Linear Regression


Introduction TensorFlowâ„¢ is an open source machine learning library for Python (and C++) initially developed by the Google Brain Team for research and released under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License on November 9th, 2015 . It is currently used by Google in their speech recognition, Gmail, Google Photos, Search services and recently adopted by the DeepMind team . Features Though TensorFlow was built with deep learning in mind, its framework is general enough so that we can also implement clustering methods, graphical models, optimization problems and others.

Linear Regression with NumPy

Introduction Linear regression is a method used to find a relationship between a dependent variable and a set of independent variables. In its simplest form it consist of fitting a function $ \boldsymbol{y} = w.\boldsymbol{x}+b $ to observed data, where $\boldsymbol{y}$ is the dependent variable, $\boldsymbol{x}$ the independent, $w$ the weight matrix and $b$ the bias. Illustratively, performing linear regression is the same as fitting a scatter plot to a line.