    Computational approaches to semantic change. Berlin: Language Science Press. (2021) biblio [link]

Papers (2023-present)
    Infinite mixture chaining: An efficiency-based framework for the dynamic construction of word meaning. Open Mind (2025) biblio [pdf] [OSF] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 44. biblio [pdf]

    Word reuse and combination support efficient communication of emerging concepts. PNAS (2024) biblio [link] [preprint] [supporting information] [OSF]

    Moral association graph: A cognitive model for automated moral inference. topiCS (2024) biblio [link] [OSF] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 46 with Disciplinary Diversity & Integration Award. biblio [pdf]

    Paraphrase types elicit prompt engineering capabilities. EMNLP (2024) biblio [pdf] [GitHub]

    Evolution of the moral lexicon. Open Mind (2024) biblio [pdf] [supporting information] [OSF] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 44. biblio [pdf]

    Quantifying the emergence of moral foundational lexicon in child language development. PNAS Nexus (2024) biblio [link][pdf] [EurekAlert!] [supplementary material] [OSF] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 44. biblio [pdf]

    Cognitive factors in word sense decline. CogSci 46 (2024) biblio [pdf]

    On quantifying schematicity of future narratives. CogSci 46 (2024) biblio [pdf] [erratum]

    Toward informal language processing: Knowledge of slang in large language models. NAACL (2024) biblio [pdf] [GitHub]

    Quantifying bias in hierarchical category systems. Open Mind (2024) biblio [pdf] [OSF] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 45. biblio [pdf]

    From language development to language evolution: A unified view of human lexical creativity. Science (2023) biblio [link] [preprint] [commentary] [AAAS] [EurekAlert!] [supplementary material] [OSF]

    Word sense extension. ACL (2023) biblio [pdf] [GitHub]

    Knowledge of cultural moral norms in large language models. ACL (2023) biblio [pdf] [GitHub]

    Predicting strategy choice in word formation: A case study of reuse and compounding. CogSci 45 (2023) biblio [pdf]

    Quantifying informativeness of names in visual space. CogSci 45 (2023) biblio [pdf]

    A computational analysis of crosslinguistic regularity in semantic change. Frontiers in Communication (2023) biblio [pdf] [supplementary material] [GitHub]

Papers (2018-2022)
    Chaining and the temporal dynamics of scientists' publishing behaviour. PLOS ONE (2022) biblio [pdf] [supporting information] [GitHub] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 42. biblio [pdf]

    Tracing semantic variation in slang. EMNLP (2022) biblio [pdf] [GitHub]

    Noun2Verb: Probabilistic frame semantics for word class conversion. Comput Linguist (2022) biblio [pdf] [GitHub]

    Crosslinguistic word order variation reflects evolutionary pressures of dependency and information locality. PNAS (2022) biblio [link] [supporting information] [GitLab]

    The emergence of gender associations in child language development. Cogn Sci (2022) biblio [pdf] [appendix] [OSF] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 42. biblio [pdf]

    Word formation supports efficient communication: The case of compounds. CogSci 44 (2022) biblio [pdf]

    Communicative need modulates lexical precision across semantic domains: A domain-level account of efficient communication. CogSci 44 (2022) biblio [pdf]

    Semantically informed slang interpretation. NAACL-HLT (2022) biblio [pdf] [GitHub]

    Neural reality of argument structure constructions. ACL (2022) biblio [pdf] [GitHub] [ACL presentation]

    The forms and meanings of grammatical markers support efficient communication. PNAS (2021) biblio [link] [supporting information] [OSF] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 42. biblio [pdf]

    Predicting emergent linguistic compositions through time: Syntactic frame extension via multimodal chaining. EMNLP (2021) biblio [pdf] [GitHub] [EMNLP presentation]

    An unsupervised framework for tracing textual sources of moral change. Findings of ACL: EMNLP (2021) biblio [pdf] [GitHub] [EMNLP presentation]

    Evolution of emotion semantics. Cognition (2021) biblio [pdf] [supplementary material] [GitHub] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 42. biblio [pdf]

    A diachronic evaluation of gender asymmetry in euphemism. LChange'21 (2021) biblio [pdf]

    How is BERT surprised? Layerwise detection of linguistic anomalies. ACL-IJCNLP (2021) biblio [pdf] [GitHub] [ACL presentation]

    Chaining and the formation of spatial semantic categories in childhood. CogSci 43 (2021) biblio [pdf]

    A computational evaluation of gender asymmetry in semantic change. CogSci 43 (2021) biblio [pdf]

    Chaining algorithms and historical adjective extension. Computational approaches to semantic change (2021) biblio [pdf] [GitHub] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 42. biblio [pdf]

