CVPR 2003 Final Program
New: Links to Paper Web Sites
To increase the amount of available information about CVPR papers prior to the main conference, the final program includes author-supplied web links from paper titles (look for the marks in the title). We will continue to add new links as they are made available by authors until about one week prior to the meeting.
Program At A Glance
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Oral Sessions 1A and 1B
Poster Session 1A
Poster Session 1B
Oral Sessions 2A and 2B
Oral Sessions 3A and 3B
Welcome reception
PAMI TC Meeting
Thursday, June 19, 2003
08:35-10:30 |
Oral Sessions 4A and 4B |
10:30-10:45 |
Break |
10:45-12:30 |
Poster Session 2A |
12:30-14:30 |
Lunch |
14:30-16:15 |
Poster Session 2B |
16:15-16:30 |
Break |
16:30-18:25 |
Oral Sessions 5A and 5B |
19:30 |
Banquet |
Friday, June 20, 2003
08:30-10:00 |
Oral Sessions 6A and 6B |
10:00-10:10 |
Break |
10:10-11:55 |
Poster Session 3A |
11:55-14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00-15:10 |
Oral Sessions 7A and 7B |
15:10-15:20 |
Break |
15:20-17:05 |
Poster Session 3B |
17:05-17:15 |
Break |
17:15-18:25 |
Oral Sessions 8A and 8B |
Note regarding poster sessions:
- All posters assigned to a specific day will be mounted before Poster Session A and will remain mounted until the end of Poster Session B.
- To facilitate interactions between attendees and poster presenters, posters have been divided into two groups, A and B. Presenters are required to be at their posters during their group's poster session (A or B)
- For greater exposure, authors may wish to be at their posters for both poster sessions of the day.
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Oral Session 1A: Illumination- and Appearance-Based Matching
- Illumination Normalization with Time-dependent Intrinsic Images for Video Surveillance
Y. Matsushita (The University of Tokyo)
K. Nishino (Columbia University)
K. Ikeuchi, S. Masao (The University of Tokyo)
- Clustering Apperances of Objects Under Varying Illumination Conditions
J. Ho (University of California, San Diego)
M.-H. Yang (Honda Research Institute)
J. Lim, K.-C. Lee, D. Kriegman (University of California, San Diego)
- Face Recognition Under Variable Lighting using Harmonic Image Exemplars
L. Zhang, D. Samaras (SUNY@Stony Brook)
- Joint Manifold Distance: a new approach to appearance based clustering
A. Fitzgibbon, A. Zisserman (Oxford University)
Oral Session 1B: Motion and Layers
Oral Session 2A: Tracking I
Oral Session 2B: Shape
- Statistics of Shape via Principal Component Analysis on Lie Groups
P. T. Fletcher, C. Lu, S. Joshi (University of North Carolina)
- Representation and detection of deformable shapes
P. Felzenszwalb (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Bayesian Tangent Shape Model: Estimating Shape and Pose Parameters via Bayesian Inference
Y. Zhou (Peking University)
L. Gu (Carnegie Mellon University)
H.-J. Zhang (Microsoft Research)
Oral Session 3A: Recognition I
Oral Session 3B: Segmentation and Medical Image Analysis
3D Reconstruction I
- Multi-view Stereo Beyond Lambert
H. Jin (Washington University)
S. Soatto (University of California, Los Angeles)
A. Yezzi (Washington University)
- 3D Shape from Anisotropic Diffusion
P. Favaro (Washington University)
S. Osher, S. Soatto, L. Vese (University of California, Los Angeles)
- A Bayesian Approach to Image-Based Visual Hull Reconstruction
K. Grauman, G. Shakhnarovich, T. Darrell (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- High-Accuracy Stereo Depth Maps Using Structured Light
D. Scharstein (Middlebury College)
R. Szeliski (Microsoft Research)
- Video-Rate Stereo Depth Measurement on Programmable Hardware
A. Darabiha, J. Rose, W.J. MacLean (University of Toronto)
- Multi-Resolution Real-Time Stereo on Commodity Graphics Hardware
R. Yang, M. Pollefeys (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Recognition I
