CSC302: Engineering Large Software Systems
(Winter term 2012)
- Wed March 21, 2012: Assignment 4 is out!
- Monday March 5, 2012: Assignment 3 is out!
- Friday Feb 17, 2012: Four important announcements:
- We voted in class to move the mid-term from Tues Feb 28 to Thurs March 1 (in the 10am lecture slot, same room as usual).
- Assignment 2 can be submitted electronically, as long as you package everything into a single PDF document. Send it by email, or check it in to your repository and let us know where to access it.
- There's a motion to switch from OpenStack to MatPlotLib for the second half of the course; we'll discuss and vote on this in the first lecture after the break.
- If you haven't already done the peer evaluation form for assignment 1, please do so by the end of the day on Monday 20th Feb. After that, I'll be re-setting it for assignment 2.
- Friday Feb 3, 2012: Assignment 2 is out at last.
- Friday Feb 3, 2012: The peer review form is now working. Please log in with your cdf login&password, and evaluate everyone on your team including yourself, for their performance on assignment 1.
- Monday Jan 23, 2012: Due to the delays in forming teams and getting access to the code, I'm extending the deadline for assignment 1 to next Tuesday, January 31st (with the first 10 minutes of the lecture).
- Tuesday Jan 17, 2012: PLEASE NOTE: if you don't check your cdf email account regularly, please register your prefered email address in DrProject, so your teammates can find you. Log into DrProject with your cdf login, go to 'preferences' and register your preferred email address. Oh, and I've added some notes about getting hold of the OpenStack code on the wiki.
- Thursday Jan 12, 2012: The list of who's in which team has been posted, and I've added you all the the DrProject portal.
- Thursday Jan 12, 2012: We voted in class to adopt OpenStack as our project for the term.
- Monday Jan 9, 2012: Suggestions for open source projects for you to work on for this course. We'll talk about these in class tomorrow:
- Late suggestion: An Eclipse plugin such as Mylyn or Egit
- Another late suggestion: OpenStack
- Friday Jan 6, 2012: This is the new web page for CSC302. Lectures start Tuesday January 10th. See you then!
About the Course
This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of large-scale software system
design, development, and deployment. Topics include project management; advanced UML; reverse
engineering; requirements inspection; verification and validation; software
architecture; performance modeling and analysis.
Note: This page is for Winter 2012. Web pages for older versions of the course
have been archived:
General Course Handouts
Lecture Notes & Weekly Readings
teaching materials on this website are available for use under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License,
except where noted otherwise. Links to papers on the IEEE electronic library (marked
) are available only to subscribers.
U of T has an institutional subscription, so these links should work from anywhere
on campus. Please respect the copyrights on all material on this site.
- Week 1:
- Week 2:
- Week 3:
- Week 4:
- Week 5:
- Week 6:
- Week 7:
- No lectures - Reading Week
- Week 8:
- Week 9:
- Week 10:
- Week 11:
- Week 12:
- Week 13:
Assignments and Exams
Note: All assignments will be based on an existing open
source code base.
Peer review process: All term assignments are team assignments. For each of the assignments,
everyone needs to also fill out the peer
review form, to indicate your opinion of how each member of the team
Assignment 1: Reverse Engineering and Design Recovery
Assignment 2: Implemented Change Requests
Assignment 3:
Requirements Analysis for new features
Assignment 4:
Midterm Exam:
Final exam:
Contact Details
Prof. Steve Easterbrook
web page:
phone: 978-3610 (please use only for emergencies)
Office: BA3259 (Bahen Center)
Office Hours: TBD