CSC340F: Requirements Engineering
(Fall term 2006)
- Thurs 28th Dec, 2006:
I have posted the preliminary marks for the assignments and exams, including class averages. Please let me know if there are any mistakes in your coursework grades. The Final Exam with model answers is also available.
- Thurs 7th Dec, 2006: Your final assignment is due in tomorrow at 12 noon, to room BA5287. One of the TAs, Jorge Aranda, will be there from 10:30am to receive the assignments. If you miss the 12 noon deadline, the assignment will be penalized according to the course lateness policy.
- Wed 6th Dec, 2006: For tomorrow's lecture, we'll review the course, and talk a little about the final exam. Reminder: no aids of any kind are allowed in the final exam - that includes cellphones, ipods, etc. The rules are very strict - if you need to keep track of time, you'll need to get a simple watch or alarmclock.
- Tues 5th Dec, 2006: As agreed in class this morning, there will be no tutorial on Friday. To save you getting up so early, we'll move the hand in time for the final assignment to 12 noon on Friday.
- Tuesday 20th Nov, 2006: Assignment 4 is released.
- Thur 16th Nov,
2006: Here's this term's midterm
exam, with model answers.
- Thurs 2nd Nov, 2006: Note that there are no lectures and
no tutorials next week, but the midterm exam will be held in the normal Thursday
lecture slot, in the normal lecture room.
- Mon Oct 30th, 2006: Assignment
3 is released.
- Mon Oct 16th 2006: I had a request to make the lecture
slides available as 1-up pdf (instead of 4-up), so I've started doing this
from this week (lecture 9).
- Tues Oct 3, 2006: Assignment
2 is released.
- Sun Sept 24, 2006: Assignment
1 is released.
- Thurs Sept 14, 2006: Here is a list of teams
and tutorial groups
- Thurs Sept 7, 2006: This webpage has been updated for
the fall term 2006. Last year's site can still
be accessed.
About the Course
This course covers the theory, tools and techniques of problem analysis for
software systems development, covering both information systems and control
systems. Topics include: requirements specification, object-oriented analysis,
business process modeling, and analysis of non-functional requirements.
General Course Handouts
Lecture Notes & Weekly Readings
All teaching materials on this website are available for use under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License,
except where noted otherwise. Links to papers on the IEEE electronic library (marked
) are available only to subscribers.
U of T has an institutional subscription, so these links should work from anywhere
on campus. Please respect the copyrights on all material on this site.
- Week 1:
- Week 2: No Lectures this week!
- Week 3:
- Week 4:(Assignment 1 is due in the tutorial this week)
- Week 5:
- Week 6:
- Week 7: (Assignment 2 is due in the tutorial this week)
- Week 8
- Week 9: (Midterm test in the Thursday lecture this
- 7/11/2006 - No lecture
- 9/11/2006 - Lecture = midterm test!
- 10/11/2006 - No tutorial. Stay in bed to recover from midterm.
- Readings: No new readings this week
- Week 10:
- Week 11: (Assignment 3 is due in the tutorial this
- Week 12:
- Week 13: (Assignment 4 is due this week)
- 5/12/2006 - Lecture 21 - Software Architecture
- 7/12/2006 - Lecture 22 - Course Review & Exam prep (no slides)
- No tutorial, No new Readings
Other stuff:
Assignments and Exams
- Assignment 1:
- Assignment 2:
- Assignment 3:
- Assignment 4:
- Midterm Exam :
- Samples (with suggested answers): 2003 Spring,
2004 Spring, 2004
Fall, 2005 Fall, 2006
- Note: In studying these samples, bear in mind that the course has changed
a little each year - in particular, don't worry if there are modelling
techniques on these exams that we haven't covered (yet) in the lectures.
The midterm will only cover things we have met in lectures.
- Final Exam:
- Samples (with suggested answers): 2003
Spring, 2004 Spring, 2004
Fall, 2005
2006 Fall
- Same note applies to these as it does to the midterm samples above. Don't
forget that previous instances of this course covered more design than
we do now, so ignore exam questions asking to give detailed designs.
Contact Details
Prof. Steve Easterbrook
web page:
phone: 978-3610 (please use only for emergencies)
Office: BA5234 (Bahen Center)
Office Hours: TBD