Course Assignments

There are five assignments, each worth 5%. Each assignment has three parts: two labs, and a short report. The lab activities are to be completed before arriving to lab; in lab your TA will give you feedback on your work. You'll then get to revise your code before handing in a final version of the code along with your report. Assignments are to be done in pairs, and your partner must be in the same lab group as yourself.

Late submissions are not accepted. Be sure to submit early and resubmit your code often! Incomplete submissions will be evaluated for part marks.

All assignments are expected to comply with the CS 190 Style Specifications, and to compile on the ECF machines.

Assignment 1: Empirical Investigations of Code

Due: Thursday, Jan 24 at noon

Assignment 2: Subway Modelling with Linked Lists

Due: Thursday, Feb 7 at noon

Assignment 3: Binary Trees

Due: Thursday, Mar 14 at noon

Assignment 4: Dictionary Dora

Due: Thursday, Mar 27 at noon

Assignment 5: Disease Propagation through a Network

Due: Thursday, Apr 11 at noon