This page contains additional material to facilitate analysis and replication of our study of staggered animation including participant logs, R scripts for analysis, as well as the java application used for the experiement and instructions for participants of the study.


All material on this page is CC-BY-SA. If you reuse or adapt it please reference our article and/or link to this page.


Goal of the experiment

The goal of this first experiment was to validate the task complexity metrics as we define them in the paper. Note that this experiment does not involve staggering.


Video instructions



Experimental Program (zip archive)

To run the experiment, unzip the archive and run the Java executable Experiment1.jar.

You need to have Java installed on your computer.




Analysis and replication materials


#------------------ LIBRARIES --------------------------#
install.packages(c("ggplot2","boot","gridExtra"), repos="")
## The downloaded binary packages are in
##  /var/folders/9s/1kyml98x6f7854mqs56lxrb00000gq/T//RtmpKdIl7V/downloaded_packages

#------------------ NAMES AND LABELS -------------------#
  ### short names for columns
crowd <- 'complexity_crowding'
innercrowd <- 'complexity_innercrowding'
deform <- 'complexity_deformation'
norm_error <- 'normalized_error'
accuracy <- 'ID_accuracy'
accuracy_irrespectiveofID <- 'noID_accuracy'

  ### text labels for charts
lDeform <- 'Deformation'
lincrowd <- 'Inner crowding'
lCrowd <- 'Crowding'
taskA_label <- 'noID'
taskB_label <- 'ID'

#------------ LOAD AND CHECK DATA ----------------------#
logs <- "experimental-materials/staggeredAnimation-xp1-logs.csv"
NB_PARTICIPANTS = 20   ## Our experimental setup

data = read.csv(logs, sep="\t", head=TRUE)
data <- data[data$is_practice != 'true',]   ## Filter out practice trials

#### filter by idTrack
taskA <- data[data$is_idTrack == 'false',]
taskB <- data[data$is_idTrack == 'true',]

    cat("Warning: wrong number of trials for Condition A")
    cat("Warning: wrong number of trials for Condition B")

#--------------- USEFUL FUNCTIONS ----------------------#

##### get subset corresponding to a complexity level 'level' of a measure 'measure'
getSubsetByComplexity <- function(x, measure, level)  {
    result <- x[x[,measure]==level,]
    if (length(result[,1]) != NB_PARTICIPANTS*NB_REPS*NB_CONDITIONS/2)    ### sanity check
            cat("Warning: wrong number of trials in getSubsetByComplexity")
    return (result)
                    ## Exemple: call getSubsetByComplexity(condA, innercrowd, 'E')

aggregateParticipant <- function(x,measure,f) {
    if (f=="mean")
        return (aggregateMean(x,measure))
        return (aggregateMedian(x,measure))

###### get mean per participant
aggregateMean <- function(x, measure) {
    aggdata <- aggregate(x[,measure] ~ participant, data = x, mean)
    return (aggdata)

###### get median per participant
aggregateMedian <- function(x, measure) {
    aggdata <- aggregate(x[,measure] ~ participant, data = x, median)
    return (aggdata)

##### get global percent of success
getPercent <- function(x, measure) {
    aggdata <- aggregate(x[,measure] ~ participant, data = x, sum)
    aggdata[,2] <- aggdata[,2]/48
    return (aggdata)    

### get mean of a vector by Measure
getMean <- function(x,measure) {

### get median of a vector by Measure
getMedian <- function(x,measure) {

### get confidence interval
getCI <- function(x,f) {
    if (f == "mean")
    else    # median

### get Confidence interval (mean)
getCIMean <- function(x) {
    number.measures <- length(x)
    number.samples <- 5000

    sample.mean <- function(x, index) {
    boot.object <- boot(x, sample.mean, R = number.samples)
    confidence.intervals <- quantile(boot.object$t, c(0.025, 0.975))  #the samples are in boot.object$t
    boot.object$t0  # the mean
    return (confidence.intervals)

