Infinite mixture chaining: An efficiency-based framework for the dynamic construction of word meaning. Open Mind (2025) biblio Yu, L. and Xu, Y. (2025) Infinite mixture chaining: An efficiency-based framework for the dynamic construction of word meaning. Open Mind: Discoveries in Cognitive Science, 9: 1–24. | [pdf] [OSF] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 44. biblio | Yu, L. and Xu, Y. (2022) Infinite mixture chaining: Efficient temporal construction of word meaning. In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Word reuse and combination support efficient communication of emerging concepts. PNAS (2024) biblio | Xu, A., Kemp, C., Frermann, L., and Xu, Y. (2024) Word reuse and combination support efficient communication of emerging concepts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(46), e2406971121. | [link] [preprint] [supporting information] [OSF]
Moral association graph: A cognitive model for automated moral inference. topiCS (2024) biblio | Ramezani, A. and Xu, Y. (2024) Moral association graph: A cognitive model for automated moral inference. Topics in Cognitive Science, 00, 1-19, doi: | [link] [OSF] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 46 with Disciplinary Diversity & Integration Award. biblio Ramezani, A. and Xu, Y. (2024) Moral association graph: A cognitive model for moral inference. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Paraphrase types elicit prompt engineering capabilities. EMNLP (2024) biblio | Wahle, J.P., Ruas, T., Xu, Y. and Gipp, B. (2024) Paraphrase types elicit prompt engineering capabilities. In Proceedings of The 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processings. | [pdf] [GitHub]
Evolution of the moral lexicon. Open Mind (2024) biblio | Ramezani, A., Stellar, J.E., Feinberg, M., and Xu, Y. (2024) Evolution of the moral lexicon. Open Mind: Discoveries in Cognitive Science, 8, 1153-1169. | [pdf] [supporting information] [OSF] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 44. biblio Ramezani, A., Stellar, J.E., Feinberg, M., and Xu, Y. (2022) Evolution of moral semantics through metaphorization. In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Quantifying the emergence of moral foundational lexicon in child language development. PNAS Nexus (2024) biblio | Ramezani, A., Liu, E., Lee, S.W.S., and Xu, Y. (2024) Quantifying the emergence of moral foundational lexicon in child language development. PNAS Nexus, 3(8), 278. | [link][pdf] [EurekAlert!] [supplementary material] [OSF] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 44. biblio | Ramezani, A., Liu, E., Ferreira Pinto Jr., R., Lee, S., and Xu, Y. (2022) The emergence of moral foundations in child language development. In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Cognitive factors in word sense decline. CogSci 46 (2024) biblio Kali, A., Xu, Y., and Stevenson, S. (2024) Cognitive factors in word sense decline. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
On quantifying schematicity of future narratives. CogSci 46 (2024) biblio Kinley, I., Addis, D. R., Roberts, R. P., Fynes-Clinton, S., and Xu, Y. (2024) On quantifying schematicity of future narratives. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf] [erratum]
Toward informal language processing: Knowledge of slang in large language models. NAACL (2024) biblio | Sun, Z., Hu, Q., Gupta, R., Zemel, R., and Xu, Y. (2024) Toward informal language processing: Knowledge of slang in large language models. In Proceedings of the 2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. | [pdf] [GitHub]
Quantifying bias in hierarchical category systems. Open Mind (2024) biblio | Warburton, K., Kemp, C., Xu, Y., and Frermann, L. (2024) Quantifying bias in hierarchical category systems. Open Mind: Discoveries in Cognitive Science, 8, 102-130. | [pdf] [OSF] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 45. biblio | Warburton, K., Kemp, C., Xu, Y., and Frermann, L. (2023) Quantifying bias in library classification systems. In Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
From language development to language evolution: A unified view of human lexical creativity. Science (2023) biblio | Brochhagen, T., Boleda, G., Gualdoni, E., and Xu, Y. (2023) From language development to language evolution: A unified view of human lexical creativity. Science, 381(6656), 431-436. | [link] [preprint] [commentary] [AAAS] [EurekAlert!] [supplementary material] [OSF]
Word sense extension. ACL (2023) biblio | Yu, L. and Xu, Y. (2023) Word sense extension. In Proceedings of The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. | [pdf] [GitHub]
