APS360 Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals

Summer 2019



Labs are due weekly during the first half of the course. They are to be completed individually, and will be collected using Quercus.

As with any programming assignment, start early, so you leave ample time to understand what you're supposed to do. Here are some other guidelines for assignments:

Computational Resources

Lab Handouts

WorkWeightLab DateDeadlineHandout
Lab 12%May 9May 15We recommend that you use Google Colab for these labs. The "viewer" link is just so you can take a look at the assignment without having Google Colab set up yet.
Lab 23%May 16May 22
Lab 3 (Part a)1%May 23May 24*
Lab 3 (Part b)3%May 30June 5 June 9
Lab 43%June 6June 12 June 16If you would like the TA to grade your Colab file, please make sure that it is publicly accessible when you submit your lab.
Lab 53%June 13June 19 July 2If you would like the TA to grade your Colab file, please make sure that it is publicly accessible when you submit your lab.