Reference Letter Requests

This is a guide for requesting reference letters from me.

If you are planning to go to graduate school, you will likely need a few professors to write reference letters or fill out forms in support of your application. Start preparing for this early. You should always ask each professor for permission before putting their name down.

If I agree to write a letter for you, I would like to write a reference letter that would strengthen your application. Since I teach large courses in artificial intelligence and machine learning, I often get 100 - 150 reference requests per year. Unfortunately, I can usually write letters for about 20 - 25 students. Although this number sounds small, it would still take me a whole week of time to write these letters. As a result, my minimum criteria for writing a reference letter for you is participating at least *TWO* of the following activities with me.

Note that, ''active participation on Piazza/office hours + good grade in a course taught by me'' counts as ONE activity. Therefore, if you took 2 or more courses with me and both courses satisfy this criteria, it would count as 2 activities.

In addition, please keep in mind the important points below.

If you believe that you meet my minimum criteria, you can request a reference letter from me here. Much of this form is inspired by the form used by Professor Liza Bolton.