CSC2106S: Requirements Engineering
(Summer session, 2005)
Course seminars are timetabled for Thursdays, 1pm to 3:30pm, starting
May 19th, 2005.
June 6th: Correction classes will be Wednesdays,
4-6pm in BA7172.
About the Course
Course Outline
The slides available on this site are copyrighted. Please check with me if
you wish to reproduce or adapt any of this material. I will normally grant permission
for educational uses, as long as my copyright notice is preserved.
Week 0 (May 19, 2005): Course Orientation & Intro to RE
- slides in pdf format
- Background Reading:
- B. A. Nuseibeh and S. M. Easterbrook, "Requirements
Engineering: A Roadmap", In A. C. W. Finkelstein (ed) "The Future
of Software Engineering". (Companion volume to the proceedings of
the 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE'00). IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- A. van Lamsweerde, "Requirements engineering in the year 00: a research
perspective", Proceedings, 22nd International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE'00), Limerick, Ireland, 5-9th June, 2000, pp5-19.
IEEE Computer Society Press.(available to UofT
users here)
Week 2 (June 2, 2005): Basics of RE
- slides in pdf format
- Required Reading (please read this paper before the class!):
- Jackson, M. (1997). The Meaning of Requirements. Annals of Software
Engineering, Vol 3, Pp5-21, Baltzer Science Publishers. (available
to UofT
users here).
Note: this issue of Annals was a special issue on RE. Some of
the other papers are worth looking at too.
- Other Relevant Readings:
- Zave, P. and Jackson, M. (1997). Four Dark Corners of Requirements Engineering.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 6(1)
1-30. ACM Press. (available to UofT
users here)
Week 3 (June 8, 2005): Project Initiation
- slides in pdf format
- Required Reading (please read this paper before the class!):
- Hickey, A.M. and Davis, A.M. (2003) Elicitation technique selection: how
do experts do it? Proceedings, 11th IEEE International Requirements
Engineering Conference (RE'03), Monterey Bay, USA, 8-12th September
2003, Pages: 169-178. IEEE Computer Society Press.(available to UofT
users here)
- Other Relevant Readings:
- Bergman, M. and Mark, G. (2003) In situ requirements analysis: a deeper
examination of the relationship between requirements determination and
project selection. Proceedings, 11th IEEE International Requirements
Engineering Conference (RE'03), Monterey Bay, USA, 8-12th September
2003, Pages: 11-22. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Sutcliffe, A. (2003) Scenario-based requirements engineering. Proceedings,
11th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'03),
Monterey Bay, USA, 8-12th September 2003, Pages: 320- 329. IEEE Computer
Society Press.
- van Lamsweerde, A. (2001) Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering: A
Guided Tour. Proceedings, 5th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements
Engineering (RE'01), Toronto, August, 2001, pp. 249-263. IEEE Computer
Society Press.
Week 4 (June 15, 2005): Elicitation Techniques
- slides in pdf format
- Required Reading (please read this paper before the class!):
- Maiden, N. & Robertson, S. (2005) Integrating Creativity into Requirements
Processes: Experiences with an Air Traffic Management System. Proceedings,
13th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'05), Paris,
France, Aug 29 - Sept 2, 2005.
- Other Relevant Readings:
- Goguen, J., & Linde, C. (1993). Techniques for Requirements Elicitation.
Proceedings, First IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering
(RE'93) San Diego, California, USA, pp. 152-164. IEEE Computer Society
Press. (available to UofT
users here)
- Lloyd, W.J.; Rosson, M.B.; Arthur, J.D. (2002) Effectiveness of elicitation
techniques in distributed requirements engineering. Proceedings of
the IEEE Joint International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'02),
Essen, Germany, 9-13 September, 2002, Pages: 311- 318. (available to UofT
users here)
- Potts, C.; Newstetter, W.C. (1997). Naturalistic inquiry and requirements
engineering: reconciling their theoretical foundations. Proceedings,
Third IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (RE'97),
Annapolis, USA, pp. 118 -127. IEEE Computer Society Press. (available
to UofT
users here)
Week 5 (June 22, 2005): Steve on vacation!
