )
[* Best Paper Award *]
Error-in-variables likelihood functions for motion estimation
Nestares, O. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE Intenational Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),
Barcelona, vol. III, pp. 77-80, 2003.
Bayesian inference of visual motion boundaries
Fleet, D.J., Black, M.J. and Nestares O.,
Exploring Artificial Intelligence in the New Millennium,
G. Lakemeyer and B. Nebel (eds.), Morgan Kaufmann Press, pp. 139-173,
Hybrid Monte Carlo filtering: Edge-based people tracking
Poon, E. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE Workshop on Motion and Video Computing, Orlando, pp. 151-158, 2002.
A layered motion representation with occlusion and
compact spatial support
Jepson, A.D., Fleet, D.J. and Black, M.J. (2002)
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Copenhagen,
Vol. I, pp. 692-706, 2002.
A probabilistic theory of occupancy and emptiness
Bhotika, R., Fleet, D.J., and Kutulakos, K.
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV),
Copenhagen, Vol. III, pp. 112-130, 2002.
Perceptual organization as a foundation for intelligent sketch editing
Saund, E., Mahoney, J., Fleet, D.J., Larner, D. and Lank, E. (2002)
AAAI Spring Symp. on Sketch Understanding, Stanford
University, 2002
Velocity likelihoods in biological and machine vision
Weiss, Y. and Fleet, D.J.,
in Probabilistic Models of the Brain:
Perception and Neural Function ,
R.P.N. Rao, B.A. Olshausen and
M.S. Lewicki (eds.), MIT Press, pp. 81-100, 2001.
Human cortical activity correlates with stereoscopic depth perception
Backus, B., Fleet, D.J., Parker, A.J. and Heeger, D.J.,
Journal of Neurophysiology 86(10):2054-2068, 2001.
Estimating optical flow with physical models of brightness variation
Haussecker, H.W. and Fleet, D.J.,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence 23(6):661-673, 2001.
Texture space
Gurnsey, R., and Fleet, D.J.,
Vision Research 41(3):745-757, 2001.
Robust, on-line appearance models for vision tracking
Jepson, A.D., Fleet, D.J. and El-Maraghi, T.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Kauai, Vol. I, pp. 415-422, 2001.
[* Best Paper Runner-up *]
Detection and tracking of motion boundaries
Nestares, O. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR), Kauai, Vol. II. pp. 358-365, 2001.
Perceptual organization as a foundation for graphics recognition
Saund, E., Mahoney, J., Larner, D., and Fleet, D.J.
IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition,
Kingston, Canada, 2001.
Lattice particle filters
Ormoneit, D., Lemieux, C., and Fleet, D.J.
Conference on Uncertainty in Artifical Intelligence (UAI),
August 2001, Morgan Kaufmann Press, pp. 395-402, 2001.
People tracking using hybrid Monte Carlo filtering
Choo, K. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV),
Vancouver, Vol II, pp. 321-328, 2001
Probabilistic detection and tracking of motion boundaries
Black, M.J. and Fleet, D.J.,
International Journal of Computer Vision 38(3):231-245, 2000.
Disparity tuning as simulated by a neural net
Lippert, J, Fleet, D.J., and Wagner, H.,
Biological Cybernetics 83(1):61-72, 2000.
Design and use of linear models for image motion analysis
Fleet, D.J., Black, M.J., Yacoob, Y., and Jepson, A.D.,
International Journal of Computer Vision 36(3):171-193, 2000.
Robustly estimating changes in image appearance
Black, M.J., Fleet, D.J., and Yacoob, Y.,
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 78(1):8-31, 2000.
Stochastic tracking of 3D human figures using 2d image motion
Sidenbladh, H., Black, M.J., and Fleet, D.J.
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Dublin,
Vol. II, pp. 702-718, 2000
[* Koenderink Prize Paper *]
Computing optical flow with physical models of brightness variation
Haussecker, H. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Hilton Head, Vol. II, pp. 760-767, 2000.
Likelihood functions and confidence bounds for
total-least-squares problems
Nestares, O., Fleet, D.J., and Heeger, D.J.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Hilton Head, Vol. I, pp. 523-530, 2000.
Learning and tracking human motion using functional analysis
Ormoneit, D., Sidenbladh, H., Black, M.J., Hastie, T., and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE Workshop on Human Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis,
Hilton Head, 2000.
Stereopsis from contrast envelopes
Langley, K., Fleet, D.J., and Hibbard, P.,
Vision Research 39(14): 2313-2324, 1999.
A robust method for surface-based registration
Ma, B., Ellis, R.E. and Fleet, D.J.
International Conference on Medical Image
Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Cambridge,
UK, September, Spring Verlag, pp. 936-944, 1999.
Probabilistic detection and tracking of motion discontinuities
Black, M.J. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE International Conference on
Computer Vision (ICCV), Corfu, Greece, September, pp. 551-558, 1999.
[* Marr Prize Honorable Mention (runner up
for best paper) *]
Linear and nonlinear transparency in binocular vision.
Langley, K., Fleet, D.J., and Hibbard, P.,
Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) B, 265: 1837-1845, 1998.
Second-order motions contribute to vection.
Gurnsey, R., Fleet, D.J. and Potechin, C.,
Vision Research, 38(18) 2801-2816, 1998.
Motion feature detection using steerable flow fields.
Fleet, D.J., Black, M.J. and Jepson, A.D.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Santa Barbara, June, pp. 274-281, 1998.
A framework for modeling appearance change in image sequences.
Black, M.J., Fleet, D.J., and Yacoob, Y.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Mumbai,
India, January, pp. 660-667, 1998.