- Object Recognition Based on Photometric Alignment Using RANSAC
T. Okabe, Y. Sato (The University of Tokyo)
- Optimal Linear Representations of Images for Object Recognition
X. Liu, A. Srivastava, K. Gallivan (Florida State University)
- Probabilistic Spatial Context Models for Scene Content Understanding
A. Singhal, J. Luo (Eastman Kodak Company)
W. Zhu (University of Illinois)
- Learning a discriminative classifier using shape context distances
H. Zhang, J. Malik (University of California, Berkeley)
- The Optimal Distance Measure for Object Detection
S. Mahamud, M. Hebert (Carnegie Mellon University)
Tracking I
- Automated multi-camera planar tracking correspondence modeling
C. Stauffer, K. Tieu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Continuous Tracking Within and Across Camera Streams
J. Kang, I. Cohen, G. Medioni (University of Southern California)
- Resolution vs. tracking error: zoom as a gain controller
B. Tordoff, D. Murray (University of Oxford)
- Robust Data Association For Online Applications
V. Lepetit, P. Fua, A. Shahrokni (Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne)
- Deformable Object Tracking Using the Boundary Element Method
M. Greminger (University of Minnesota)
B. Nelson (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
- Switching Observation Models for Contour Tracking in Clutter
Y. Wu, G. Hua, T. Yu (Northwestern University)
Face Detection and Recognition
- Face Authentication using the Trace Transform
S. Srisuk (Mahanakorn University of Technology)
M. Petrou (University of Surrey)
W. Kurutach (Mahanakorn University of Technology)
A. Kadyrov (University of Surrey)
- Video-Based Face Recognition Using Probabilistic Appearance Manifolds
K.-C. Lee, J. Ho (University of Illinois, Urbana, Champaign)
M.-H. Yang (Honda Research Americas, Inc.)
D. Kriegman (University of California, San Diego)
- Face Alignment Using Statistical Models and Wavelet Features
F. Jiao, (University of Waterloo) S. Li, H. Shum, D. Schuurmans (Microsoft Research)
- Deformable pedal curves with application to face contour extraction
F. Huang, J. Su (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Face Recognition in Hyperspectral Images
Z. Pan, G. Healey, M. Prasad, B. Tromberg (Univ. of California, Irvine)
- Video-Based Face Recognition Using Adaptive Hidden Markov Models
X. Liu, T. Chen (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Simultaneous Feature Selection and Classifier Training via Linear Programming: A Case Study for Face Expression Recognition
G. Guo, C. Dyer (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Recognizing expression variant faces from a single sample image per class
A. Martinez (Ohio State University)
- A Novel Convergence Scheme for Active Appearance Models
A. Batur, M. Hayes (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Poster Session 1B
- Error Analysis of 3D Motion Estimation Algorithms in the Differential Case
T. Xiang (University of London)
L.-F. Cheong (National University of Singapore)
- Discovering Clusters in Motion Time-Series Data
J. Alon, S. Sclaroff, G. Kollios (Boston University)
V. Pavlovic (Rutgers University)
- Motion Segmentation with Accurate Boundaries - A Tensor Voting Approach
M. Nicolescu, G. Medioni (University of Southern California)
- Transforming Camera Geometry to A Virtual Downward-Looking Camera: Robust Ego-Motion Estimation and Ground-Layer Detection
Q. Ke, T. Kanade (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Homotopy-Based Computation of Defocus Blur and Affine Transforms
F. Deschenes, D. Ziou (Universite de Sherbrooke)
- Object Segmentation in Videos from Moving Camera with MRFs on Color and Motion Features
A. Prati, E. Cucchiara, R. Vezzani (Univ. of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
Learning and Statistical Methods I
- S-AdaBoost and Pattern Detection in Complex Environment