Week 6 (June 29, 2005): Modeling Enterprises
- slides in pdf format
- Required Reading (please read this paper before the class!):
- Yu, E.S.K. (1997) Towards modelling and reasoning support for early-phase
requirements engineering. Proceedings, Third IEEE International Symposium
on Requirements Engineering (RE'97), Annapolis, USA, pp 226 -235.
IEEE Computer Society Press.(available to UofT
users here)
Week 7 (July 6, 2005): Modeling Information and
- slides in pdf format
- Required Reading (please read this paper before the class!):
- De Landtsheer, R.; Letier, E.; van Lamsweerde, A. (2003) Deriving tabular
event-based specifications from goal-oriented requirements models. Proceedings,
11th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'03),
Monterey Bay, USA, 8-12 Sept 2003. pp200-210.. IEEE Computer Society Press.(available
to UofT
users here)
- Other Relevant Readings:
- Whittle, J.; Schumann, J. (2000) Generating statechart designs from
scenarios. Proceedings, 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE-00), Limerick, Ireland, 4-11 June 2000. Pages:
314-323.(available to UofT
users here)
- Fichman, R.G.; Kemerer, C.F. (1992). Object-oriented and conventional
analysis and design methodologies. IEEE Computer, 25 (10) 22
-39, Oct. 1992.(available to UofT
users here)
- Glinz, M. (2000). Problems and Deficiencies of UML as a Requirements
Specification Language. Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop
on Software Specification and Design (IWSSD-10). San Diego. pp11-22.
IEEE Computer Society Press. (available to UofT
users here)
Week 8 (July 13, 2005): Steve away at a conference
Week 9 (July 20, 2005): Modeling Quality Requirements
- slides in pdf format
- Required Reading (please read this paper before the class!):
- Mylopoulos, J.; Chung, L.; Nixon, B. (1992) Representing and using nonfunctional
requirements: a process-oriented approach. IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering,Vol 18, Issue 6, June 1992, Pages:483 - 497. (available to
UofT users
- Other Relevant Readings:
- Franch, X. (1998) Systematic formulation of non-functional characteristics
of software. Proceedings, Third International Conference on Requirements
Engineering, (ICRE'98). 6-10 April 1998. Pages:174-181. IEEE Computer
Society Press. (available to UofT
users here)
Week 10 (July 27, 2005): Steve away
Week 11 (August 3, 2005): Specifications & Validation
- slides in pdf format
- Required Reading (please read this paper before the class!):
- Regnell, B., Runeson, P., Thelin, T. (2000) Are the Perspectives Really
Different? – Further Experimentation on Scenario-Based Reading of
Requirements. Empirical Software Engineering: An International Journal,
Volume 5, Issue 4, Dec 2000, Pages: 331-356. (available to U
of T users here)
- Other Relevant Readings:
- IEEE Standards Board (1998) IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements
Specifications. IEEE-STD-830-1998.
- Wilson, W.M.; Rosenberg, L.H.; Hyatt, L.E. (1997) Automated Analysis of
Requirement Specifications. Proceedings of the Nineteenth International
Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-97), Boston, MA, May 17-23, Pages:
161 -171.
- Robertson, J.and Robertson, S. (1997) Requirements: Made to Measure. American
Programmer, Volume X, No. 8; August 1997.
- Porter, A.A.; Votta, L.G., Jr.; Basili, V.R. (1995) Comparing detection
methods for software requirements inspections: a replicated experiment.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 21 (6) 563 -575, June 1995.
- Karlsson J. and Ryan K. (1997) A Cost–Value Approach for Prioritizing
Requirements. IEEE Software Sept/Oct 1997, pp. 67-74.
Week 12 (August 8, 2005): Managing Change and Inconsistency
Note time change: seminar is 10am Monday August 8th.
