
    The midterm test (worth 15% of the total) is in the same place as the lectures and/or tutorials. Our current plan is to make the midterm start at 12.10 and last for 50 minutes. However, if a significant number of registered students cannot make the tutorial period we will move it to the lecture period so that it would start at 1.10pm and last for 50 minutes. It is closed book. Look at the page on "lectures" for the date and time of the midterm.

    An example of a MIDTERM TEST as .ps file
    Question A2 has the picture of the net missing. Some of the questions are about material that is now in the second half of the course.

    The final exam (worth 30% of the total) lasts for TWO HOURS and will be closed book. About 25% of the questions will be on material that came before the midterm and about 75% on material that came after the midterm.
    Look at the page on "lectures" for the date, time and location of the final.

Missed Tests

  • Missed tests will get a score of zero except in the case of an official Student Medical Certificate or a written (not email) request submitted at least one week before the test date and approved by the instructor.

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