J. Jiang, K. F. Loe (National University of Singapore)
- A Novel Support Vector Classifier with Better Rejection Performance
C. Yuan, D. Casasent (Carnegie Mellon University)
- An Efficient Approach to Learning Inhomogeneous Gibbs Model
Z. Liu, H. Chen, H. Shum (Microsoft Research)
- Toward a Statistically Optimal Method for Estimating Geometric Relations from Noisy Data: Cases of Linear Relations
T. Okatani, K. Deguchi (Tohoku University)
- Adaptation For Multiple Cue Integration
Z. Sun (Eastman Kodak Company)
Medical Image Analysis
- Flux Driven Fly Throughs
S. Bouix, K. Siddiqi (McGill University)
A. Tannenbaum (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Pose reconstruction with an uncalibrated Computed Tomography imaging device
B. Maurin, C. Doignon, M. De Mathelin (LSIIT)
A. Gangi (University Hospital of Strasbourg)
- Simultaneous estimation and smoothing of the tensor field from Diffusion Tensor MRI
Z. Wang, B. Vemuri, Y. Chen, T. Mareci (University of Florida)
- Tensor-based Brain Surface Modeling and Analysis
M. Chung (University of Wisconsin-Madison) K. Worsley, S. Robbinsm, A. Evans (McGill University)
Calibration and Structure from Motion
Thursday, June 19, 2003
Oral Session 4A: 3D Reconstruction
- Structure from motion for scenes without features
A. Yezzi (Georgia Institute of Technology)
S. Soatto (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Shape and Materials by Example: A Photometric Stereo Approach
A. Hertzmann (University of Toronto)
S. Seitz (University of Washington)
- Surface Reconstruction via Helmholtz Reciprocity with a Single Image Pair
P. Tu, P. Mendonca (GE Global Research Center)
- Toward a Stratification of Helmholtz Stereopsis
T. Zickler (Yale University)
P. Belhumeur (Columbia University)
D. Kriegman (University of California, San Diego)
- Fast Variable Window for Stereo Correspondence using Integral Images
O. Veksler (NEC Research Institute)
Oral Session 4B: Face and Gesture
- Improving Continuous Gesture Recognition with Spoken Prosody
S. Kettebekov, M. Yeasin, R. Sharma (Pennsylvania State University)
- Learning Dynamics for Exemplar based Gesture Recognition
A. Elgammal (Rutgers University)
V. Shet, Y. Yacoob, L. Davis (University of Maryland, College Park)
- Independent Component Analysis in a Facial Local Residue Space
T.-K. Kim, , H. Kim, W. Hwang, S.-C. Kee (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology)
J. Kittler (University of Surrey)
- Kullback-Leibler Boosting and Its Application to Face Detection
C. Liu, H. Shum (Microsoft Research)
- Learning Bayesian network classifiers for facial expression recognition using both labeled and unlabeled data
I. Cohen (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
N. Sebe (Leiden University)
F. Cozman, M. Cirelo (University of Sao Paulo)
T. Huang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Oral Session 5A: Learning and Statistical Methods
- Nonparametric Belief Propagation
E. Sudderth, A. Ihler, W. Freeman, A. Willsky (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Pampas: Real-Valued Graphical Models for Computer Vision
M. Isard (Microsoft Research)
- Generalized Principal Component Analysis
R. Vidal (University of California, Berkeley)
Y. Ma (University of Illinois)
S. Sastry (University of California, Berkeley)
- Bootstrapping SVM Active Learning by Incorporating Unlabelled Images for Image Retrieval
L. Wang, K. L. Chan, Z. Zhang (Nanyang Technological University)
- Kernel Principal Angles for Classification Machines with Applications to Image Sequence Interpretation
L. Wolf, A. Shashua (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
Oral Session 5B: Illumination and Image Restoration
Poster Session 2A
3D Reconstruction II
- Joint 3D-Reconstruction and Background Separation in Multiple Views using Graph Cuts
B. Goldluecke, M. Magnor (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik)
