ShapeMAtcher 5 Command-Line Options


Brief Description
Default Value
Parameter Value Options
-d or -debug Generate a number of log files
-c or -create Create database of shock graphs
-a or -add Add DAG to DB
-l or -list List DAGs in the database
-s or -size Shows the database size in num. of views
-i or -createIndex Explicitly creates the DB index
-m or -match [val] Match DAG [DAG ID]
-p or -plot Plot DAG node info
-v or -view [val] Visualize a DAG
-w or -mview Visualize all DAGs
-nodeMatch Match node v1 in graph G1 to v2 in G2 experimental
-matrix [val] Outputs similarity matrix to file [val] for all the models in the database
-checkSGGrammar Checks the shock graph grammar of all graphs experimental
-delete Delete DAGs from database
-extract Extract DAGs from database
-updatedb Read in the db and write it back
-recomputeSG Recomputes all SG an saves them in another DB
-splitdb [val] Split database in N%, (100-N)% pieces
-mergedb Merge databases (dest src1 src2 ...) splitdb = 50
-test Test all the object in the DB experimental
-objNames List object names in the database
-delObjects Removes all dags of given objects
-clos3NeigList List the 3 closest neighbours of each view for images generated using viewsphere sampling
-clos9NeigList List the 9 closest neighbours of each view for images generated using viewsphere sampling
-getNeig [val] List the neighbours withing a given range in deg. getNeig = 180 for images generated using viewsphere sampling
-h or -help Display a man page for this program
-tsvSimWeight [val] TSV similarity weight tsvSimWeight = 0.3 see Matching paper or Thesis
-simMassWeight [val] Similarity vs Mass weight simMassWeight = 0.7 see Matching paper or Thesis
-relMassWeight [val] Relative mass of the query vs. tot model relMassWeight = 0.5 see Matching paper or Thesis
-simFuncType [val] Node similarity function simFuncType = 1 do not change
-nodeDistFunc [val] Node distance function nodeDistFunc = 3 do not change
-minNodeSim [val] Minimum node similarity allowed minNodeSim = 0 increase to ignore weak similarities
-sibRelPen [val] Penalty term for breaking sibling's relationship (1=max) sibRelPen = 0.2 see Matching paper or Thesis
-presAncRel [val] Preserve ancestor relationships when matching presAncRel = 1 see Matching paper or Thesis
-useNewVWF [val] Use new vote weighting function useNewVWF = 1 0 or 1 should produce same results
-useMOOVC [val] Use multiple one-to-one vote counting useMOOVC = 1 see Indexing paper or Thesis
-modelSimWeight [val] Model similarity weight modelSimWeight = 0.5 see Matching paper or Thesis
-idxRange [val] Index range idxRange = 0.4 increase to allow for more noise in graphs
-kBest [val] Match only k best from index kBest = 101 increase to allow for more candites passed to matcher
-idxTau [val] Index similarity threshold idxTau = 0.3 models with smaller similarity value are ignored
-matchTau [val] Matcher similarity threshold matchTau = 0.1 candidates with smaller similarity value are ignored
-stats [val] Compute view statistics stats = 1 either 0 or 1
-asyncCompu [val] Compute SG's in async mode (see timeout) asyncCompu = 0 Linux only
-showResults [val] Show matching results showResults = 1 either 0 or 1
-saveResults [val] Save matching results saveResults = 1 either 0 or 1
-o or -objName [val] Set object name deprecated
-iterations [val] Parameter for the SG computation iterations = 1 no need to change this
-maxDags [val] Maximum number of DAGs to process maxDags = -1
-imgStep [val] Image step imgStep = 1
-from [val] Match DAGs from ID = val from = 0
-to [val] Match DAGs up to ID = val to = -1
-maxOcclRate [val] Maximum occlusion rate maxOcclRate = 0 for automated experiments only
-saveSubsamplingInfo [val] Save info to split DB when matching saveSubsamplingInfo = 0 for automated experiments only
-splitByObject [val] Split DB by object splitByObject = 1
-bumpSize [val] Size of noise bumps bumpSize = 0 for automated experiments only
-notchSize [val] Size of noise notches notchSize = 0 for automated experiments only
-outDir [val] Sets the output directory for noisy images outDir = ./NoisyImgs/ for automated experiments only
-timeout [val] SG computation Timeout in seconds timeout = 800 Linux only
-skelcode [val] Use skeletoniaztion code number = {1, 2, 3} skelcode = 3 use only 2 or 3
-split3s [val] Should split 3s into left and right 3s split3s = 0 experimental
-minslope [val] Slope that is to be considered as zero minslope = 0.05 increase to get more type 3 nodes
-minerror [val] Coeff for max min-least-square error tolerated minerror = 2 increase to get less shock graph nodes
-maxydiff [val] Maximum difference in y-coord discontinuity maxydiff = 0.1 increase to get less shock graph nodes
-skthreshold [val] Parameter for the skeleton computation skthreshold = 2.5 increase for less skeleton sensitivity (for skelcode = 2)
-maxaccelchg [val] Max acceleration chage tolerated maxaccelchg = 0.5 increase to get less shock graph nodes
-tsTau1 [val] TreeSkel threshold number 1 tsTau1 = 0 deprecated
-tsTau2 [val] TreeSkel threshold number 2 tsTau2 = 20 increase for less skeleton sensitivity (for skelcode = 3)
-bndryWeight [val] Boundary reconstruction error weight bndryWeight = 500 trade-off between brach removal and reconstruction error
-strucWeight [val] Structural reconstruction error weight strucWeight = 500 currently not functional
-doExtSimp [val] Perform the external branch simplification on the skeleton doExtSimp = 1 either 0 or 1
-doIntSimp [val] Perform the internal branch simplification on the skeleton doIntSimp = 0 currently not functional
-doCompleteSimp [val] Perform the external as well as the internal branch simplification on the skeleton doCompleteSimp = 0 currently not functional
-verbose [val] Execute in verbose mode verbose = 0 either 0 or 1
