Call for papers:
We encourage original submissions including, but not limited to:
Applications that build upon topics models: We encourage works that use topic models for applications such as document summarization, classification, annotation, machine translation, search, and more.
Thorough evaluation of topic models: Recent papers have shown that existing evaluation techniques are insufficient. We are interested in evaluation methodologies for topic models both with respect to other topic models and non-topic model methods.
Applying topic models to structured corpora and incorporating additional features into topic models: Considering the inner structure of a corpus may lead to enhanced analysis capabilities. Examples include the use of authorship information, the study of temporal changes and network models.
Exploration of topic models in new domains: Recently topic models have been applied to problems in computational biology, collaborative filtering and more. It would be interesting to explore even further the applicability of these models.
Approximate inference for topic models: Exact inference in hierarchical topic models is intractable and researchers resort to approximate methods. We welcome introduction of new approximate inference methods as well as further investigation and evaluation of existing methods, their extensions and combination.
Paper submission:
Papers can be submitted by seding an email to
Papers should be submitted as pdf files in the
ICML style
Papers are limited to 4 pages. Supplementary material can be submitted as
an attachment. The paper submission deadline is April 26, 2010.