Église Unie de la rue Bloor

Église Unie du Canada

General Information

The Bloor Street United Church is located at the NW corner of Bloor and Huron Street (near the University of Toronto downtown St. George campus). If you'd like to check out a service at Bloor Street, the services take place at 11:00 am on Sunday Mornings (and at 10:30 am during the summer). There is a coffee hour after the Sunday services where you can meet other members of the church while having a cup of coffee or some juice. It's a cool place -- check it out if you get a chance! :-)

Tapes of the service and sermon manuscripts are available from the church office upon request. Please see the contact information charts later on this page to find out how to contact the church office.

Upcoming Events


Sunday March 28: 11:00 am. A Palm/Passion service moving from the triumphal entry into Jerusalem through to the Garden of Gethsemane with the stripping of the sanctuary, and an optional procession to the statue of the Crucified Woman at Emmanuel College.

Wednesday March 31: 7:00 pm. (at Trinity St. Paul's) A service led by members of L'Arche Daybreak "Serving One Another" with foot/hand washing. (L'Arche was founded by Jean Vanier, the author of Becoming Human, the book we have been studying in Lent)

Thursday April 1: 7:00 pm. A Maundy Thursday communion/tenebrae service with candles, chant, and silence.

Friday April 2: 11:00 am. A Good Friday service focusing on the Stations of the Cross, with dance, symbols, and a combined choir beginning at Bloor Street, continuing with a silent procession, and ending at Trinity St. Paul's.

Saturday April 3: 9:00 pm. Silent Vigil leading into ....
10:00 pm. A traditional Easter Vigil with fire, water, word and communion, featuring The Bloor Street Mass by Canadian composer Ruth Watson Henderson

Sunday April 4: 11:00 am. Easter Day Service

Out of the Cold

The 1998-99 season for Out of the Cold is in full swing at Trinity St. Paul's United Church at 427 Bloor Street West. This program supplies homeless men and women with overnight accomodation and a hot supper and breakfast. Shifts start at 3 pm every Tuesday throughout the winter. You can help prepare the meal, serve it, clean up, entertain the guests, be part of the overnight supervision shift, or prepare, serve and clear up breakfast. To volunteer phone 924-9660 to sign up for your shift. Please look for times and dates of volunteer training in conflict intervention in the weekly church bulletin. The contact person for Out of the Cold is Judy Zellan at 410-6458. The program co-ordinator for the group of churches and synagogues supporting the Annex Out of the Cold program is........(name hopefully coming later!)

Contact Information

Address Phone Numbers (see Staff below for names)
Bloor Street United
300 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1W3
416-924-1889: FAX
416-924-7439: Mary (General Office), Kate (Building Matters), Tina, and Custodians
416-924-1325: Linda (Worship & Pastoral Care), Warren (Christian Development & Community Life), David (Music Director)
416-924-9660: Out of the Cold messages
416-487-0082: Ann Cooper
416-484-6456: Ruth Mechanicus

Bloor Street Staff
Name Position
John Bryan Silvester-Kirby Organ Scholar
Linda Butler Minister of Worship and Pastoral Care
Mary Cragg
Church Secretary
Tina Edwards
Office Secretary
Warren McDougall Minister of Christian Development & Community Life
David Passmore Director of Music
Neil A. McEwen Intern
Kate Peterson Accommodations Coordinator
Flerida Ortiz Luis
Gillian Müller
Suzanne Wyman Church School Coordinator
Fred Meisen Building Manager
Peter Robinson
Wayne Findletter
Gary Steeves
Tina Edwards (beginners)
Tom Beechinor (primary)
Catherine Evans (junior)
Bob Hilliard (junior youth)
Suzanne Wyman (junior youth)
Michael Dempsey (senior youth)
Church School Teachers
Heidi Klaan
Cindy Won
Rick Szuba
Clayton Graves
Ann Cooper
Ruth Mechanicus
Pastoral Care Team Coordinators

Mailing List

Bathurst United Church maintains a mailing list for the members of the four United Church congregations near Bloor and Spadina in Toronto. This list is for news, announcements, or any items of interest to members of the four congregations. It is open to all who are interested.

For information, or to subscribe, send an email message to majordomo@io.org containing the following lines in the body of the message:

     subscribe UCBLOOR-L

For information, email this line to the above address:

     information UCBLOOR-L

To find out who is on the list, email this line to the above address:

     who UCBLOOR-L

To subscribe, and to have the mail sent to a different email address than the one you are subscribing from, add the target email address to the subscription message:

     subscribe UCBLOOR-L (your email address)

United Church of Canada, General Information

The United Church of Canada is Canada's largest protestant denomination, with a membership of approximately 750,000 members, and roughly 3,000,000 adherents. Formed in 1925 by an Act of Parliament, the United Church is composed of Presbyterian, Methodist, Congregationalist, and United Brethren denominations.

The United Church of Canada is active in social and developmental issues throughout the world, and has ties to other denominations worldwide.

Here are some United Church of Canada links:

Here is some information about the United Church of Canada from the Kamloops Okanagan Presbytery Home Page:

And here are a few other files found on the web:

Other links

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URL:  http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~andria/french/BloorStreet.html