    A computational framework for slang generation. TACL (2021) biblio [pdf] [GitHub] [ACL presentation]

    A computational theory of child overextension. Cognition (2021) biblio [pdf] [supplementary material] [GitHub] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 41. biblio [pdf]

    Numeral systems across languages support efficient communication: From approximate numerosity to recursion. Open Mind (2020) biblio [pdf] [appendix] [OSF] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 36. biblio [pdf]

    Inferring symmetry in natural language. Findings of ACL: EMNLP (2020) biblio [pdf] [GitHub]

    Word class flexibility: A deep contextualized approach. EMNLP (2020) biblio [pdf] [GitHub] [EMNLP presentation]

    Chaining and the growth of linguistic categories. Cognition (2020) biblio [pdf] [GitHub]

    Conceptual relations predict colexification across languages. Cognition (2020) biblio [pdf] [supplementary material] [OSF]

    How nouns surface as verbs: Inference and generation in word class conversion. CogSci 42 (2020) biblio [pdf]

    Gender convergence in the expressions of love: A comptuational analysis of lyrics. CogSci 42 (2020) biblio [pdf]

    The typology of polysemy: A multilingual distributional framework. CogSci 42 (2020) biblio [pdf]

    Corpus of Chinese dynastic histories: Gender analysis over two millennia. LREC (2020) biblio [pdf] [OSF]

    Text-based inference of moral sentiment change. EMNLP (2019) biblio [pdf] [supplementary material] [GitHub]

    Slang detection and identification. CoNLL (2019) biblio [pdf]

    Slang generation as categorization. CogSci 41 (2019) biblio [pdf] [Python library of categorization models by Zhewei Sun]

    A predictability-distinctiveness trade-off in the historical emergence of word forms. CogSci 41 (2019) biblio [pdf]

    Rapid information gain explains cross-linguistic tendencies in numeral ordering. CogSci 41 (2019) biblio [pdf]

    Is Nike female? Exploring the role of sound symbolism in predicting brand name gender. EMNLP (2018) biblio [pdf]

    Stability in the temporal dynamics of word meanings. CogSci 40 (2018) biblio [pdf]

    Algorithms in the historical emergence of word senses. PNAS (2018) biblio [pdf] [supporting information] [GitHub] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 39. biblio [pdf]

    Semantic typology and efficient communication. Annu Rev Linguist (2018) biblio [pdf]

Papers (2013-2017)
    Evolution of word meanings through metaphorical mapping: Systematicity over the past millennium. Cogn Psychol (2017) biblio [pdf] [supplementary material] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 38. biblio [pdf]

    An adaptive cue combination model of human spatial reorientation. Cognition (2017) biblio [pdf] [supplementary material] [code] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 37. biblio [pdf]

    The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and inference under uncertainty. WIREs Cognitive Science (2017) biblio [pdf]

    Exploring the spatio-temporal neural basis of face learning. J Vis (2017) biblio [pdf]

    Historical semantic chaining and efficient communication: The case of container names. Cogn Sci (2016) biblio [pdf] [appendix] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 37 with Prize for Computational Modeling in Language. biblio [pdf]

    A computational investigation of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis: The case of spatial relations. CogSci 38 (2016) biblio [pdf]

    The pragmatics of spatial language. CogSci 38 (2016) biblio [pdf]

    The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and probabilistic inference: Evidence from the domain of color. PLOS ONE (2016) biblio [pdf] [GitHub]

    A computational evaluation of two laws of semantic change. CogSci 37 (2015) biblio [pdf]

    Fine-grained temporal coding of visually-similar categories in the ventral visual pathway and prefrontal cortex. Front Psychol (2013) biblio [pdf]

Papers (pre-2013)
    Characterizing global statistical significance of spatio-temporal hot spots in MEG/EEG source space via excursion algorithms. Stat Med (2011) biblio [pdf]

    Inference and communication in the game of Password. NIPS 23 (2010) biblio [pdf]

    Constructing spatial concepts from universal primitives. CogSci 32 (2010) Prize for Computational Modeling in Language biblio [pdf]

    Decoding and cortical source localization for intendented movement direction with MEG. J Neurophysiol (2010) biblio [link]

    Cluster-based algorithm for ROI analysis and cognitive state decoding using single-trial source MEG data. Biomag 17 (2010) biblio [link]

    R/BHC: fast Bayesian hierarchical clustering for microarray data. BMC Bioinformatics (2009) biblio [link] [software]

    Tree-based inference in Dirichlet process mixtures. AISTATS 12 (2009) biblio [pdf]