Advisory Committee for Mathew Zaleski

This page contains links to documents that are not public, If you are not a member of Mathew Zaleski's committee please ask permission to review these documents. Naturally, if I have invited you to take a look, or suggested that you might be interested, please proceed.

Welcome. There is a mail alias on DCS systems for the committee:

Jan 11 Revisions done after SGS defence?

YETI: a graduallY Extensible Trace Interpreter.

With change bars relative to the senate/sgs defence: matzDissertation-revisions-after-sgs-chbar.pdf

(This version is missing one cite, on page 35 because it caused all the cites to renumber and messed up the changebars too much.)

The final, revised dissertation. For Angela to read and perhaps to be submitted. matzDissertation.pdf

9:30 am Monday Dec 10, room 303 , 63 St George, SGS defence

Although the above should be legible in black and white, some of the graphs may be easier to interpret when seen in colour. Only the leaves including the colour graphs are in matzDissertation-colour.pdf. (It's probably most cost effective to print matzDissertation.pdf on a regular laser printer and then print matzDissertation-colour.pdf on a colour device and merge the two printouts by hand.)

As HTML: mz-dissertation/matzDissertation-latex2html.html

The dissertation, with change bars relative to the departmental:
(presumably this will be easier going for committee members who read the version discussed at the departmental exam)

The following table lists the page numbers in matzDissertation-revisions-after-dept-chbar.pdf that have changed relative to the version discussed at the departmental exam.

(Several very small changes have been omitted, for instance our usage of Pentium IV and Pentium 4 was made consistent.)

The page numbers that appear in the table below are the numbers printed on each page header or footer. (Rather than the pages as counted by a PDF viewer. There are 16 pages of forward matter.)

   |                           |           |
   |           Section         |Page Number|
   |                           |           |
   |            1.*            |    2-10   |
   |            2              |    13-14  |
   |            2.13           |    18     |
   |            2.4            |    31     |
   |            3              |    37     |
   |            3.*            |    42-7   |
   |            4.2            |    53     |
   |            4.5            |    61     |
   |             5             |    63     |
   |            5.1.2          |    67-8   |
   |            5.4            |    78-81  |
   |            6.1            |    84     |
   |            6.1            |    86     |
   |            6.3.1          |    95     |
   |            6.4            |    98     |
   |            6.6            |    104    |
   |            7.3            |   117-120 |
   |            7.6            |   131-3   |
   |            8.1            |   135-142 |

The meeting is NOT in a computer science building, rather it is in the School of Graduate Studies (SGS), at 63 St George:

View Larger Map

October 2007, Departmental Defense

We have booked BA5256 from 1pm to 4pm on Oct 16 for the Departmental. For those with access, this is DCSWEB booking 18715.

The dissertation as it was handed out before the departmental exam: YETI: a graduallY Extensible Trace Interpreter

The presentation for the departmental exam: matzDepartmental.pdf

Copies of most of the papers I cite are at: papers/Thesis. (Note that these are password controlled.)

Older versions of the dissertation are kept in: posted

The publications based on this work:

January 2007, Thesis Proposal Meeting

Thesis Proposal: Proposal document The Presentation: Proposal presentation

Qualifying Oral and Research Proposal (Old Stuff)

Qualifying Oral and Research Proposal Last modified: Fri Jan 11 11:35:11 EST 2008