John DiMarco on Computing (and occasionally other things)
I welcome comments by email to jdd at

Tue 04 May 2010 14:51

Adding logout to Firefox: making HTTP authentication more useful.

The HTTP protocol (on which the world wide web is based) offers two forms of simple authentication that are built into pretty much every web browser: Basic authentication and Digest Authentication. For both these authentication mechanisms, the web browser obtains authentication information from the user and retains it to submit to the web site on the user's behalf. A set of authentication information retained for a site by a running web browser is called an authenticated session.

Unfortunately, in most web browsers, including Firefox, there is no easy way to delete that information. Hence once you are authenticated to a web site as a particular user, your web browser will continue to authenticate you to that web site as that user until you exit your browser. It's easy to see this in action: simply go to a site that requires basic or digest authentication, authenticate, browse somewhere else, then return to that site. Did it ask you to enter your password again? No, it remembered who you had authenticated as before, and connected you immediately as that user.

This is often what you want, but not always. Sometimes you might want to logout as one user and login as a different user. You can't easily do this in most web browers without exiting and restarting the browser. Or perhaps you may want to allow someone else to use your web browser, and you don't want to give them your access to certain sites. It would be useful to be able to clear your authenticated sessions.

Some web browsers, such as Firefox, permit clearing all internal authentication and identification information: cached data, cookies and authenticated sessions. In more recent versions of Firefox, the feature is called private browsing, and is focused primarily on browsing without leaving privacy information behind. But this is a pretty blunt instrument: all potentially sensitive data is cleared, such as cookies, not just authenticated sessions. What if all you want to do is log out?

My HTTP logout add-on for Firefox is intended to change this. It adds two menu options to Firefox, one on the Tools menu, and the other on the menu you get when you right-click on the background. In each case, the menu option is called HTTP logout all, and if you select it, it will clear all authenticated sessions in your running web browser. You can easily try it: after installing the add-on, go to a site that requires basic or digest authentication, and authenticate. Now choose "HTTP logout all", and reload/refresh that page. It will not recognize you as the person who had logged in before, and will ask you to log in again.

I'm not the only person who wants the ability to log out when using HTTP authentication. Many of us who have implemented web sites using Basic or Digest authentication have often been asked by users "How do I log out"? On this topic, the Apache foundation writes:

        Since browsers first started implementing basic authentication,
        website administrators have wanted to know how to let the user log
        out. Since the browser caches the username and password with the
        authentication realm, as described earlier in this tutorial, this
        is not a function of the server configuration, but is a question
        of getting the browser to forget the credential information, so
        that the next time the resource is requested, the username and
        password must be supplied again. There are numerous situations in
        which this is desirable, such as when using a browser in a public
        location, and not wishing to leave the browser logged in, so that
        the next person can get into your bank account.  

        However, although this is perhaps the most frequently asked question
        about basic authentication, thus far none of the major browser
        manufacturers have seen this as being a desirable feature to put
        into their products.  

        Consequently, the answer to this question is, you can't. Sorry.

        - Apache 1.3 documentation.
Now at least Firefox users can.

/it permanent link