### get Confidence interval (median)
getCIMedian <- function(x) {
    number.measures <- length(x)
    number.samples <- 5000

    sample.median <- function(x, index) {
    boot.object <- boot(x, sample.median, R = number.samples)
    confidence.intervals <- quantile(boot.object$t, c(0.025, 0.975))  #the samples are in boot.object$t
    boot.object$t0  # the median
    return (confidence.intervals)

## get Lower value of a CI, 
# Param: column=<normalized_error, accuracy>, f=<"mean", "median">
getLowerCI <- function(x, f) {
    ci <- getCI(x,f)
    ci <-

getUpperCI <- function(x, f) {
    ci <- getCI(x,f)
    ci <-


#--------------- FUNCTIONS FOR PLOTS ----------------------#

 # This function displays the plots  
 # Parameters :
 #      task = <taskA, taskB>
 #      f = <median, mean>
 #      measure = <norm_error, accuracy>
 #      measure_label = lable of the x axis 
 #      colour_palette = colour palette for brewer (1:blue, 4:green, 7:orange)
 #      title = title of the plot
 #      xmin, xmax = xlimits of the plot
    plotLowHigh <- function(task, f, measure, measure_label, colour_palette, title, xmin, xmax) {   
        crowd_L <- aggregateParticipant(getSubsetByComplexity(task,crowd,'L'),measure,f)[,2]
        crowd_H <- aggregateParticipant(getSubsetByComplexity(task,crowd,'H'),measure,f)[,2]
        incrowd_L <- aggregateParticipant(getSubsetByComplexity(task,innercrowd,'L'),measure,f)[,2]
        incrowd_H <- aggregateParticipant(getSubsetByComplexity(task,innercrowd,'H'),measure,f)[,2]
        deform_L <- aggregateParticipant(getSubsetByComplexity(task,deform,'L'),measure,f)[,2]
        deform_H <- aggregateParticipant(getSubsetByComplexity(task,deform,'H'),measure,f)[,2]  
        L_points <- c(mean(crowd_L), mean(incrowd_L), mean(deform_L))
        if (f=="median") L_points <- c(median(crowd_L), median(incrowd_L), median(deform_L))
        L_lower_CIs <- c(getLowerCI(crowd_L,f), getLowerCI(incrowd_L,f), getLowerCI(deform_L, f))
        L_upper_CIs <- c(getUpperCI(crowd_L,f), getUpperCI(incrowd_L,f), getUpperCI(deform_L, f))

        H_points <- c(mean(crowd_H), mean(incrowd_H), mean(deform_H))
        if (f=="median") H_points <- c(median(crowd_H), median(incrowd_H), median(deform_H))
        H_lower_CIs <- c(getLowerCI(crowd_H,f), getLowerCI(incrowd_H,f), getLowerCI(deform_H, f))
        H_upper_CIs <- c(getUpperCI(crowd_H,f), getUpperCI(incrowd_H,f), getUpperCI(deform_H, f))   
        dfr <- data.frame(                                           # data frame with f and CIs
            x = c(L_points,H_points),
            y = rep(c("Crowding","Inner crowding","Deformation"), 2),
            upper = c(L_upper_CIs, H_upper_CIs),
            lower = c(L_lower_CIs, H_lower_CIs),
            complexity = rep(c("Low","High"), each = 3)

        dfr$y_numeric <- c(0.9,1.9,2.9,1.1,2.1,3.1)
        p <- ggplot(dfr, aes(x, y_numeric, colour = complexity)) +
                geom_point(size = 6) +
                geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin=lower, xmax=upper), height = .0, size = 1) +
                scale_colour_brewer(palette=colour_palette) +
                coord_cartesian(xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim = c(0.7,3.3)) +
                scale_y_discrete(breaks=c(1,2,3), labels=c("Crowding","Inner crowding","Deformation")) +    
                xlab(measure_label) +       
                theme_bw() + 
                theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(), axis.line.y = element_blank()) +
        return (p)