- Extracting Dense Features for Visual Correspondence with Graph Cuts
O. Veksler (NEC Research Institute)
- A Hybrid Approach for Computing Visual Hulls of Complex Objects
E. Boyer, J.-S. Franco (INRIA)
- Stereo Matching with Reflections and Translucency
Y. Tsin (Carnegie Mellon University)
S.-B. Kang, R. Szeliski (Microsoft Research)
- Surfaces with Occlusions from Layered Stereo
M. Lin (Stanford University)
C. Tomasi (Duke University)
- Wide-baseline multiple-view correspondences
V. Ferrari (ETH Zurich)
T. Tuytelaars (KUL)
L. Van Gool (KUL/ETHZ)
Recognition II
- Local Appearance-Based Models using High-Order Statistics of Image Features
B. Moghaddam (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories)
D. Guillamet, J. Vitria (Computer Vision Center (CVC))
- Multi-scale Phase-based Local Features
G. Carneiro, A. Jepson (University of Toronto)
- Hybrid Evolutionary Ridge Regression Approach for High-Accurate Corner Extraction
G. Olague (CICESE)
B. Hernandez (UNAM)
E. Dunn (CICESE)
- A Road Sign Recognition System Based on Dynamic Visual Model
C.-Y. Fang, C.-S. Fuh, S.-W. Chen, P.-S. Yen (National Taiwan Normal University)
- Occupant Classification System for Automotive Airbag Suppression
M. Farmer (Eaton Corporation)
A. Jain (Michigan State University)
- Feature selection by maximum marginal diversity: optimality and implications for visual recognition
N. Vasconcelos (HP Cambridge Research Laboratory)
Tracking II
- Variational Inference for Visual Tracking
J. Vermaak (Cambridge University)
N. Lawrence (Sheffield University)
P. Perez (Microsoft Research)
- Probabilistic tracking in joint feature-spatial spaces.
A. Elgammal (Rutgers University)
R. Duraiswami, L. Davis (Univeristy of Maryland, College Park)
- Tracking Appearances with Occlusions
Y. Wu, T. Yu, G. Hua (Northwestern University)
- Feature Selection for Reliable Tracking using Template Matching
T. Kaneko, O. Hori (Toshiba Corporation)
- Adaptive View-Based Appearance Models
L.-P. Morency, A. Rahimi, T. Darrell (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Directional Histogram Model for 3D Shape Similarity
X. Liu (Microsoft Research)
B. Sun (Zhejiang University)
S.-B. Kang, H. Shum (Microsoft Research)
- Computation of the Shock Scaffold for Unorganized Point Clouds in 3D
F. Leymarie, B. Kimia (Brown University)
- Curvature Correction of the Hamilton-Jacobi Skeleton
A. Torsello, E. Hancock (University of York)
- Flux Invariants for Shape
P. Dimitrov (McGill University)
J. Damon (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
K. Siddiqi (McGill University)
- 3D Surface Modeling from Curves
D. Tubic, P. Hebert, D. Laurendeau (Laval University)
- Many-to-Many Graph Matching via Low-Distortion Embedding
Y. Keselman (DePaul University)
A. Shokoufandeh (Drexel University)
M. Demirci (Drexel University)
S. Dickinson (University of Toronto)
- 3D Modeling Using a Statistical Sensor Model and Stochastic Search
D. Huber, M. Hebert (Carnegie Mellon University)
Poster Session 2B
Robot Localization and Navigation
- Qualitative Image Based Localization in Indoors Environments
J. Kasecka, L. Zhou, P. Berbae, Z. Duric, (George Mason University)
Segmentation and Perceptual Organization
- Computing layered surface representations: An algorithm for detecting and separating transparent overlays
M. Singh, X. Huang (Rutgers University)
- On Region Merging: The Statistical Soundness of Fast Sorting, with Applications
F. Nielsen (Sony CS Laboratories Tokyo)
R. Nock (Universite Antilles-Guyane)
- Perception-based 3D Triangle Mesh Segmentation Using Fast Marching Watersheds
D. Page, A. Koschan, M. Abidi (Imaging, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems Laboratory)
- Range Image Segmentation by Surface Extraction Using an Improved Robust Estimator
P. Gotardo, O. Bellon (Universidade Federal do Parana)
L. Silva (Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnologica do Parana)
- Object-Specific Figure-Ground Segregation
S. Yu, J. Shi (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Object Segmentation Using Graph Cuts Based Active Contours
N. Xu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
R. Bansal (Columbia University)
N. Ahuja (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Learning Affinity Functions for Image Segmentation: Combining Patch-based and Gradient-based Approaches
J. Malik, C. Fowlkes, D. Martin (University of California, Berkeley)
- Background Subtraction based on Cooccurrence of Image Variations
M. Seki (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
T. Wada (Wakayama University)
H. Fujiwara, K. Sumi (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
- Evaluation of Local Models of Dynamic Backgrounds
R. Pless, J. Larson, S. Siebers, B. Westover (Washington University in St. Louis)
- Evolvable Visual Commercial Detector
L. Agnihotri, N. Dimitrova, T. McGee, S. Jeannin, D. Schaffer, J. Nesvadba (Philips Research)
- Establishment shot detection using qualitative motion
L. Cheong, Y. Wang, H. Wang (National University of Singapore)
Learning and Statistical Methods II
Vision for Graphics
- Editable Dynamic Textures
G. Doretto, S. Soatto (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Example-Based Style Synthesis
I. Drori, D. Cohen-Or, H. Yeshurun (Tel Aviv University)
- Shape-time Photography
W. Freeman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
H. Zhang (University of California, Berkeley)
- Face Relighting with Radiance Environment Maps
Z. Wen (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Z. Liu (Microsoft Research)
T. Huang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Automatic Relighting of Overlapping Textures of a 3D Model
E. Beauchesne, S. Roy (Universite de Montreal)
Reflectance Modeling
- Estimating Surface Characteristics using Physical Reflectance Models
H. Ragheb, E. Hancock (University of York)
- Low-Dimensional Representations of Shaded Surfaces under Varying Illumination
P. Nillius, J.-O. Eklundh (CVAP/NADA/KTH)
Friday, June 20, 2003
Oral Session 6A: Calibration and Structure from Motion
- An Efficient Solution to the Five-Point Relative Pose Problem
D. Nister (Sarnoff Corporation)
- Constraint on Five Points in Two Images
T. Werner (Oxford Univeresity)
- Learning epipolar geometry from image sequences
Y. Wexler, A. Fitzgibbon, A. Zisserman (Oxford University)
- Direct 3D-Rotation Estimation from Spherical Images via a Generalized Shift Theorem
A. Makadia, K. Daniilidis (University of Pennsylvania)
Oral Session 6B: Tracking II
Oral Session 7A: Recognition II
Oral Session 7B: Multi-body Factorization and Ego-Motion
Oral Session 8A: Recognition III
- Estimating the degree of photorealism of images: Distinguishing paintings from photographs
F. Cutzu, R. Hammoud, A. Leykin (Indiana University)
- Visual Landmarks Detection and Recognition for Mobile Robot Navigation
J.-B. Hayet, F. Lerasle, M. Devy (LAAS-CNRS)
- Sparse Texture Representation Using Affine-Invariant Neighborhoods
S. Lazebnik (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
C. Schmid (INRIA)
J. Ponce (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Oral Session 8B: Video
Poster Session 3A
3D Reconstruction III
Recognition III
Tracking III
- Using Multiple Cues for Hand Tracking and Model Refinement
S. Lu, D. Metaxas (Rutgers University)
D. Samaras (SUNY Stony Brook)
J. Oliensis (Rutgers University)
- Eye Gaze Tracking Using an Active Stereo Head
D. Beymer, M. Flickner (IBM Almaden Research Center)
- Bayesian Human Segmentation in Crowded Situations
T. Zhao, R. Nevatia (University of Southern California)
- Finding and Tracking People from the Bottom Up
D. Ramanan, D. Forsyth (University of California, Berkeley)
- Markerless Kinematic Model and Motion Capture from Volume Sequences