Knowledge of cultural moral norms in large language models. ACL (2023) biblio | Ramezani, A. and Xu, Y. (2023) Knowledge of cultural moral norms in large language models. In Proceedings of The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. | [pdf] [GitHub]
Predicting strategy choice in word formation: A case study of reuse and compounding. CogSci 45 (2023) biblio Xu, A., Frermann, L., Kemp, C., and Xu, Y. (2023) Predicting strategy choice in word formation: A case study of reuse and compounding. In Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Quantifying informativeness of names in visual space. CogSci 45 (2023) biblio [pdf]
A computational analysis of crosslinguistic regularity in semantic change. Frontiers in Communication (2023) biblio | Fugikawa, O., Hayman, O., Liu, R., Yu, L., Brochhagen, T., and Xu, Y. (2023) A computational analysis of crosslinguistic regularity in semantic change. Frontiers in Communication, 8:1136338. | [pdf] [supplementary material] [GitHub]
Papers (2018-2022)
Chaining and the temporal dynamics of scientists' publishing behaviour. PLOS ONE (2022) biblio Liu, E. and Xu, Y. (2022) Chaining and the temporal dynamics of scientists' publishing behaviour. PLOS ONE, 17(12):e0278389. | [pdf] [supporting information] [GitHub] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 42. biblio | Liu, E. and Xu, Y. (2020) Chaining and the process of scientific innovation. In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Tracing semantic variation in slang. EMNLP (2022) biblio | Sun, Z. and Xu, Y. (2022) Tracing semantic variation in slang. In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. | [pdf] [GitHub]
Noun2Verb: Probabilistic frame semantics for word class conversion. Comput Linguist (2022) biblio | Yu, L. and Xu, Y. (2022) Noun2Verb: Probabilistic frame semantics for word class conversion. Computational Linguistics, 48(4): 783–818. | [pdf] [GitHub]
Crosslinguistic word order variation reflects evolutionary pressures of dependency and information locality. PNAS (2022) biblio | Hahn, M. and Xu, Y. (2022) Crosslinguistic word order variation reflects evolutionary pressures of dependency and information locality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(24), e2122604119. | [link] [supporting information] [GitLab]
The emergence of gender associations in child language development. Cogn Sci (2022) biblio | Prystawski, B., Grant, E., Nematzadeh, A., Lee, S.W.S., Stevenson, S., and Xu, Y. (2022) The emergence of gender associations in child language development. Cognitive Science, 46, e13146. | [pdf] [appendix] [OSF] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 42. biblio | Prystawski, B., Grant, E., Nematzadeh, A., Lee, S., Stevenson, S., and Xu, Y. (2020) Tracing the emergence of gendered language in childhood. In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Word formation supports efficient communication: The case of compounds. CogSci 44 (2022) biblio Xu, A., Kemp, C., Frermann, L., and Xu, Y. (2022) Word formation supports efficient communication: The case of compounds. In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Communicative need modulates lexical precision across semantic domains: A domain-level account of efficient communication. CogSci 44 (2022) biblio Bradford, L., Thomas, G., and Xu, Y. (2022) Communicative need modulates lexical precision across semantic domains: A domain-level account of efficient communication. In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Semantically informed slang interpretation. NAACL-HLT (2022) biblio | Sun, Z., Zemel, R., and Xu, Y. (2022) Semantically informed slang interpretation. In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Human Language Technologies. | [pdf] [GitHub]
Neural reality of argument structure constructions. ACL (2022) biblio | Li, B., Zhu, Z., Thomas, G., Rudzicz, F., and Xu, Y. (2022) Neural reality of argument structure constructions. In Proceedings of 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. | [pdf] [GitHub] [ACL presentation]
The forms and meanings of grammatical markers support efficient communication. PNAS (2021) biblio | Mollica, F., Bacon, G., Zaslavsky, N., Xu, Y., Regier, T., and Kemp, C. (2021) The forms and meanings of grammatical markers support efficient communication. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(49), e2025993118. | [link] [supporting information] [OSF] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 42. biblio | Mollica, F., Bacon, G., Xu, Y., Regier, T., and Kemp, C. (2020) Grammatical marking and the tradeoff between code length and informativeness. In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Predicting emergent linguistic compositions through time: Syntactic frame extension via multimodal chaining. EMNLP (2021) biblio | Yu, L. and Xu, Y. (2021) Predicting emergent linguistic compositions through time: Syntactic frame extension via multimodal chaining. In Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. | [pdf] [GitHub] [EMNLP presentation]
