CSC2542: Topics in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning:
Automated Planning and Reasoning about Action
Winter 2009  

General information Professor: Sheila McIlraith, , Pratt 398D, sheila-at-cs
Lectures: Thursdays 2:00 -- 4:00 PM, Room: GB 221
Tutorials (as necessary): Friday 1:00 - 2:00 PM, Room: BA 2139
Course announcements (last updated Feb 11)

CSC2542 is a seminar course that will explore recent advances in knowledge representation and reasoning. The course will draw predominantly on research readings. The format of the course will be a mix of class lectures, seminars, and student paper presentations. A course project will make up a significant part of a student's course mark.

In Winter 2009, the topic being covered is "Automated Planning and Reasoning about Action." Automated planning is a branch of AI that concerns the generation of a set of actions, with temporal and other constraints on them, for execution by some agent or agents. Planning is an active area of research that is central to the development of intelligent agents and autonomous robots. The theory and algorithms we will be exploring in this course are applicable to a diversity of problems including software and hardware verification, genome sequencing, and automated monitoring and diagnosis. For those students outside of AI who may be considering taking the course, the course project can be used as an opportunity for students to explore the application of planning techniques to an application area of your interest.

This should be a fun and interesting course!

For further information about the course or to report problems with the web page, contact the instructor, Sheila McIlraith: