Assignment 1

Assignment 1 was released on Wed Jan 26, and is due Feb 18. We will cover the material needed for Q5 during Week 4 of class.

If you want to type your solutions up in LaTeX, then the .tex code for the problems is available on Quercus under the files tab. In the case of disagreement between the .tex and the .pdf here, the .pdf on this page contains the correct questions.

You can find a list of various supported ways to remote access teach.cs here:

REMINDER: As per the Collaboration Policy in the Course Info Sheet, you're free to discuss with other students. However: you must list their names on your submission, and your writeup must be your own and done in isolation

UPDATE 1: Note that it appears that NetLogo was uninstalled from the teach.cs machines without my awareness. I will work to get it reinstalled post-haste.

In the meanwhile, you can try installing NetLogo locally. However, the version of NetLogo you'll want to use is out of date: link

I will followup once I've heard back from teach.cs; if they reinstall NetLogo then A1 will proceed as before. If they are unable to (or are slow in doing so), then I will create an alternate version of Q6 for the version of the Schelling simulation in the newer NetLogo (note that you will be able to submit either version of the question).

There will be a definite answer by Friday's tutorial, where the TA will briefly show you how to use NetLogo. Thanks for your patience!

UPDATE 2: Good news for A1! NetLogo has been reinstalled on the teach.cs machines, and you should be able to complete Q6 without any problems. Thanks for your patience!

UPDATE 3: A quick clarification for A1 Q1; note that each tilde-L matrix is nxn where n is the number of nodes. The assignment PDF and LaTeX have been updated accordingly.

Assignment 2

Assignment 2 was released on Wed Mar 3, and is due March 28. We will finising cover the material needed for Q6 at the start of Week 8 of class (Mar7), and should cover the material for Q7 in Week 8.

If you want to type your solutions up in LaTeX, then the .tex code for the problems is available on Quercus under the files tab. In the case of disagreement between the .tex and the .pdf here, the .pdf on this page contains the correct questions.

UPDATE 1: Note that the diagram in Q7 has been updated -- please redownload the PDF! To be consistent with the text, the contact time between nodes A and B should be [4,5]; not [5,5] as initially pictured.

UPDATE 2: A clarification for Q1; note that all of the classes in the diagram may contain students who are not illustrated (e.g., "Math 9" may contain unillustrated students, other than S19)

Critical Review

You will be reading a recent paper in groups of 3-4, and writing a critical review of the work. Details can be found in the rubric.

Sample Reviews:
Example 1
Example 2