Embedding invisible information in color images.
(colour pdf)
(b&w pdf)
Fleet, D.J. and Heeger, D.J.
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),
Santa Barbara, October, Vol. I, pp. 532-535, 1997.
Learning parameterized models of image motion
Black, M.J., Yacoob, Y., Jepson, A.D., and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Puerto Rico, June, pp. 561-567, 1997.
Modelling appearance change in image sequences.
Black, M.J., Yacoob, Y., and Fleet, D.J.
International Workshop on Visual Form,
Capri, Italy, May. World Scientific Pub., C. Arcelli, L.P. Cordella, and
G.S. di Baja, Eds., pp. 11-20, 1997.
- A method for evaluating CT-based surgical registration.
Ellis, R., Fleet, D., Bryant, T., Rudan, J., and Fenton, P.
International Conference on Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted
Surgery, Grenoble, March, pp. 141-150, 1997.
Modeling binocular neurons in primary visual cortex.
Fleet, D.J., Heeger, D.J. and Wagner, H.,
in Computational and Biological Mechanisms of Visual Coding,
M. Jenkin and L. Harris (eds.), Cambridge University Press, pp. 103-130, 1996.
Neural encoding of binocular disparity: Energy model, position shifts and
phase shifts.
Fleet, D.J., Wagner, H. and Heeger, D.J.,
Vision Research, 36(12) 1839-1857, 1996.
Linear filtering precedes nonlinear processing in early vision.
Langley, K., Fleet, D.J., and Hibbard, P.,
Current Biology, 6(7) 891-896, 1996
Recursive filters for optical flow.
Fleet, D.J. and Langley, K.,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence, 17(1):61-67, 1995.
Centre-frequency adaptive IIR temporal filters for phase-based
image velocity estimation.
Clifford, C., Langley, K. and Fleet, D.J.
IEE International Conference on Image Processing and Applications,
Edinburgh, July, pp. 173-178, 1995.
Computational analysis of non-Fourier motion.
Fleet, D.J. and Langley, K.,
Vision Research, 34(22):3057-3079, 1994.
Performance of optical flow techniques.
Barron, J.L., Fleet, D.J., and Beauchemin, S.,
International Journal of Computer Vision, 12(1):43-77, 1994.
Stable estimation of image orientation.
Haglund, L. and Fleet, D.J.
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),
Austin, November Vol. III, pp. 68-72, 1994
Disparity from local weighted phase-correlation.
Fleet, D.J.
IEEE International Conf. on SMC, San Antonio, October, pp. 48-56, 1994.
Stability of phase information.
Fleet, D.J. and Jepson, A.D.,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
15(12):1253-1268, 1993.
Toward real-time optical flow.
Fleet, D.J. and Langley, K.
Vision Interface,, Toronto, May, pp. 116-124, 1993.
Measurement of Image Velocity.
Fleet, D.J.,
Kluwer Academic Press, Norwell, MA, 1992.
Recursive filters for phase-based optical flow.
Langley, K. and Fleet, D.J.
Isreali Conference on Vision and AI, Ramat Gan,
Isreal, December, pp. 255-264, 1992.
Multiple binaural time delay estimation.
Langley, K. and Fleet, D.J.
ESCA Workshop on Speech Processing in Adverse Conditions,
Cannes, November, pp. 159-162 (ISSN 1018-4554), 1992.
On transparent motion computation.
Langley, K., Fleet, D.J., and Atherton, T.J.
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Leeds,
Springer-Verlag, pp. 245-255, 1992.
Performance of optical flow techniques.
Barron, J.L., Fleet, D.J., Beauchemin, S., and Burkitt, T.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR), Champaign, June, pp. 236-242, 1992.
Multiple motions from instantaneous frequency.
Langley, K., Fleet, D.J., and Atherton, T.J.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR), Champaign, June, pp. 846-849, 1992.
Phase singularities in scale-space.
Jepson, A.D. and Fleet, D.J.,
Image and Vision Computing Journal, 9(5): 338-343, 1991.
Phase-based disparity measurement.
Fleet, D.J., Jepson, A.D., and Jenkin, M.,
CVGIP: Image Understanding, 53(2): 198-210, 1991.
Stability of phase information.
Fleet, D.J. and Jepson, A.D.
IEEE Workshop on Visual Motion, Princeton, October 1991, pp. 52-60, 1991.
Scale-space singularities.
Jepson, A.D., and Fleet, D.J.
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV),
Antibes, April, Springer-Verlag, pp. 50-55, 1990.
Computation of component image velocity from local phase information.
Fleet, D.J. and Jepson, A.D.,
International Journal of Computer Vision, 5(1): 77-104, 1990.
Hierarchical construction of orientation and velocity selective
Fleet, D.J. and Jepson, A.D.,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence, 11(3): 315-325, 1989.
Computation of normal velocity from local phase information.
Fleet, D.J. and Jepson, A.D.
IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
San Diego, pp. 379-386, 1989.
Computation of normal velocity from local phase information.
Fleet, D.J. and Jepson, A.D.
Optical Society of America Meeting on Image Understanding and
Machine Vision, Cape Cod, pp. 58-61, 1989.
Spatiotemporal inseparability in early vision: centre-surround
models and velocity selectivity
Fleet, D.J., and Jepson, A.D.,
Computational Intelligence, 1(3): 89-102, 1985.
Spatiotemporal inseparability in early visual processing.
Fleet, D.J., Hallett, P.E., and Jepson, A.D.,
Biological Cybernetics,
52(2): 153-164, 1985.
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