Automated Planning and Reasoning about Action Summer 2014 |
General information | Professor:
Sheila McIlraith,
, Pratt 398D, sheila-at-cs Timing: lectures: 6 weeks (May 12-June 20), projects due approx. August 25. Lectures/Discussion/s: 4 hrs/week (2 x 2 hours), Tues/Thurs 2-4pm, Wallberg 144. ** All the lectures for this course will be completed in the first 6 weeks, but you'll have 12-15 weeks to complete the course project -- commensurate with the elapsed time you'd have for a 12-week course. Colleagues who have taught such intense courses in the past tell me that this format makes it really fun and condusive to learning. You can really immerse yourself in the topic for a shorter more intense period of time. CSC2542 is a seminar-style topics course that explores recent advances in knowledge representation and reasoning. The course draws predominantly on research readings. The format of the course is a mix of class lectures, seminars, and student paper presentations. A course project will make up a significant part of a student's course mark.
In Summer 2014, the topic being covered is "Automated Planning and Reasoning
about Action." Automated planning is a branch of AI
that concerns the generation of a set of actions, with temporal
and other constraints on them, for execution by some agent or agents.
Planning is an active area of research that is central to the
development of intelligent agents and autonomous robots. Reasoning about
action and change (RAC) is an area of research within the field of
knowledge representation that looks at the formal foundations of
reasoning about dynamical systems using logic and probilities. We will
investigate that aspect of RAC that overlaps with cogitive robotics.
The theory and algorithms we will be exploring in this course
are applicable to a diversity of problems beyond the development of intelligent
agents or cognitive robots, including software
and hardware verification, genome sequencing, program synthesis, activity recognition,
plan understanding, and automated
monitoring and diagnosis. For those students outside of AI who
may be considering taking the course, the course project can
be used as an opportunity for students
to explore the application of planning techniques to an
application area of your interest. A number of students who have taken this course
have turned their projects into papers and/or chapters of their theses.
Course Material | Timetable, Slides, Readings (Last updated Sun June 1, 2014) | Assignment | Assignment 1 |