Sicong (Sheldon) Huang

CS PhD Student

UToronto and Vector Institute

Google Scholar


I’m a CS PhD student researching AI Safety in the Machine Learning Group at the University of Toronto, advised by Prof. Roger Grosse and Prof. Jimmy Ba. I have mostly worked on fundamental research in generative AI in the past and now I'm focusing on AI Safety through the lens of AI psychology, where the goal is to discover and verify abstract psychological constructs that can help us predict and control AI's behaviour. My long-term goal is to steer advanced intelligent systems to enhance our capacity for kindness and bring people closer together.

If you are new to AI and wondering how to get started, I'd recommend checking out UTMIST and Cohere For AI. I was one of the cofounders in 2017 and since then great friends have joined to scale them massively to provide great zero to one opportunities for anyone interested in AI.

If you are a founder, I'm also on the investment team at FunPlus and we invest in early stage AI startups.

If we have any shared interests, feel free to reach me at: huang at cs toronto edu