An unsupervised framework for tracing textual sources of moral change. Findings of ACL: EMNLP (2021) biblio | Ramezani, A., Zhu, Z., Rudzicz, and Xu, Y. (2021) An unsupervised framework for tracing textual sources of moral change. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021. | [pdf] [GitHub] [EMNLP presentation]
Evolution of emotion semantics. Cognition (2021) biblio | Xu, A., Stellar, J.E., and Xu, Y. (2021) Evolution of emotion semantics. Cognition, 217, 104875. | [pdf] [supplementary material] [GitHub] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 42. biblio | Xu, A., Stellar, J.E., and Xu, Y. (2020) Prototype theory and emotion semantic change. In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
A diachronic evaluation of gender asymmetry in euphemism. LChange'21 (2021) biblio Kapron-King, A. and Xu, Y. (2021) A diachronic evaluation of gender asymmetry in euphemism. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change, ACL. | [pdf]
How is BERT surprised? Layerwise detection of linguistic anomalies. ACL-IJCNLP (2021) biblio | Li, B., Zhu, Z., Thomas, G., Xu, Y., and Rudzicz, F. (2021) How is BERT surprised? Layerwise detection of linguistic anomalies. In Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. | [pdf] [GitHub] [ACL presentation]
Chaining and the formation of spatial semantic categories in childhood. CogSci 43 (2021) biblio Xu, A. and Xu, Y. (2021) Chaining and the formation of spatial semantic categories in childhood. In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
A computational evaluation of gender asymmetry in semantic change. CogSci 43 (2021) biblio Schnell, E. and Xu, Y. (to appear) A computational evaluation of gender asymmetry in semantic change. In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Chaining algorithms and historical adjective extension. Computational approaches to semantic change (2021) biblio | Grewal, K. and Xu, Y. (2021) Chaining algorithms and historical adjective extension. In Nina Tahmasebi, Lars Borin, Adam Jatowt, Yang Xu, and Simon Hengchen (eds.), Computational approaches to semantic change (Language Variation), 189-218. Berlin: Language Science Press. | [pdf] [GitHub] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 42. biblio | Grewal, K. and Xu, Y. (2020) Chaining and historical adjective extension. In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
A computational framework for slang generation. TACL (2021) biblio | Sun, Z., Zemel, R., and Xu, Y. (2021) A computational framework for slang generation.
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 9, 462-478. | [pdf] [GitHub] [ACL presentation]
A computational theory of child overextension. Cognition (2021) biblio | Ferreira Pinto Jr., R. and Xu, Y. (2021) A computational theory of child overextension. Cognition, 206, 104472. | [pdf] [supplementary material] [GitHub] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 41. biblio | Ferreira Pinto Jr., R. and Xu, Y. (2019) Children's overextension as communication by multimodal chaining. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Numeral systems across languages support efficient communication: From approximate numerosity to recursion. Open Mind (2020) biblio | Xu, Y., Liu, E., and Regier, T. (2020) Numeral systems across languages support efficient communication: From approximate numerosity to recursion. Open Mind: Discoveries in Cognitive Science, 4, 57-70. | [pdf] [appendix] [OSF] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 36. biblio | Xu, Y. and Regier, T. (2014) Numeral systems across languages support efficient communication: From approximate numerosity to recursion. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Inferring symmetry in natural language. Findings of ACL: EMNLP (2020) biblio | Tanchip, C., Yu, L., Xu, A., and Xu, Y. (2020) Inferring symmetry in natural language. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020. | [pdf] [GitHub]
Word class flexibility: A deep contextualized approach. EMNLP (2020) biblio | Li, B., Thomas, G., Xu, Y., and Rudzicz, F. (2020) Word class flexibility: A deep contextualized approach. In Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. | [pdf] [GitHub] [EMNLP presentation]
Chaining and the growth of linguistic categories. Cognition (2020) biblio | Habibi, A.A., Kemp, C., and Xu, Y. (2020) Chaining and the growth of linguistic categories. Cognition, 202, 104323. | [pdf] [GitHub]
Conceptual relations predict colexification across languages. Cognition (2020) biblio | Xu, Y., Duong, K., Malt, B.C., Jiang, S., and Srinivasan, M. (2020) Conceptual relations predict colexification across languages. Cognition, 201, 104280. | [pdf] [supplementary material] [OSF]
