CSC104 Forms

If you have to miss term work due to medical or other reasons, please contact your instructor immediately. Fill out either the Special Consideration Form, or the Student Medical Certificate, as appropriate. Be sure to include all appropriate documentation.

Re-mark requests must be made within one month of the work being returned to you. If there has been an addition error on a piece of your work, bring this to the attention of your instructor as quickly as possible. For all other re-marking requests, use the following steps:
  1. Print this Remark request, fill it in completely, and attach it to your assignment or test. Requests without the filled-in form cannot be considered. You should concretely show how the marking scheme was not followed for your work. Statements such as "this deserves more marks" or "I really worked hard on this" although they deserve empathy, cannot change the fact that the marker applied the same criteria to all students' work, marking all work equally harshly or leniently.
  2. Give the form, and your work, directly to your instructor. If you are comparing your work to another student's work, include the other work as well. Notice: The grade on re-marked work can go up, down, or stay the same, depending on what the instructor finds in your work. Don't assume that it's worth gambling on a re-mark.

Danny Heap
Last modified: Wed Jun 8 15:51:30 EDT 2005