message, x=florian

(Mailing Address, UTM Campus)

3359 Mississauga Road

Deerfield Hall, Office 3066

Mathematical & Computational Sciences

University of Toronto Mississauga

Mississauga, ON, L5L 1C6

(Mailing Address, St George Campus)

10 King's College Road

Sandford Fleming Building, Office SF 3328

Department of Computer Science

University of Toronto

Toronto, ON, M5S 3G4

Florian Shkurti

Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Department of Computer Science, UTM, University of Toronto
Faculty Member, UofT Robotics Institute
Faculty Affiliate, Vector Institute
Faculty Member, Acceleration Consortium

I direct the Robot Vision and Learning (RVL) lab at the University of Toronto. I am part of the Robotics Group at the Department of Computer Science. My research centers around robotics and spans machine learning, perception, planning and control. My group and I develop methods that enable robots to perceive, reason, and act effectively and safely, particularly in dynamic environments and alongside humans. I want to enable people to effectively specify the desired task and behavior of their robots, without requiring them to write code. I also strive to provide safety guarantees during the robot learning process and beyond, during deployment. Application areas of my research include field robotics for environmental monitoring, visual navigation for autonomous vehicles, and mobile manipulation. I am interested in the following topics:

Autonomous robots for environmental monitoring and scientific exploration
  • Learning visual attention operators for exploration and navigation
  • Active sensing and information gathering
  • Informed visual search
  • Visual navigation
  • Video and sensor data summarization
  • Field robotics
Machine learning for planning and control
Safety guarantees during robot learning and deployment
One of the applications of my research has been to enable environmental monitoring by robots that autonomously operate in the field and collect useful data for environmental scientists. Human-robot collaboration, learning from a few demonstrations, and robust navigation in 3D are critical in these outdoor domains. I have also worked on vision-based simultaneous mapping, localization, and navigation for ground, aerial, and underwater robots. Another application of our research has been in autonomous and vision-based robot manipulation for chemistry lab automation.


See our publications on our lab website or on google scholar


An up-to-date list of my students and lab alumni can be found on our lab website.

Joining my group

Please follow the instructions on our lab website.

[2023-2024] I am looking for postdocs, PhD, MSc, and undergraduate students with computer science or engineering backgrounds. Feel free to email me with your CV, unofficial transcript, and research interests. Prospective graduate students should apply through CS.
