Conference Papers (excluding later journal versions except when significantly changed)
Any-Order Online Interval Selection
A. Borodin and C. Karavasili.
WAOA, 2023, pp 175-189
Prophet Matching in the Probe-Commit Model
A. Borodin, C. MacRury,A.Rakheja.
Approx-Random, September 2022, pp 1-24.
Distortion in Voting with Top-t Preferences
A. Borodin, D. Halpern, M.Latifian, N. Shah.
IJCAI, 2022, pp 116-122.
Little House (Seat) on the Prairie: Compactness, Gerrymandering, and Population Distribution
A. Borodin, O. Lev, N. Shah, T. Strangway. AAMAS 2022, pp154-162
Secretary Matching Meets probing with Commitment
A. Borodin, C. MacRury,A.Rakheja.
Approx-Random, September 2021, pp 1-23.
Efficient Allocation of Free Stuff
Y. Azar, A. Borodin, M. Feldman, A. Fiat, K. Segal.
AAMAS, May 2019, pp 918-925.
Primarily about Primaries
A. Borodin, O. Lev, N. Shah, T. Strangway.
AAAI, January 2019
Greedy Bipartite Matching in Random Type Poisson Arrival Model
A. Borodin, C. Karavasilis, D. Pankratov.
Approx, August 2018
Big City vs. the Great Outdoors: Voter Distribution and How it Affects Gerrymandering
A. Borodin, O. Lev, N. Shah, T. Strangway.
IJCAI, July 2018
Seasonal Goods and Spoiled Milk: Pricing for a Limited Shelf-Life
A. Ashari Ghomi, A. Borodin, O. Lev.
AAMAS, July 2018
A Simple PTAS for the Dual Bin Packing Problem and Advice Complexity
of Its Online Version
A. Borodin, D. Pankratov, A. Salehi-Abari.
Procedings of the 1st Symposium of Simple Algorithms (SOSA), January 2018, pp 8:1-8:12
Budgetary Effects on Pricing Equilibrium in Online Markets
A Borodin, O. Lev and T. Strangway.
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), May 2016, pp 95-103.
Bounds on Double-Sided Myopic Algorithms for Unconstrained Non-monotone Submodular Maximization,
N. Huang and A Borodin. Proceedings of 25th International Symposium on
Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC), December 2014
Strategyproof Mechanisms for Competitive Influence in Networks,
A. Borodin, M. Braverman, B. Luicer and J. Oren.
WWW 2013, pp141-150
NOTE: The journal version changes the
proof for the two player case. More specifically, claims 2 and 4 in the WWW
version are not
correct and hence the two player algorithm in the WWW version
is not proven to be strategyproof without an additional assumption. Namely,
the journal version now requires
a Mechanism Indifference Assumption.
On the Relative Merits of Simple Local Search Methods for the MAXSAT Problem,
D. Pankratov and A. Borodin.
SAT 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, July 2010, volume 6175, pp. 223-236.
Threshold Models for Compeititve Influence in Social Networks,
A. Borodin, Y. Filmus and J. Oren.
Proceedings of the 6th International conference on Internet and Newtwork Economics (WINE), December 2010, pp. 539-550.
Before 2010
Extracting and Ranking Viral Communities Using Seeds and (Lexical) Similarity,
H.C. Lee, A. Borodin and L. Goldsmith.
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, pp. 139-148, June 2008.
Perturbation of the Hyper-linked Environment,
H.C. Lee and A. Borodin.
Proceedings of the 9th International and Computing Conference (COCOON), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 2697, July 2003, pp. 272-283.
Dense and Non-Dense Families of Complexity Classes,
A. Borodin, R. Constable, and J. Hopcroft.
Proceedings of the 10th Annual IEEE Symposium on Switching and Automata Theory, October 1969, pp. 7-19.