How nouns surface as verbs: Inference and generation in word class conversion. CogSci 42 (2020) biblio Yu, L., El Sanyoura, L., and Xu, Y. (2020) How nouns surface as verbs: Inference and generation in word class conversion. In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Gender convergence in the expressions of love: A comptuational analysis of lyrics. CogSci 42 (2020) biblio El Sanyoura, L. and Xu, Y. (2020) Gender convergence in the expressions of love: A comptuational analysis of lyrics. In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
The typology of polysemy: A multilingual distributional framework. CogSci 42 (2020) biblio Rabinovich, E., Xu, Y., and Stevenson, S. (2020) The typology of polysemy: A multilingual distributional framework. In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Corpus of Chinese dynastic histories: Gender analysis over two millennia. LREC (2020) biblio | Zinin, S. and Xu, Y. (2020) Corpus of Chinese dynastic histories: Gender analysis over two millennia. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. | [pdf] [OSF]
Text-based inference of moral sentiment change. EMNLP (2019) biblio | Xie, J.Y., Ferreira Pinto Jr., R., Hirst, G., and Xu, Y. (2019) Text-based inference of moral sentiment change. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 4646-4655, Hong Kong, China. | [pdf] [supplementary material] [GitHub]
Slang detection and identification. CoNLL (2019) biblio | Pei, Z.Q., Sun, Z., and Xu, Y. (2019) Slang detection and identification. In Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, 881-889, Hong Kong, China. | [pdf]
Slang generation as categorization. CogSci 41 (2019) biblio | Sun, Z., Zemel, R., and Xu, Y. (2019) Slang generation as categorization. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf] [Python library of categorization models by Zhewei Sun]
A predictability-distinctiveness trade-off in the historical emergence of word forms. CogSci 41 (2019) biblio | [pdf]
Rapid information gain explains cross-linguistic tendencies in numeral ordering. CogSci 41 (2019) biblio | Liu, E. and Xu, Y. (2019) Rapid information gain explains cross-linguistic tendencies in numeral ordering. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Is Nike female? Exploring the role of sound symbolism in predicting brand name gender. EMNLP (2018) biblio | Moorthy, S., Pogacar, R., Khan, S., and Xu, Y. Is Nike female? Exploring the role of sound symbolism in predicting brand name gender. In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 1128-1132, Brussels, Belgium. | [pdf]
Stability in the temporal dynamics of word meanings. CogSci 40 (2018) biblio | Luo, Y. and Xu, Y. (2018) Stability in the temporal dynamics of word meanings. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Algorithms in the historical emergence of word senses. PNAS (2018) biblio | Ramiro, C., Srinivasan, M., Malt, B.C., and Xu, Y. (2018) Algorithms in the historical emergence of word senses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(10), 2323-2328. | [pdf] [supporting information] [GitHub] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 39. biblio | Ramiro, C., Malt, B.C., Srinivasan, M., and Xu, Y. (2017) Mental algorithms in the historical emergence of word meanings. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Semantic typology and efficient communication. Annu Rev Linguist (2018) biblio | Kemp, C., Xu, Y., and Regier, T. (2018) Semantic typology and efficient communication. Annual Review of Linguistics, 4:109-128. | [pdf]
Papers (2013-2017)
Evolution of word meanings through metaphorical mapping: Systematicity over the past millennium. Cogn Psychol (2017) biblio Xu, Y., Malt, B.C. and Srinivasan, M. (2017) Evolution of word meanings through metaphorical mapping: Systematicity over the past millennium. Cognitive Psychology, 96:41-53. | [pdf] [supplementary material] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 38. biblio | Xu, Y., Malt, B.C., and Srinivasan, M. (2016) Evolution of polysemous word senses from metaphorical mappings. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
An adaptive cue combination model of human spatial reorientation. Cognition (2017) biblio | Xu, Y., Regier, T. and Newcombe, N.S. (2017) An adaptive cue combination model of spatial reorientation. Cognition, 163:56-66. | [pdf] [supplementary material] [code] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 37. biblio | Xu, Y., Regier, T. and Newcombe, N.S. (2015) An adaptive cue combination model of spatial reorientation. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and inference under uncertainty. WIREs Cognitive Science (2017) biblio | Regier, T. and Xu, Y. (2017) The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and inference under uncertainty. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, e1440. | [pdf]
