Tests and Exams

This page should help guide your preparation for tests and the final exam. As we proceed, more detail and support material will be added.

Term Test 2

You can expect the format of the second term test to be similar to the format of the first. The topics covered for the second term test are identified in the table below - there will be more emphasis on what we have learned since the last term test.

Term Test 1

The solution for the first term test (and the general marking scheme) can be found here.

What will be covered in tests and exams

The following is an guide to the topics which you are responsible for on each test or exam. Because a topic is marked "yes", indicating that you are responsible for it, this does not guarantee that there will be a question on this topic on the test or exam. The list will be expanded as we cover more topics and we get closer to a test date.

test 1? test 2? final exam?
Algorithm discovery, problem solving, Polya's approach to problem solving, what makes an algorithm.
yes no yes
Flowcharts and pseudocode as ways to express planned solutions (algorithms) yes no yes
A brief overview of how computing machinery evolved.
yes no no
An overview of operating systems, file organization and the root directory (only what was covered in class, lab, or the required readings)

yes no yes
Computer programming: simple sequences of statements in Python. What we have covered to date.
yes yes yes
bits and bytes; base two numbers; converting to and from base two
yes no yes
Data Communication
no yes yes
Boolean expressions (that evaluate to True/False), While, If, For, ranges
no yes yes
The Web and HTML
no yes yes
Timekeeping and time calculations (understand techniques - don't memorize)
no yes yes
Computers and Society no no yes