Release Planner v1.0

Interface XMLLoaderChainElement

All Known Implementing Classes:
XMLLoader, XMLParser

public interface XMLLoaderChainElement

Declares a protocol for objects that can be chained together as loader objects.

$Revision: 1.1 $, $Date: 2001/06/06 18:37:08 $

Method Summary
 void doneLoader(int tagId, java.lang.StringBuffer charData, java.lang.Object o)
          Called after the currently active loader encounters its end tag.

Method Detail


public void doneLoader(int tagId,
                       java.lang.StringBuffer charData,
                       java.lang.Object o)
Called after the currently active loader encounters its end tag. Implementer is responsible for set content handler back to itself. Note that this is symmetrical in thart objects set themselves to be content handlers initially.

tagId - the integer id of the tag that just finished
charData - the character data that was read for that tag
o - arbitrary parameter to pass back to the invoking loader

Release Planner v1.0