CSC104 — Contact

Meeting Times

Lectures: TR9 in SS 2117, January 9 to April 13th
Instructor office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30 &ndash noon, BA3222


Danny Heap

Email: heap@cs (add or, according to taste)
Office: BA 3222 (most south-east office on third floor of Bahen, near the south entrance of the Great Hall of Computing)
Phone: 416-978-5899 (email works better)

CDF accounts and TA lab hours

Check for your CDF login. Your initial password is your student number, and you will need to login at one of the CDF terminals (for example, in BA2210) the first time (not remotely). To find out more about using the CDF lab see CDF lab page. Try to find an answer to your questions there before writing to

Starting the second week, course TAs will be in BA2210 to help you become familiar with the CDF computers and point you toward sources of information helpful in completing your assignment during the following times:

  • Yiqiao Wang, Monday noon--1pm
  • Mike Pavlin, Tuesday noon to 1 pm
  • CDF TA, Tuesday noon--2 pm, Wednesday noon--2 pm
  • Anastasia Bezerianos, Thursday 2 to 3 pm
  • Arnold Binas, Thursday 7 to 8 pm
  • Irum Godil, Friday 10 to 11 am
  • Graham Taylor, Friday 11 am to noon


Tutorials take place Fridays at 9. These will involve some exercises that re-inforce course material, and contribute to your participation mark. Check which tutorial corresponds to your surname:
  • Abada--Che: your TA is Yiqiao Wang, meet in LM123
  • Chin--Hsu: your TA is Arnold Binas, meet in MP137
  • Iroaga--Ka-Yu Leung: your TA is Mike Pavlin, meet in MP134
  • Kin Leung--Okolo: your TA Irum Godil, meet in MP118
  • Orlic--Takiyyuddin: your TA is Anastasia Bezerianos, meet in SS2128
  • Tam--Zilli: your TA is Graham Taylor, meet in SS1080


Instructors receive a lot of email (1000s of non-spam messages per term) so we need your help to make our lives easier and responses quicker:

  • If your topic could be of interest to other students, use the newsgroup so they can all benefit from your comment or my response.

  • Identify this course (104), yourself (by your full name or CDF login name) and the point of the email in the subject line. Ideally, it will be of the form:

    104 cNxxxxxx: email topic

    Replace cNxxxxxx with your CDF login name and email topic with something descriptive.

    An example of a good email topic is: "Possible error in A3 handout". An example of a bad topic is "URGENT question", since we mostly receive questions and we treat all our students equally, judging the urgency based on the situation.

  • Don't use MIME or HTML in your email. And try not to include advertising.

  • Include your full name in the body of the email.

  • If you send an email and then realize you didn't follow these rules, don't send it again unless you left out both your name and login name.

Course Newsgroup

The newsgroup is provided for general discussion related to this course.

DO NOT use it to discuss assignment solutions. At most, for assignments, only use it to ask for clarifications. In particular, NEVER publicly post your solution to an assignment, or even your idea of the solution to an assignment, or even one small part of a program that is part of your solution to an assignment, etc. We must consider these as academic offenses! Instead, for help solving the assignments, you have my office hours and email.

You should follow rules similar to those for email when posting to the newsgroup:

  • Use a good subject line (but leave out the course and login name).

  • Don't use MIME or HTML. Avoid advertising.

  • Identify yourself by CDF login or full name in the body of the message.

Click to read the 104 newsgroup (if your bowser supports newsgroups). If your newsreader doesn't support posting you can post by simply sending email to ut.cdf.csc104h; the sender, date, subject and message body will be posted.

For more information see the CDF News FAQ .

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[above repeated on CSC 148/150 sites]