Exploring the spatio-temporal neural basis of face learning. J Vis (2017) biblio | Yang, Y., Xu, Y., Jew, C.A., Pyles, J.A., Kass, R.E., and Tarr, M.J. (2017) Exploring the spatio-temporal neural basis of face learning. Journal of Vision, 17(6):1-23. | [pdf]
Historical semantic chaining and efficient communication: The case of container names. Cogn Sci (2016) biblio | Xu, Y., Regier, T. and Malt, B.C. (2016) Historical semantic chaining and efficient communication: The case of container names. Cognitive Science, 40(8):2081-2094. | [pdf] [appendix] Shorter version appeared in CogSci 37 with Prize for Computational Modeling in Language. biblio | Xu, Y., Regier, T. and Malt, B.C. (2015) Semantic chaining and efficient communication: The case of container names. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
A computational investigation of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis: The case of spatial relations. CogSci 38 (2016) biblio | Tseng, C., Carstensen, A.B., Regier, T., and Xu, Y. (2016) A computational investigation of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis: The case of spatial relations. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
The pragmatics of spatial language. CogSci 38 (2016) biblio | Ullman, T.D., Xu, Y., and Goodman N.D. (2016) The pragmatics of spatial language. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and probabilistic inference: Evidence from the domain of color. PLOS ONE (2016) biblio | Cibelli, E., Xu, Y., Austerweil, J.L., Griffiths, T.L., and Regier, T. (2016) The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and probabilistic inference: Evidence from the domain of color. PLOS ONE, 11(8): e0151138. | [pdf] [GitHub]
A computational evaluation of two laws of semantic change. CogSci 37 (2015) biblio | Xu, Y. and Kemp, C. (2015) A computational evaluation of two laws of semantic change. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Fine-grained temporal coding of visually-similar categories in the ventral visual pathway and prefrontal cortex. Front Psychol (2013) biblio | Xu, Y., D'Lauro, C.J., Pyles, J.A., Kass, R.E., and Tarr, M.J. (2013) Fine-grained temporal coding of visually-similar categories in the ventral visual pathway and prefrontal cortex. Frontiers in Psychology, 4(684). | [pdf]
Papers (pre-2013)
Characterizing global statistical significance of spatio-temporal hot spots in MEG/EEG source space via excursion algorithms. Stat Med (2011) biblio Xu, Y., Sudre, G.P., Wang, W., Weber, D.J., and Kass, R.E. (2011) Characterizing global statistical significance of spatio-temporal hot spots in MEG/EEG source space via excursion algorithms. Statistics in Medicine, 30(23):2854-2866. | [pdf]
Inference and communication in the game of Password. NIPS 23 (2010) biblio | Xu, Y. and Kemp, C. (2010) Inference and communication in the game of Password. In Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems. | [pdf]
Constructing spatial concepts from universal primitives. CogSci 32 (2010) Prize for Computational Modeling in Language biblio | Xu, Y., and Kemp, C. (2010) Constructing spatial concepts from universal primitives. In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. | [pdf]
Decoding and cortical source localization for intendented movement direction with MEG. J Neurophysiol (2010) biblio | Wang, W., Sudre, G.P., Xu, Y., Kass, R.E., Collinger, J.L., Degenhart, A.D., Bagic, A., and Weber, D.J. (2010) Decoding and cortical source localization for intended movement direction with MEG. Journal of Neurophysiology, 104(5):2451-2461. | [link]
Cluster-based algorithm for ROI analysis and cognitive state decoding using single-trial source MEG data. Biomag 17 (2010) biblio | Sudre, G., Xu, Y., Kass, R.E., Weber, D.J., and Wang, W. (2010) Cluster-based algorithm for ROI analysis and cognitive state decoding using single-trial source MEG data. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Biomagnetism. | [link]
R/BHC: fast Bayesian hierarchical clustering for microarray data. BMC Bioinformatics (2009) biblio | Savage, R., Heller, K.A., Xu, Y., Ghahramani, Z., Truman, W., Grant, M., Denby, K., and Wild, D. (2009) R/BHC: Fast Bayesian hierarchical clustering for microarray data. BMC Bioinformatics, 10(1):242. | [link] [software]
Tree-based inference in Dirichlet process mixtures. AISTATS 12 (2009) biblio | Xu, Y., Heller, K.A., and Ghahramani, Z. (2009) Tree-based inference in Dirichlet process mixtures. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. | [pdf]
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