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Food Fun

Table of Contents

  1. Descriptions of the 7 Food Groups

  2. Some Foods :

    1. Avocados

    2. Peaches

    3. Pomegranates

      (to be included one day)
    4. Cookies

      (to be included one day)

The 6 Food Groups

Various nutritional groups have divided food into categories such as dairy products, meat, vegetables, fruits, etc. I propose another division, based on our sense perception of what we are eating, It is more removed from the platonic ideal of nutrition, but, for me, closer to an acknowledgement of the quotidian reality.


These can be fun foods, but they can also make you feel ill if you eat too much in one sitting, as can happen sometimes. Chips and nachos can fall in this category. The crunchy foods are fun precisely because they are crunchy, yet at the same time they require a beverage to soften them up a little.


Good cookies definitely fall in this category. Well-cooked pasta sits at the crunchy end of the chewy spectrum.


The whole is more than the sum of the parts. Shrimp. Crunchy, yet chewy. Excellent. Peaches: a moment of crunch that melts into sweet chewiness.

Not quite in this category is Kraft dinner which, if kept in the pot on the counter overnight, also becomes crunchy-chewy; the outer parts get really crunchy, but the inner parts get chewy (see Soggy).

Originally a typo, I later realized that "cruncy" is missing the 'h' because it may be derived from the name of a town in Southern France.


Typified by the image of old bread. Stale food can be dangerous and can cause minor injuries if thrown or used violently.


The opposite of stale. Nature versus nurture: some foods become softer in time, others become harder. Others become infested with new living organisms. Things get rotten as they gradually get passed down the food pyramid.


This is very extreme, and is material for unapologizingly strong images. Some of the best things and some of the worst things can be found in this state.


Which is worse, soggy bread or stale bread? Difficult question.

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Copyright Sageev Oore 1998