
This is a list of topics we'll cover in the course, together with an estimate of which weeks we'll spend on each topic.

The reading is optional, and you'll have access to the the course textbooks without buying them. Information about the textbooks is in the Textbooks section of the front page, and further reading is on the Further reading page.

For another view of the course topics, try this topic graph (source .dot file), but be warned that although I've tried to make it accurate and complete, I don't guarantee it covers everything. An arrow from A to B means it's helpful to know about A before learning B.

See also: the From class section of the More page.

Predicate and propositional logic

Weeks 1-2 (see online lectures before week 2)

Reading (optional):


Week 3 (watch online lectures first)

Reading (optional):


Predicted: Weeks 4-6

Reading (optional):

Diagonalization and the Halting Problem

Predicted: Week 6

Reading (optional):

Correctness and Analysis of Iterative and Recursive Algorithms

Predicted: Weeks 7-10

Reading (optional):

Languages and Automata Theory

Predicted: Weeks 10-11

Reading (optional):