Tutorial Sessions
You will find material related to tutorials posted here. Most of the time spent in tutorials for this class is for teaching or practicing tool usage. Over the time, we have tried to record these things in videos, so that they can be accessed at any time. Whenever a video for a tutorial is available, the actual tutorial slot is dedicated to other things. These can include your TA being present to answer questions, the midterm exams, or anything else that comes up during the term.
- Tutorial (1): Dafny
- Tutorial (2): Bubble Sort 1, Bubble Sort 2
- Tutorial (3): Recursive QuickSort,
- Tutorial (3) slides, Tundra
- Tutorial (4) slides, Tundra
- Tutorial (5):
- Tutorial (6):
- Tutorial (7):
- Tutorial (8):
- Tutorial (9):
- Tutorial (10):