CSC108S information sheet, Winter 2002

Welcome to the Winter/Spring session of Computer Science 108. Here is some information you'll need for this course.

Contact information

You can reach me (Danny Heap) at 416-978-5899, send me email at the address at the bottom of this page, or visit me in SF2302A during my office hours, 4--5 pm every weekday except Wednesday, or by appointment.

Our course web page is required reading for this course, and I'll post announcements, code examples, and other useful content there.

Required materials

Lectures, reading, ProgramLive

Here is an outline of what we'll be covering this semester.

Week Topics ProgramLive Nino & Hosch
1 & 2 introduction to object oriented ideas, simple programs, message passing, methods, parameters, return types, instance variables units 1 & 2 Chapters 1 -- 4
3 -- 6 constructors, strings, input, static, primitive types, casting conditional statements, equals() parameter passing, toString(), information hiding unit 3 Chapters 5 -- 7
7 -- 10 loops, arrays, Vector class, testing units 5 -- 7 Chapters 8 & 12
11 -- 13 overloading methods, inheritance, overriding methods, polymorphism, searching, sorting, complexity unit 4 Chapter 13, 14


Here is the distribution of marks between assignments, tutorials, and tests/examinations:

Work Weight Comment
8 Assignments25%due each Friday
2 midterm tests20% during lecture times, weeks 6 and 10
Final exam45% 3 hours, during exam period

You must get 40% on the final exam to pass this course.


I'll put assignments on the web page approximately 2 weeks before they are due (notice that this means there is no assignment for week 1). There will be no paper copies. You will submit your assignments electronically, following instructions on the web site.

Assignments will be due Friday mornings at 12 noon. Since I plan to post solutions shortly after that, I can't accept late assignments.

If you're ill or have other exceptional circumstances, get appropriate documentation from your doctor and print a copy of the "Request for Special Consideration" from the web site, and submit a completed form to me.


The University of Toronto is a community where we share and develop ideas in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect. This atmosphere requires that we give credit to those whose ideas we use. A consequence of this is that submitting work that is not your own, or helping others to do so, is a serious academic offence. I'll be checking your assignments against others. See the web page for further discussion on plagiarism/cheating.


Some of your work will be marked automatically by a computer program. A consequence of this is that some trivial errors (spelling, file names, etc.) can have a large impact on a mark. You may compensate for this once during the term, by submitting an "E-submission Appeal." You state exactly what must be changed in your submission to fix your error, submit the form to me (don't re-submit your files). We'll make the changes, re-grade your assignment, and deduct 20% for the error. This doesn't apply to assignments 1 or 2.

You may feel that a human has made an incorrect assessment of your work. You might begin by discussing the situation with your TA, who can explain the marking scheme to you. If you're still dissatisfied, you may print out a "Request for remarking Form" from the web-site. On this form you clearly explain why you feel you deserve more marks, and then submit it to me during an office hour. Your mark may decrease, increase, or stay the same as a result of re-marking.
Last modified: Wed Jan 9 08:07:20 EST 2002