David Solymosi

Recent MSc graduate


Backup and Sync Service. A joint work with Jimmy Zhu, implemented in C++11 on Linux, with a focus on minimizing network traffic at the cost of local storage. A six page write-up is available here, while the source code can be found here.

Random CSP Solver Simulations. Written in C++11 for use in research, several types of random constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) were modeled, such as 3-SAT, 3-XORSAT, 3-NAE-SAT, and more. Various types of solvers, both known and new, were tested for performance and correctness on large instances (hundreds of thousands of variables) of random CSPs.

Cell Counter. Implemented in MATLAB, this utility takes as input a possibly blurry image of cells, and counts and highlights them individually. A sample output can be seen on the right.

Eye Detector. Implemented in MATLAB, this tool uses an AdaBoost machine learning algorithm to take weak Gaussian classifiers and improve them to a (mostly) working eye detection utility. A sample output can be seen on the left.


Discord Bot. Written in Go, this bot interacts with the Discord REST API to provide various services to users. The bot also interacts with several other APIs for other services, to gather information and statistics that is then presented to the users on Discord.

Game Ranking Tracker. A project written in Go, using MySQL and Veusz for tracking experience and progress in the game Path of Exile, using the public API as well as additional information from the pathofexile.com website. Was used to gain insight and data for competitive races.

Yelp Data. Played around with the publicly available Yelp big data set, leading to interesting plots and deductions.

This website! Although quite simple and minimalistic, the HTML and CSS was written by me and conveys the information I want it to.


Discord Bot. Currently contributing to the development of another bot similar to the one above, but with slightly different functionality and written in Ruby.