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It’s not every day you come across a song which talks about something so real, with lyrics so richly crafted and profound that leads your mind into a state of trance. The song in question, is “With strength, I burn”, by Emperor. This song is one of the deepest I’ve ever heard. It talks about Emperor’s journey to discover the truth in life. After going through an arduous journey, or “drowning several times in the familiar waters” which is how it’s put (so profoundly), he is empowered. However, he ends up exactly where he started from.

“Deep Green Dark Chaos Blinded I run down these paths By heart I know them They lead to the searing cliffs Stout they stand above the water’s edge Lifeless And this is my foundation Cold stone Formed only by winds and time How invulnerable Lifeless “

The song talks about Emperor running around the familiar chaotic path, leading to formidable cliffs and mountains that stand in front of a water’s edge. The mountains, cold and unwavering, lifeless, emotionless, invulnerable, unaffected by the elements yet so beautiful. Emperor wants to be one with this. But the water (which is a similie to the glorious journey of life) calls his name.

“For once I wish to see the entity behind the voice. The face of this seduction, the beauty of my pain”

This set of lyrics is so profound to me. It talks about the inner self, which is personified by the aforementioned waters that is seductive, in leading the emperor to his life’s journey. And in going through the journey, he experiences pain. However, there’s beauty associated with going through it - the experience of going through life is so unique and amazing.

“Am I blessed, or am I cursed by thy presence? What is my crime what is my deed?” “Is this life my redemption? Shall I repent or proceed?”

Emperor asks the very nature of what life is, and ponders about the meaning of it all. He seeks to know whether this life a reward or punishment? Did it result from a deed or is he repenting for a crime (in another realm?).

“I hate my flesh, it’s dimension poinsoned my soul with doubt”

This line is powerful. Emperor hates his outward appearence+body, as well as the sense of beoing in the body. It is limiting the true nature of the soul. Many times, people are expected to act according to the way they are perceived, which depends on the flesh / outward appearance. Emperor identifies this, and goes a step further, pointing out the limitation the image + limiting experience our flesh restricts us to, leading out soul into doubt.

“It made me question, the essense of the “I””

Following from the previous line, Emperor now describes the nature of self-doubt: What is “I”? Is it the flesh (body and appearence), or is it the soul?

“Slaves are those of this world, given freedom to lay the chains, on thy master! the wolf is no longer free, release the chains and come to me!”

This is the part of the song that confuses me. I think this line talks about true freedom of your soul, which is essential in trying to understand oneself. It specifically warns you do not achieve this freedom by simply overpowering your master, (like, for example, a dog which can overpower his master). It still makes you a slave, as you have been “given that freedom” to do so.

“Suddenly, his mournful cries were stunned Out of the cold mist came three enthralling ships Sails torn by many a storm, and the bows adorned By the most fierce gargoyles he’d ever laid eyes upon Yet, the crew they bore… Three times twelve in numbers They stood motionless, wrapped in grey, worn gowns And from behind their shadowed faces the seductive chanting Bidding him on board Without hesitation, he accepted And away they sailed”

This talks about Emperor taking up the offer of going through life’s journey, and talks about.

“Upon these seas Wherein I drowned so many times I scatter the ashes of destiny Still my flame is in hunger With fire in my heart Shall I greet the shores ahead Though, I know not what will burn “

Emperor goes through the difficult journey of life. He’s drowned so many times, and has repeatedly fallen into hardships. Yet he encounters them with fire in his heart, he enjoys battling through it.

“In the distance I hear the waves wash over solid ground And in this moment I am struck blind Grant me sight so I can see That which lies ahead of me Cursed be my mortal eyes For dying in this realm of death Hear my call I return to the soaring cliffs They truly shine of strength Even though I nothing learned With strength I burn”

Emperor is blinded in his journey and battling through life. After going through all of that, he returns through the soaring cliffs, where he started from. Despite all of his experience, he realized he has learned nothing. He has become stronger, however, as a result of his experience.

Overall, to me, this song talks about the true meaning of life. It makes you think about your role you need to play, and duty that you set on yourself. Going through hardships is what makes you strong, and there’s beauty in experienceing pain in accomplishing it.