Omer Lev

UPDATE: I am now a faculty member at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. My current website is at

A post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Toronto.

Interested in various areas of AI and theoretical computer science, mostly involving a game-theoretical analysis in trying to understand various phenomena, and keeping the analysis closely related to real-world data and observable behaviour. Focusing lately on mechanism design, crowdsourcing and networks.

I was a PhD. student in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem under the supervision of Prof. Jeff Rosenschein, working in the field of multi-agent systems, particularly on computational social choice, auction theory, and networks.
Earlier, I completed an MSc. in mathematics (supervised by Prof. Sergiu Hart), an MBA (majoring in finance and business strategy) and a BSc. in mathematics and computer science (with Amirim honor program), all at the Hebrew University.

Taught the course “Mathematical Foundations of AI” for 2 years, after being TA for the “Operating Systems” course for 3 years.

Worked at Microsoft Research Israel, as a part-time researcher in game theoretical fields.
Previously, worked at NDS (now part of Cisco) as a part-time programmer, focusing on C++, python and .NET technologies.

My CV.