A nomad wandering around space time curvature with 0 degree of freedom.
I worked with Prof. Allan Borodin on the problem of finding equilibriums in markets and matching in stochastic graphs.
I worked with Prof. Daniel Lokshtanov on the problem of finding smallest graph coloring.
Working on uplifting internal systems for trading credit bonds from monolithic to micro-service architecture with shared components.
Owned, re-architected and mantained various micro-services and shared python libraries responsible for portals, loans, payments and customer communication servicing millions in origination each day. Lead various projects as well as mentored several new hires and junior engineers, driving adoption of architecture and cross-functional processes.
I worked as a teaching assistant for the courses CSC240 and CSC236 for a total of 3 different positions.
Worked with Prof. Daniel Lokshtanov on the problem of crossing minimization in the layered graph drawing. We investigated the case when a p-partition of vertex set of a graph is given and a p-layered drawing of the graph is supposed to be drawn with vertices in i-th partition to be placed on i-th layer such that the number of pairwise edge crossings is minimized. We were able to design a subexponential algorithm for the case of p=2 and p=3 when parameterized by the number of edge crossings. We were also able to design a polynomial kernel for the case of p=3.
We investigated the performance of various deep learning techniques for sea surface temperature prediction over time-series sea surface temperature data set provided by NOAA. We also analyzed the correlation between different weather parameters (such as between temperature and pressure, temperature and humidity, etc.) and between their variations across different parts of the world.
We were invited to give a talk on Fractals, Newton’s method and Julia set at SIAM Chapter of IITG.
We participated in Microsoft Code Fun Do 2017 held at IIT Guwahati and received a prize of Rs. 5,000 for securing the third position.
We were among the top 25 teams all over the country in Microsoft Build The Shield 2016