STA 414/2104 (Fall 2015): Statistical Methods for Machine Learning and Data Mining


  • Assignment 1: Due Oct 19th (at the beginning of class).

  • Assignment 2: Due Nov 11 (by noon).
    digitstrain.txt , and digitstest.txt .
    If you are using Matlab you can load the file using textread command:
    [data] = textread('digitstrain.txt','','delimiter',',');

    Assignment 3: Due Monday, Nov 30, 2015 (at 2pm, beginning of class).
    train1x and train1y ,
    testx and testy .

    Collaboration Policy

    The assignments are to be done by each student individually. You may discuss the general idea of the questions with anyone you like, but your discussion may not include the specific answers to any of the problems.

    Late Work

    Late Assignments will be penalized 10% of the available marks per day up to a maximum of three days. Beyond this, no extensions will be granted on homework assignments, except in the case of an official Student Medical Certificate or a written (not email) request submitted at least one week before the due date and approved by the instructor. Please plan ahead.


    As a general rule, small matters of marking on assignments (apparent errors, questions about evaluation criteria, etc.) should be taken first to the marker (via email). More significant issues, or unresolved matters on assignments, are appropriate to take to the professor. Matters of marking on tests and exams should be taken to the professor.

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