- slides not yet available
- Required Reading (please read these papers before the class!):
- Anton, A.I.; Potts, C. (2001) Functional paleontology: system evolution
as the user sees it. Proceedings, 23rd IEEE International Conference on
Software Engineering (ICSE'01), Toronto, Canada, 12-19 May, 2001. Pages:
421-430. (available to UofT
users here)
- Damian, D.E.H.; Eberlein, A.; Shaw, M.L.G.; Gaines, B.R. (2000) Using
different communication media in requirements negotiation. IEEE Software,
Volume: 17 Issue: 3, May-June 2000. Page(s): 28 -36.(available to U
of T users here)
- Other Relevant Readings:
- Gotel, O. C. Z. and Finkelstein A. C. W. (1995) Contribution Structures.
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering
(RE'95), York, UK, pp. 100-107, March 27-29 1995. IEEE Computer Society
- Ramesh, B. and Jarke, M. (2001) Toward reference models for requirements
traceability. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Volume: 27 1,
January 2001, Pages: 58 -93.
- Feather, M.S. and Cornford, S. L.(2003) Quantitative risk-based requirements
reasoning. Requirements Engineering, Vol 8, pages 248–265.
- Richards, D. (2003) Merging individual conceptual models of requirements.
Requirements Engineering Journal, Vol 8: pp195–205.
- Boehm, B.; In, H (1996) Identifying quality-requirement conflicts. IEEE
Software 13 (2) 25-35. March 1996.
- Easterbrook, S. M. (1994) Handling Conflict between Domain Descriptions
with Computer-Supported Negotiation. Knowledge Acquisition: An International
Journal, Vol 3, Pp255-289, 1991.
- Easterbrook, S.; Nuseibeh, B. (1995) Managing inconsistencies in an
evolving specification. Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Symposium
on Requirements Engineering (RE'95), York, UK, Page(s): 48 -55.
- Faulk, S.R. (2001) Product-line requirements specification (PRS): an
approach and case study. Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Symposium
on Requirements Engineeirng (RE'01), Toronto, Canada. Pages 48-55.
Week 13 (August 12, 2005): How Much Formality?
Note time change: seminar is 10am Friday August 12th.
- slides not yet available
- Required Reading (please read these papers before the class!):
- Parnas, D. L. (1998) “Formal Methods” Technology Transfer
Will Fail. Journal of Systems and Software. Volume: 40, Issue: 3. March,
1998. pp. 195-198
- Le Charlier, B.; Flener, P. (1998) Specifications Are Necessarily Informal
or: Some More Myths of Formal Methods. Journal of Systems and Software.
Volume: 40, Issue: 3. March, 1998. pp. 275-296.
- Berry, D.M., Formal Methods, the Very Idea, Some Thoughts on Why They
Work When They Work. Science of Computer Programming, 42:1, 11-27, January,
- Other Relevant Readings:
- Greenspan, S.; Mylopoulos, J.; Borgida, A. (1994) On formal requirements
modeling languages: RML revisited. Proceedings, 16th International Conference
on Software Engineering (ICSE-16) pp135 -147. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Heitmeyer, C. L., Jeffords, R. D., & Labaw, B. G. (1996). Automated
Consistency Checking of Requirements Specifications. ACM Transactions
on Software Engineering and Methodology, 5(3), 231-261.
- Heimdahl, M.P.E, and Leveson, N. G. (1996) Completeness and Consistency
in Hierarchical State-Based Requirements. IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, Vol 22 No 6, June 1996.
- Easterbrook, S. M., R. Lutz, R. Covington, J. Kelly, Y. Ampo and D.
Hamilton, Experiences Using Lightweight Formal Methods for Requirements
Modeling, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Special Issue on
Formal Methods in Software Practice, vol. 24, (1), 1998.
- Jackson, M. Formal Methods and Traditional Engineering. Journal of Systems
and Software. Volume: 40, Issue: 3. March, 1998. pp. 191-194.