CSC108H: Prelabs

CodeLab quick link

The pre-lab exercises are done using an online tool called CodeLab.

Here is the information about registering for CodeLab, including how to pay for CodeLab.

Here is the CodeLab website, which contains the pre-lab exercises.

Pre-labs are due on the dates indicated; information about assigned pre-labs can be found lower down on this page.

How do I earn full marks on a prelab?

To earn full marks (1/1) on a prelab you must:

Example 1: If there are 10 exercises, then you must attempt all 10 exercises and get at least 8/10 correct.
Example 2: If there are 3 exercises, then you must attempt all 3 exercises and get all 3/3 correct.

Prelab Exercises

This section contains the pre-lab exercises. Here are the weeks so far:

Week Pre-lab
No labs this week, but work on next week's pre-labs: they are due on Monday.
2 Do all of the CodeLab exercises in the category WEEK-2

Due January 15, 2007 by 9am.  Extended to Jan 22 9am

3 Do all of the CodeLab exercises in the category WEEK-3, Due: Jan 22 by 9am
4 Do all of the CodeLab exercises in the category WEEK-4, Due: Jan 29 by 9am
5 Do all of the CodeLab exercises in the category WEEK-5, Due: Feb 5 by 9am
6 No labs this week
7 Do all of the CodeLab exercises in the category WEEK-7, Due: Feb 26 by 9am
8 Do all of the CodeLab exercises in the category WEEK-8, Due: Mar 5 by 9am
9 Do all of the CodeLab exercises in the category WEEK-9, Due: Mar 12 by 9am
10 Do all of the CodeLab exercises in the category WEEK-10, Due: Mar 19 by 9am
11 Do all of the CodeLab exercises in the category WEEK-11, Due: Mar 26 by 9am
12 No labs this week
13 Do all of the CodeLab exercises in the category WEEK-13, Due: Apr 9 by 9am