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This example is a package delivery system. It is a bit more complex than the elevator system which you can see here.

The system is a virtual office environment, which models the graduate labs area in the Department of Computer Science at York University. This environment is populated by a varying number of robots capable of delivering packages. The assignment of packages to robots is the responsibility of a dispatcher. The dispatcher and the robots implement a variation of contract net protocol that is used to select the best agent to deliver a package. The robots can come online and go offline (presumably after completing the orders they were assigned) at any time. If no robot can deliver a package the order is queued until there is a robot available. The GUI is used to get user's orders and visualize the system by displaying the status and locations of all the robots in the system.

Implementation Details

This example is implemented as a multi-agent system based on OAA architecture. It includes six types of agents of which five are written in Java and one is written in IndiGolog. The GUI is mapped into a Swing-based Java agent while the dispatcher is a simple console-based Java agent.

The robots are actually two-agent architectures that separate a high-level reasoning subsystem from a low-level motion/orientation/action subsystem. The IndiGolog-based High Level Control agent (HLC) is responsible for the implementation of the contract net protocol and construction of optimal plans for carrying out the orders awarded to the robot. It takes full advantage of the IndiGolog-OAA interface through which it can execute its package delivery plan while responding to requests for bids coming from the dispatcher and modifying the plan to incorporate the newly awarded orders. The Java-based Low Level Control agent (LLC) is simulating the movement of the robot through the environment. Each robot has a unique ID. This ID is given to both LLC and HLC and is used by them to find each other and form a single logical agent while still remaining being two separate processes. The LLC and HLC can be launched in any order.

The other agents in the system are the PathPlanner and the DB. PathPlanner agent knows the distances and the routes between any two locations. The DB agent is the blackboard that is used by the agents in the system to share information with each other. The DB stores the bids coming from the agents and the current status of all the orders. It is also used to store the queue of unassigned orders.

Select agent to view its implementation details:

Go here to see some typical communication patterns in the system.

Details: GUI

The GUI is a Swing-based Java agent. This agent graphically displays the virtual environment with the current location and status of every robot and package delivery order. It is also used by the user to give orders to the system. This agent is multithreaded and all the synchronous calls to the OAA are executed in their own threads. This way the GUI can accomodate a large number of robots and orders.

The left-most part of the window is used to display the two lists of orders: the in-progress list and completed list. In-progress list shows the status of all the orders that have not been completed (they can be in progress or queued.) The completed list shows the orders that have been successfully completed. The lists show the order number and status. Click on any order in either list and the tooltip of the list will show the complete details about the order. The two lists are not updated automatically by default. You can use the menu item File|Refresh Order Status or the corresponding toolbar button to refresh the lists. Alternatively you can turn the auto refresh on (use File|Turn Auto Refresh ON or the toolbar button.) This will refresh the status of the orders every 5 seconds.

The middle section of the window is dedicated for the display of the current robot info. <MORE ON THAT>.

The right-most section of the window shows the map of the virtual environment. It will be used to pinpoint the location of each robot. You can drag the locations on the screen.

In order to request a package to be delivered use the menu item File|New Order or the corresponding toolbar button. Choose the origin and destination of the order from the drop-down lists and press 'Order'. The GUI agent will contact the dispatcher and attempt to place an order. Watch the status bar for the information on the newly processed order.

  • action_update(RobotID,Status,Action,Description) - inform the user which action the robot is currently executing. Action is a code string for the action. Depending on it the GUI will show different action icon for the robot. Description is the detailed description of the action. It will update the action tooltip. Status is the status code of the robot - either 'executing' or 'idle'. This determines the status icon to be displayed.

  • position_update(RobotID,CurrentLocation,NextLocation,PerCent) - update the position of the robot. If the robot is currently at some location, then NextLocation is an empty string. PerCent is not currently used. It tells the GUI what percentage of the distance between the two location the robot has travelled.

  • action_position_update(RobotID,Status,Action,Description,CurrentLoc,NextLoc,PerCent) - this combines the first two solvables. It is used to simultaneously update the action and the position of the robot.
Details: Dispatcher

Dispatcher's job is to get orders from the GUI agents and distribute them among available robots. Dispatcher will assign order number to all the incoming orders and check the orders for validity. To do the check Dispatcher contacts PathPlanner agent and finds out the distance between the origin and destinations of the package. If PathPlanner reports error, then at least one of the destinations is not in service.

Upon successful check Dispatcher sends request for bids to all the robots in the sustem. This is part of contract net protocol that Dispatcher and the robots implement to select the best robot to deliver the package. OAA functionality is used here to automatically broadcast the request for bids to all the agents that have declared such solvable (capability).

Once requests for bids are sent Dispatcher waits for sertain number of seconds to allow the interested robots to respond. Then it gets the bids from DB agent that stores the incoming bids. After determining the winning robot, Dispatcher notifies it.

If, however, no robots were able to respond to request for bids, Dispatcher queues the order by sending queue_order message to DB agent. Once agents join the system or become available, DB agent will send requests for bids for all queued orders to the available robot. When it receives bids for the orders that are queued, DB forwards them to Dispatcher through process_queued_order message. The queued order is then awarded to the bidder and removed from the queue.

Here are the Dispatcher's solvables:

  • request_delivery(From,To,Status,OrderNo) - this solvable is used by the GUI agent to request delivery of a package. From and To are the origin and destination of the package. Status is returned by Dispatcher. It is the initial status of the order. OrderNo is the order number assigned by the dispatcher.

  • process_queued_order(Address,From,To,OrderNo,Distance) - this message is used by DB agent to notify Dispatcher of incoming bid for the order that has been queued. Address is the OAA address of the bidder, From and To are the origin and destinations of the package, OrderNo is the order number assigned to the package, Distance is the robot's bid.

Details: PathPlanner

Details: DB

Details: High Level Control

Details: Low Level Control


Here is a sequence diagram picturing the most complete interaction pattern in the system. Click on the diagram elements to get an explanation.

Gui Agent Dispatcher Agent PathPlanner Agent DB Agent High Level Control Agent Low Level Control Agent request_delivery distance request_for_bids distance bid get_bids deliver go update_order_status(in_progress) action_update path position_update movement_complete update_order_status(completed) agent_available get_order_status Note Note Note Note

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