STA 4273H (Winter 2015): Large Scale Machine Learning -- Assignments/Project

Assignment/Project Schedule

  • Assignment 1: Due Feb 16.
    digitstrain.txt , and digitstest.txt .
    If you are using Matlab you can load the file using textread command:
    [data] = textread('digitstrain.txt','','delimiter',',');

  • Assignment 2: Due March 23, 11am.
    a3train.txt , and a3test.txt .

  • Projects due April 6, 2015

    Project info sheet pdf.
    NIPS style file and example paper for latex (sty) (tex)
    and formatting guide for other packages (pdf) (ps).
    Please note that 8 pages is a hard upper limit on length. Do not go over.

Collaboration Policy

The assignments are to be done by each student individually. You may discuss the general idea of the questions with anyone you like, but your discussion may not include the specific answers to any of the problems.

Late Work

Late assignments/projects are not accepted except in the case of an official Student Medical Certificate or a written (not email) request submitted at least one week before the due date and approved by the instructor.

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