I recently graduated from the department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto under the excellent supervision of Geoffrey Hinton. I am now a Research Scientist at Google in the Brain team. My interests lie in Machine Learning and Bioinformatics. I am currently working on new Deep Learning models for sequences, inspired by the recent success of sequence-to-sequence.Here are links to some selected research projects and software from my PhD and earlier (see Google scholar profile for a more detailed and recent list):
- Kaldi Recipe for TIMIT and decoding scripts - The TIMIT Kaldi recipe I used for my thesis and related papers. Please email me for instructions on how to use this recipe.
- My PhD thesis - Exploring Deep Learning Methods for Discovering Features in Speech Signals.
- INTERSPEECH 2014 paper and code paper on how multiframe predictions can significantly improve performance of DNN-HMM systems.
- Paper, and presentation slides on a method to create augmented datasets for training neural networks on audio data. In Deep Learning for Audio, Speech and Language Processing, ICML 2013
- Paper on using an autoencoder with deformable template parts to discover features in speech. In Interspeech 2013
- Tech report, paper, and poster (in Interspeech 2012) on work I did at Google using Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling in speech recognition systems. This technology is now in use in Google Voice Search on Android and other platforms.
- Paper on using Transforming Autoencoders for feature discovery (NIPS 2011 Workshop on Deep Learning and Unsupervised Feature Learning)
- Paper on discovering features in raw speech signals that can be used to achieve high speech recognition accuraccy.
- Cryobayes: An algorithm for 3D Reconstruction of Macromolecular Structure from Electron Cryo Microscopy data. See paper in Bioinformatics.
- Decon2LS: a software tool for automatic analysis of high resolution mass spectral data. (Reference).
- MultiAlign: a software tool for finding mass spectral features common to multiple mass spectral analyses.
- Wiki Link
ndjaitly AT cs DOT toronto DOT edu
Dept of Computer Science
Pratt Bldg, Room 275
6 King's College Rd
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON M5S 3G4, Canada
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Navdeep Jaitly
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
3302-10 King's College Road
Toronto, Ontario CANADA M5S 3G4*