    plotDifference <- function(task, f, measure, measure_label, title, xmin, xmax) {    
        crowd_L <- aggregateParticipant(getSubsetByComplexity(task,crowd,'L'),measure,f)[,2]
        crowd_H <- aggregateParticipant(getSubsetByComplexity(task,crowd,'H'),measure,f)[,2]
        incrowd_L <- aggregateParticipant(getSubsetByComplexity(task,innercrowd,'L'),measure,f)[,2]
        incrowd_H <- aggregateParticipant(getSubsetByComplexity(task,innercrowd,'H'),measure,f)[,2]
        deform_L <- aggregateParticipant(getSubsetByComplexity(task,deform,'L'),measure,f)[,2]
        deform_H <- aggregateParticipant(getSubsetByComplexity(task,deform,'H'),measure,f)[,2]
        if (measure == accuracy || measure == accuracy_irrespectiveofID) {
            crowd_diff <- crowd_L - crowd_H
            incrowd_diff <- incrowd_L - incrowd_H
            deform_diff <- deform_L - deform_H
        else {
            crowd_diff <- crowd_H - crowd_L
            incrowd_diff <- incrowd_H - incrowd_L
            deform_diff <- deform_H - deform_L
        points <- c(mean(crowd_diff), mean(incrowd_diff), mean(deform_diff))
        if (f=="median") L_points <- c(median(crowd_diff), median(incrowd_diff), median(deform_diff))
        lower_CIs <- c(getLowerCI(crowd_diff,f), getLowerCI(incrowd_diff,f), getLowerCI(deform_diff, f))
        upper_CIs <- c(getUpperCI(crowd_diff,f), getUpperCI(incrowd_diff,f), getUpperCI(deform_diff, f))

        dfr <- data.frame(                                           # data frame with differences and CIs
            x = points,
            y = c("Crowding","Inner crowding","Deformation"),
            upper = upper_CIs,
            lower = lower_CIs

        dfr$y_numeric <- c(1,2,3)
        p <- ggplot(dfr, aes(x, y_numeric)) +
                geom_point(size = 6) +
                geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin=lower, xmax=upper), height = .0, size = 1) +
                coord_cartesian(xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim = c(0.7,3.3)) +
                scale_y_discrete(breaks=c(1,2,3), labels=c("Crowding","Inner crowding","Deformation")) +    
                xlab(measure_label) +       
                theme_bw() + 
                theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(), axis.line.y = element_blank()) +
                return (p)

    #/------- PLOTS ---------/#
    p1 <- plotLowHigh(taskA, "mean", norm_error, "", 1, "noID task - Mean error", 0, 0.4)
    p2 <- plotDifference(taskA, "mean", norm_error, "", "noID task - Difference mean error", 0, 0.4)
    p3 <- plotLowHigh(taskB, "mean", norm_error, "", 7, "ID task - Mean error", 0, 0.4)
    p4 <- plotDifference(taskB, "mean", norm_error, "", "ID task - Difference mean error", 0, 0.4)
    p11 <- plotLowHigh(taskA, "mean", accuracy, "", 1, "noID task - Mean accuracy", 0.5, 1)
    p12 <- plotDifference(taskA, "mean", accuracy, "", "noID task - Difference mean accuracy", 0, 0.4)
    p13 <- plotLowHigh(taskB, "mean", accuracy, "", 7, "ID task - Mean accuracy", 0.5, 1)
    p14 <- plotDifference(taskB, "mean", accuracy, "", "ID task - Difference mean accuracy", 0, 0.4)
    p15 <- plotLowHigh(taskB, "mean", accuracy_irrespectiveofID, "", 4, "ID task - Mean accuracy (irrespective of ID)", 0.5, 1)
    p16 <- plotDifference(taskB, "mean", accuracy_irrespectiveofID, "", "D task - Difference mean accuracy (irrespective of ID)", 0, 0.4)
    #/-------- PLOT RESULTS --------/#
    grid.arrange(p1,p2,p3,p4, ncol=2)

    grid.arrange(p11,p12,p15,p16,p13,p14, ncol=2)