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Baital: An Adaptive Weighted Sampling Approach for Improved t-wise Coverage

Baital: An Adaptive Weighted Sampling Approach for Improved t-wise Coverage.
Eduard Baranov, Axel Legay and Kuldeep S. Meel.
In Proceedings of ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Founda-tions of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), November 2020.




The rise of highly configurable complex software and its widespread usage requires design of efficient testing methodology. T-wise coverage is a leading metric to measure the quality of the testing suite and the underlying test generation engine. While uniform sampling based test generation is widely believed to be the state of the art approach to achieve t-wise coverage in presence of constraints on the set of configurations, uniform sampling fails to achieve high t-wise coverage in presence of complex constraints.In this work, we propose a novel approach Baital, based on adaptive weighted sampling using literal weighted functions, to generate test sets with high t-wise coverage. We demonstrate that our approach leads to significantly high t-wise coverage. The novel usage of literal weighted sampling leaves open several interesting directions, empirical as well as theoretical, for future research.


  title={Baital:  An Adaptive Weighted Sampling Approach for Improved t-wise Coverage},
  author={Baranov, Eduard and Legay, Axel and Meel, Kuldeep S.},
  bib2html_pubtype={Refereed Conference},
  bib2html_rescat={Software Engineering},	
  abstract={The rise of highly configurable complex software and its widespread usage requires design of efficient testing methodology. T-wise coverage is a leading metric to measure the quality of the testing suite and the underlying test generation engine. While uniform sampling based test generation is widely believed to be the state of the art approach to achieve t-wise coverage in presence of constraints on the set of configurations, uniform sampling fails to achieve high t-wise coverage in presence of complex constraints.
In this work, we propose a novel approach Baital, based on adaptive weighted sampling using literal weighted functions, to generate test sets with high t-wise coverage. We demonstrate that our approach leads to significantly high t-wise coverage. The novel usage of literal weighted sampling leaves open several interesting directions, empirical as well as theoretical, for future research.},

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