CSC404: Video Game Design -- Fall 2020


Welcome to the course webpage for the fall 2020 term of CSC404: Video Game Design! This course will go over some of the important areas of game design, and will provide a real-world perspective of the challenges involved in creating a large-scale video game.

This is a project course, although there are also skills-based exercises that are required over the first few weeks.

This semester the course will run entirely online via Discord. All lectures, office hours, milestone presentations and course events will happen there. Please make sure to check the class Discord server for any new messages or announcements at least twice a day.

Website structure

Most of the information about the course, such as exercises, reading lists and other information is available from the links on the left. If there is anything missing, please notify the instructor immediately.

Even though most announcements will arrive via email and Discord, you must check the announcements section once a week, just in case.

Notice of video recording and sharing

This course presentations, including your participation, will be recorded on video and might be available to students in the course for viewing remotely and after each session. Course videos and materials belong to your instructor, the University, and/or other sources depending on the specific facts of each situation, and are protected by copyright. Do not download, copy, or share any course or student materials or videos without the explicit permission of the instructor. For questions about recording and use of videos in which you appear please contact your instructor.

Course Calendar