My name is Nick Feng. I am a Ph.D. student in computer science at the University of Toronto advised by Marsha Chechik.

I received both M.Sc. and B.Sc. in computer science from the University of Toronto, where I was advised by Marsha Chechik

Here is my CV. You can reach me at


Our second paper on client-specific equivalence checking was accepted at ASE '20!
Our SAT Solvers (joint work with Randy Hickey and Fahiem Bacchus) Cadical-alluip-trail and Cadical-alluip won the planning track of SAT Competition 2020

Conference Research Papers

ASE '24
Diagnosis via Proofs of Unsatisfiability for First-Order Logic with Relational Objects (To appear)
N. Feng, L. Marsso, and M. Chechik
RE '24
Normative Requirements Operationalization with Large Language Models paper
N. Feng, L. Marsso, S. Yaman, I. Standen, Y. Baatartogtokh, R. Ayad, V. Mello, B. Townsend, H. Bartels, A. Cavalcanti, R. Calinescu, and M. Chechik
ICSE '24, Distinguished paper award
Analyzing and Debugging Normative Requirements via Satisfiability Checking (slides, extended version, tool)
N. Feng, L. Marsso, S. Yaman, B. Townsend, Y. Baatartogtokh, R. Ayad, V. Mello, Y. Kholodetska, I. Standen, I. Stefanakos, C. Imrie, G. Rodrigues, A. Cavalcanti, R. Calinescu, and M. Chechik
DRAT Proofs of Unsatisfiability for SAT Modulo Monotonic Theories (slides, extended version)
N. Feng, A. Hu, S. Bayless, S. Iqbal, P. Trentin, M. Whalen, L. Pike, and J. Backes