CSC321 Winter 2014 - Calendar

Announcements (check these at least once a week)

  • April 3, 3:40 pm. Exam preparation ideas:
    • On Tuesday April 8, i.e. in the study period and two days before the final exam, there's a study session for whoever is interested. When we did this for the midterm, it was a success. It will take place in BA 5256, 1pm-3pm.
    • Try the optional quiz that was the final exam when this course was taught online. It's posted on April 4. You get to try it as often as you'd like. It's not part of your course grade.
      • You will need a calculator for this quiz. However, for our final exam, you cannot use a calculator.
    • Try the final exam of 2013.
      • Our final exam will be very much like this one. This is the only old exam written by me.
      • All of the questions on the 2013 exam are about material that we also studied this year.
    • Try the final exam of 2012.
      • Don't try questions A8, B2, B4c, and B5 (we didn't cover that material), and don't worry if you don't know the answer to question B4b (we only covered a bit of that material).
    • Try the final exam of 2011.
      • Don't try questions A2, A7, B1, B4, and B8 (we didn't cover that material), and don't worry if you don't know the answer to questions A3, A6, and B3 (we only covered a bit of that material).
    • Go over the in-class questions that I asked you, and some that I didn't have time to ask you. They're listed on the course calendar. Perhaps even discuss them on the forum!
    • Review the quizzes. I think you can do them again, and you'll be told again whether your answer is right or wrong - it just won't count towards your grade.
    • Prepare together with one or more classmates! It's nicer and more productive.
  • April 2, 8:04 pm. We'll have a group study session to prepare for the final. The session will be on Tuesday April 8, 1-3pm, in BA 5256. I'll be there. In effect, it can also serve as the last office hours.
  • March 27, 3:59pm. There was a typo in the tutorial slides, which has now been fixed. If you downloaded it in the last hour, please re-download it.

In this schedule, you'll see which videos (and sometimes readings) to study before class. That material will be discussed in class. The 'lecture' meeting will always be a discussion of the material of that day. The 'tutorial' meetings are used for a variety of purposes.

The material will come online at the Coursera website one week before the corresponding class.

Tuesday January 7
  • First class. Explanation of how the course will be taught.
  • Material to study before class: optionally the course information sheet
Thursday January 9 Tuesday January 14 Thursday January 16 Tuesday January 21 Thursday January 23 Tuesday January 28 Thursday January 30 Tuesday February 4 Thursday February 6 Tuesday February 11 Thursday February 13

Reading week: On Tuesday February 18 and Thursday February 20, there will be no classes and no tutorial. However, there will be office hours as usual on Friday February 21.

Tuesday February 25 Thursday February 27 Tuesday March 4 Thursday March 6 Tuesday March 11 Thursday March 13 Tuesday March 18 Thursday March 20 Tuesday March 25 Thursday March 27 Tuesday April 1
  • Assignment 4 is due at the beginning of class, officially speaking. However, if you hand it in before 1pm tomorrow, I'll treat it as "on time". However, if you hand in your A4 late (i.e. later than tomorrow 1pm), it will be considered to be at least two days late, because 1pm today is the official due date. Also, if you want to hand in assignment 4 on paper, now is the time to do so.
  • Material to study before class:
  • In-class questions
Wednesday April 2
  • This is not a class day. Reminder: if you submit your A4 today before 1pm, I will consider it to be on time (i.e. not late). You can submit your A4 by email to as a PDF. I will reply with an acknowledgement email. You are responsible for ensuring that I receive your A4. Computer failure is not an excuse for not handing it in on time. If you want to be 100% sure that I receive your A4, hand it in on paper in class on April 1, or email it well ahead of time, so that if you don't get my acknowledgement email you still have time to sort it out.
Thursday April 3 Thursday April 10
  • The final exam takes place in room 25 (William Doo auditorium) of 45 Willcocks street (New College residence), 2-4pm.
  • Quiz 15 is due

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