CSC373H: Assignments


The assignments will be posted here. All assignments should be done individually NOT in pairs.

Assignment Topic Weight Materials Due date
Assignment 1 Greedy algorithms (6 questions), Dynamic programming (1 question) 10% Assignment 1 handout
A template tex file for your solutions

A1 sample solutions
June 6, 11:59pm
Assignment 2 Dynamic programming, Network flow 10% Assignment 2 handout

A2 sample solutions
July 2, 11:59pm
Assignment 3 Linear Programming, Complexity 10% Assignment 3 handout -- updated

A3 sample solutions
August 1, 11:59pm

LaTeX and PDF

You are encouraged to use LaTeX to write up your homework solutions. Source files will be provided to help you prepare your solutions easily.

It is not required to use LaTeX. But remember LaTeX is a good skill to pick up.

If you want to use Word, do not forget to export to PDF. You should submit a PDF file in MarkUs.

To use LaTeX you need to install MikTex or TexLive and also an editor. TeXworks is a cross-platform editor you can download from here.

There are numerous good tutorials and references on the web that you can use to learn LaTeX.
The LaTeX Wikibook. (contains installation steps + a tutorial on LaTeX)
Getting Started with LaTeX.
The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List.

I have created a template for assignments. Download it, compile it, and read the source file. In order to compile this file you need to also download the macros and put it in the same directory as the template.

Assignment submission

All assignments should be submitted electronically, using the MarkUs system. Use your cdf username and password to log in.

To submit your work, navigate to the MarkUs page for the particular assignment, then click on the "Submissions" tab near the top. Click "Add a New File" and either type a file name or use the "Browse" button to choose one. Then click "Submit". You can submit a new version of a file later. Remember that for submissions after the deadline, the lateness penalty applies. Look in the "Replace" column to resubmit your work. Note that the time of your latest submission will be considered to calculate the lateness penalty.

Once you have submitted, click on the file's name to check that you submitted the correct version.


All assignments should be submitted by 23:59 on their due date. You have 2 grace days in this term. You can use both grace days (if you want) for one assignment (except assignment 2). For assignment 2, you can use at most 1 grace day. In case of illness, please have a doctor complete an official U of T medical certificate . For other emergencies, be prepared to provide some kind of documentation.

Remarking Policy

The remarking requests should be received within 2 weeks of the date the assignment or test is returned.

For a remarking request, please submit a written explanation to me (in lecture or my office hours) and include a description of possible errors or omissions by the marker. I will ask the TA who graded that question to remark it. Note that your entire work may be remarked. If you are not satisfied with the TA response, then you can ask for a second remarking. I will remark the assignment myself in that scenario.

Please include your name, your cdf account, and you UTOR email address in the remarking request.