CSC 373 - Grading

Assignments:  3 worth 5% each; tentative dates: October 5, November 9, November 30
Term Tests:  2 worth 20% each; tentative dates: October 12, November 16
Final (3 hours):  worth 45%


ASSIGNMENT 1 is now available.

ASSIGNMENT 2 will be uploaded soon.

ASSIGNMENT 3 will be uploaded soon.

Term tests will be held during tutorial slots.



You will receive 20% of the points for any (sub)problem for which you write "I do not know how to answer this question." You will receive 10% if you leave a question blank. If instead you submit irrelevant or erroneous answers you will receive 0 points. You may receive partial credit for the work that is clearly "on the right track." The 20% rule applies to all term work: assignments, term tests, and even the final.


Assignments will be submitted electronically on MarkUs (instructions will follow later). Late assignments will not be accepted.


You are allowed to discuss assignment questions with other students. You are allowed to consult additional materials, e.g., books, papers, websites. Nonetheless, the writeup of your solutions should be your own and should be done in isolation from other students and resources. In addition, you must clearly identify the names of students you collaborated with (if any) and provide a clear description of additional materials you consulted (if any).

The following rule of thumb might help you ensure that you are writing down your own understanding of a solution: (1) do not take notes during discussions with other students, (2) after solving a question, take a one-hour break before writing down the solution, (3) while writing down the solution do not consult any materials.

Copying or allowing other students to copy solutions is a serious academic offense and will be reported. You might find the Arts and Science website on academic honesty (and references therein) helpful.
