CSC 2401: Computational Complexity Theory
Fall, 2006

Students should consult this page at least once a week for important information.

ANNOUNCEMENT: An updated version of Homework 3 is posted below. It is due on November 16th. (There was a typo in the earlier version of the homework on question 3.)

Lectures: NEW ROOM!!! Thursday 2-4 MS 2173

Instructor: Toniann Pitassi, email: toni@cs
Office: Sandford Fleming 2305A, 978-3695
Office Hours: Thursday 4-5 and by appointment

Text: Complexity Theory: A Modern Approach, by Sanjeev Arora and Boaz Barak. Textbook draft. To be published Spring 2007. The current draft of the book can be obtained for free from the following website.

Teaching Assistant: Philipp Hertel
Office: Sandford Fleming 4306A
Office Hours: Tuesday 10-11am