Undergraduate Artificial Intelligence Group



Lecture Notes



Monday November 19, 2012 (5pm BA5256):
Read and/or watch any of the following:
- Bengio and LeCun, Scaling Learning Algorithms Towards AI,
- Tom Griffith's Bayesian reading list
- Tenenbaum et al.'s How to Grow a Mind: Statistics, Structure, and Abstraction
- MIT CogNet: Computational Intelligence
- "Artificial Intelligence" definition by the internet encyclopedia of philosophy
- MIT CogNet: Computational Intelligence
- Henry Markham, director of the Blue Brain supercomputing project, gives a TED talk
- Jeff Hawkins TED talk about how brain science will change computing

Monday October 29, 2012 :
A Fast Learning Algorithm for Deep Belief Nets
Learning Multiple Layers of Representation
On Contrastive Divergence Learning

Monday October 16, 2012 :
Read and/or watch the following:
From Neural Networks to Deep Learning: Zeroing in on the Human Brain
The Next Generation of Neural Networks

November 14, 2011:
(from Adam Golding)
For reading, people could read sections of interest from:
With some emphasis on the more discrete/symbolic stuff in there. Or if they want to ‘go interdisciplinary’ they could choose among the readings from this Seance:

October 31, 2011:
Optional supplementary reading material:
A Case for Simple SAT Solvers. Jinbo Huang. CP’07.
“It is a short paper, and gives an overview which I’d consider more modern
(though some people might not agree). It also cites a lot of classic
papers in the field.” (Alexandra G)

March 1, 2011:
LigAlign: Flexible ligand-based active site alignment and analysis by Abraham Heifets and Ryan H.Lilien

February 22, 2011: Reading week, ironically :)

February 15, 2011:
Choose a paper from the special issue in Trends in Cognitive Sciences,
particularly something written by Joshua B. Tenenbaum
If you’re feeling lazy and just want to be given a paper to read, then at least read this:
Probabilistic models of cognition: Conceptual foundations. Chater, N., Tenenbaum, J. B., and Yuille, A.
If you’re feeling more adventurous, choose a paper that catches your interest from Josh Tenenbaum’s home page.

February 8, 2011:
All group members read an article of their choosing from one of:

February 2, 2011:
“Recognition-by-Components: A Theory of Human Image Understanding” by Irving Biederman
- a classical work — good preparation for Pablo’s talk

January 25, 2011:
“Near Duplicate Image Detection min-Hash and tf-idf Weighting” by O. Chum, J. Philbin, A. Zisserman
- also available in the Readings section of UAIG’s drop-box

January 18, 2011:
“A Survey of Modern Authorship Attribution Method” by Efstathios Stamatatos

January 11, 2011:
What Computational Linguists Can Learn from Psychologists (and Vice Versa)” by Emiel Krahmer
What Science Underlies Natural Language Engineering?” by ShulyWintner

December: Break: read what you like.

November 29, 2010:
“Object recognition from local scale-invariant features” by David Lowe
“The Evolution of Object Categorization and the Challenge of Image Abstraction” by Sven Dickinson

November 22, 2010:
“How Close Are We to Understanding V1?” by Olshausen and Field

November 1, 2010:
Introduction to Machine Learning, Second Edition by Ethem Alpaydın
- Book excerpt: pages 41-56

Ongoing recommended reading:
“Artificial Intelligence: a Modern Approach” by Norvig+Russell

Other suggested Readings (suggested by group members):
“A cognitive neuroscience perspective on embodied language for human-robot cooperation.” by by Carol Madden, Michel Hoen, Peter Ford Dominey