Designing Speech and Language Interactions Workshop

CHI 2014, Toronto, Canada

Workshop proceedings



A Study of the Use of Current Speech Recognition in an Information-Intensive Task

Shiry Ginosar, Marti Hearst

ALADIN: Adaptive Speech Interaction for People with Disabilities

Jonathan Huyghe, Jan Derboven, David Geerts, Dirk De Grooff

Applause: A Learning Tool for Low-Resource Languages

Nikolas Wolfe, Vinay Vyas Vemuri, Lara J. Martin, Florian Metze, Alan W. Black

Breaking the Monotony of Telephony Voice Interfaces

Sheetal Agarwal, Arun Kumar

Conversational Agents in Experiential and Ludic Design

Mathew Aylett

Demystifying Development of Speech Recognizers for Novices

Anuj Kumar, Florian Metze, Eric Riebling, Matthew Kam

Designing Natural Language User Interfaces with Elderly Users

Stephan Schlogl, Markus Garschall, Manfred Tscheligi

Do You Want to Talk to Your Router? Probably Not!

Sajad Shirali-Shahreza

Embodying Tone of Voice, Interacting with Tone of Voice

Graham Pullin

How Does Noise Impact Speech-based Emotion Classification?

Na Yang, Ilker Demirkol, Jianbo Yuan, Wendi Heinzelman, Yun Zhou. Melissa Sturge-Apple

Natural Language Problem Definition for Computer - Aided Mechanical Design

Hyunmin Cheong, Wei Li, L. H. Shu, Alex Tessier, Erin Bradner , Francesco Iorio

“OK Google”: Building a Conversational Search Assistant

Nikhil Sharma

Personal training: keeping company and keeping track

Wendy March, Anne McClard

Play Something by The Beatles

Aidan Kehoe, Amer Chamseddine, Asif Ahsan

Powering Spoken Language Interactions With the Crowd

Walter S. Lasecki, Alan Ritter, Jeffrey P. Bigham

Technical and Design Challenges in Multimodal, Situated Human-Robot Dialogue

Allison Sauppe, Bilge Mutlu

Understanding speech and language interactions in HCI: The importance of theory-based human-human dialogue research

Benjamin Cowan

Usability measurement for speech systems: SASSI revisited

Kate Hone