C.-W. Chu, O. Jenkins, M. Mataric (Center for Robotics and Embedded Systems (CRES))
- Implicit Meshes for Modeling and Reconstruction
S. Ilic, P. Fua (Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne)
Fingerprint Recognition
- A Novel Model for Orientation Field of Fingerprints
J. Gu , J. Zhou,(Tsinghua University)
- On The Fundamental Performance For Fingerprint Matching
X. Tan, B. Bhanu (University of California, Riverside)
- Robust Crease Detection in Fingerprint Images
C. Wu, J. Zhou, Z.-Q. Bian, G. Rong (Tsinghua University)
Documents, Text and Projectors
- Shadow Elimination and Occluder Light Suppression for Multi-Projector Displays s
T.-J. Cham (Nanyang Technological University)
J. Rehg (Georgia Institute of Technology)
R. Sukthankar, G. Sukthankar (HP Cambridge Research Laboratory)
- Word Image Matching Using Dynamic Time Warping
T. Rath, R. Manmatha (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
- A Bayesian Framework for fusing multiple word knowledge models in videotext recognition
D. Zhang, S.-F. Chang (Columbia University)
- Document Image Enhancement Using Directional Wavelet
Q. Wang, T. Xia, L. Li, C. Tan (National University of Singapore)
Poster Session 3B
Registration and Alignment
Activity Recognition
- View Invariants for Human Action Recognition
V. Parameswaran, R. Chellappa (University of Maryland, College Park)
- Recognising and Monitoring High-Level Behaviours in Complex Spatial Environments
N. Nguyen, H. Bui, S. Venkatesh, G. West (Curtin University of Technology)
- Expectation Grammars: Leveraging High-Level Expectations for Activity Recognition
D. Minnen, I. Essa, T. Starner (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Activity Recognition Using the Dynamics of the Configuration of Interacting Objects
N. Vaswani, A. Chowdhury, R. Chellappa (University of Maryland College Park)
Image and Video Retrieval
- Nearest Neighbor Search for Relevance Feedback
J. Tesic, B. S. Manjunath (University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Adaptive Pattern Discovery for Interactive Multimedia Retrieval
Y. Wu, A. Zhang (The State University of New York at Buffalo)
- 3D Model Retrieval With Morphing-Based Geometric and Topological Feature Maps
M. Yu, I. Atmosukarto, W. Leow, Z. Huang, R. Xu (National University of Singapore)
- A New Semi-Supervised EM Algorithm for Image Retrieval
A. Dong, B. Bhanu (University of California, Riverside)
- Enhancing Image and Video Retrieval: Learning via Equivalence Constraints
T. Hertz, N. Shental, A. Bar-Hillel, D. Weinshall (Hebrew University)
- The effects of segmentation and feature choice in a translation model of object recognition
K. Barnard (University of Arizona)
P. Duygulu (Middle East Technical University)
P. Gabbur, R. Guru, D. Forsyth (University of Arizona)
- Advanced Gaussian MRF Rotation-Invariant Texture Features for Classification of Remote Sensing Imagery
H. Deng, D. Clausi (University of Waterloo)
- Texture Classification: Are Filter Banks Necessary?
M. Varma, A. Zisserman (University of Oxford)
- Active Unsupervised Texture Segmentation on a Diffusion Based Feature Space
M. Rousson (INRIA)
T. Brox (Saarland University)
R. Deriche (INRIA)
Image Restoration and Inpainting
- Simultaneous Structure and Texture Image Inpainting
M. Bertalmio (Pompeu-Fabra)
L. Vese (University of California, Los Angeles)
G. Sapiro (University of Minnesota)
S. Osher, L. Vese (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Hue fields and Color Curvatures: A Perceptual Organization Approach to Color Image Denoising
O. Ben-Shahar, S. Zucker (Yale university)
- Object Removal by Exemplar-Based Inpainting
A. Criminisi, P. Perez, K. Toyama (Microsoft Research)
- Image Hallucination with Primal Sketch Priors
J. Sun (Microsoft Research)
N.-N. Zhang (Xian Jiaotong University)
H. Tao (Univ. of California, Santa Cruz)
H. Shum (Microsoft Research)